mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 02:50:24 +00:00
Redo the postilion port:
- Don't use the imap library that comes with it -- use the cclient port. Don't even extract it. - Don't bother patching configure and Makefile.in(s) -- use a local Makefile. - Use the latest TCL/TK 8.3. This port does not provide any loadable packages, so I chose not to use tclstubs, but link with libtk and libtcl directly. - Remove the tkstep cruft -- it was commented out since forever. - Finally fix the options.tcl -- the env(MAIL) logic was backwards. To do: add support of Cyrillic charsets (koi8-u, koi8-r). Currently has to be done by providing one's own ${LOCALBASE}/lib/postilion/postilionrc. Revisit installation of the documentation. The existing port continues to ignore it completely.
This commit is contained in:
2021-03-31 03:12:20 +00:00
svn path=/head/; revision=38286
@ -7,37 +7,25 @@
PORTNAME= postilion
CATEGORIES= mail tk82
CATEGORIES= mail tk83
MASTER_SITES= http://www.postilion.org/
MAINTAINER= ports@FreeBSD.org
LIB_DEPENDS= tcl82.1:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl82 \
BUILD_DEPENDS= tclsh8.2:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl82
LIB_DEPENDS= tk83.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk83 \
RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/Img1.2/pkgIndex.tcl:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/libimg
BUILD_DEPENDS= tclsh8.3:${PORTSDIR}/lang/tcl83
MAKEFILE= ${FILESDIR}/Makefile.bsd
DIR=lib/postilionlib SED="${SED}" \
EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS= | ${TAR} -xf - --exclude '*/imap/*'
CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-tcl-config=${PREFIX}/lib/tcl8.2
#.if defined(STEPIFY)
#LIB_DEPENDS+= tkstep80.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tkstep80 \
# Dnd.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11/libdnd \
# tiff.4:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/tiff \
# jpeg.9:${PORTSDIR}/graphics/jpeg
#USE_XPM= yes
#CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tk-config=${PREFIX}/lib/tkstep8.0
# ${SED} s/'(DND) 0/(DND) 1'/ ${FILESDIR}/options.tcl > \
# ${WRKSRC}/postilion/options.tcl
# @${ECHO} ""
# @${ECHO} "You can build postilion with NeXtStep style widgets by defining STEPIFY"
# @${ECHO} ""
LIB_DEPENDS+= tk82.1:${PORTSDIR}/x11-toolkits/tk82
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-tk-config=${PREFIX}/lib/tk8.2
${LN} -s ${FILESDIR}/config.h ${WRKSRC}
.include <bsd.port.mk>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
PROG= postilion.exec
NOMAN= why would you even ask?
LOCALBASE?= /usr/local
TCL_VER?= 8.3
DIR?= lib/postlionlib
LDADD= -lm -L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lc-client4 \
-ltk${TCL_VER:S/.//} -ltcl${TCL_VER:S/.//}
.if exists(/usr/lib/libpam.a)
LDADD+= -lpam
CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include/tcl${TCL_VER}
CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include/tk${TCL_VER}
CFLAGS+= -I${LOCALBASE}/include/c-client -I${LOCALBASE}/include
${BINDIR} ${BINDIR}/images:
${MKDIR} $@
all: ${PROG} postilion.sh ${.CURDIR}/postilion/tclIndex
cd ${.CURDIR}/postilion/Text/ && tclsh${TCL_VER} dotext.tcl
cd ${.CURDIR}/postilion && \
(${ECHO} "auto_mkindex . postilion *.tcl" | tclsh${TCL_VER})
postilion.sh: ${.CURDIR}/script/postilion
${SED} -e "s%^LIBDIR.*%LIBDIR=${BINDIR}%" \
-e "s%^EXEC.*%EXEC=${PROG}%" \
-e "s%^COMPRESS.*%COMPRESS=/usr/bin/gzip%" \
-e "s%^CSUFFIX.*%CSUFFIX=gz%" \
-e "s%^CONFIG_DIR.*%CONFIG_DIR=${LOCALBASE}/lib/postilion%" \
-e "s%^PGP.*%PGP=${LOCALBASE}/bin/pgp%" \
< ${.CURDIR}/script/postilion > $@
beforeinstall: ${BINDIR} ${BINDIR}/images
${INSTALL_DATA} ${.CURDIR}/postilion/*.tcl \
${.CURDIR}/postilion/postilion \
${.CURDIR}/postilion/tclIndex ${BINDIR}
${INSTALL_DATA} ${.CURDIR}/postilion/images/*.gif ${BINDIR}/images
${INSTALL_SCRIPT} postilion.sh ${LOCALBASE}/bin/postilion
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/lib
SRCS= ratAppInit.c ratFolder.c ratStdFolder.c ratMessage.c ratCode.c \
ratAddress.c ratDbase.c ratDbFolder.c ratStdMessage.c ratDbMessage.c \
ratFrMessage.c ratSMTP.c ratDSN.c ratHold.c ratSender.c ratExp.c \
ratMailcap.c ratCompat.c ratPGP.c ratPGPprog.c
.include <bsd.prog.mk>
@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
# options.tcl --
# This file contains defaults for all the options. These are just the
# built in defaults.
# TkRat software and its included text is Copyright 1996,1997,1998
# by Martin Forss.ANin
# Postilion software and its included text and images
# Copyright (C) 1998 Nic Bernstein
# The full text of the legal notices is contained in the files called
# COPYING and COPYRIGHT.TkRat, included with this distribution.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# OptionsInit --
# Initialize the options to their default values
# Arguments:
proc OptionsInit {} {
global env option postilion_version icons mailbox address mboxview
# Last run version
set option(last_version) ""
# The date of the last version used
set option(last_version_date) 0
# Want information about changes?
set option(info_changes) 1
# UI language
set option(language) en
# Search path for global configuration files
set option(global_config_path) $env(CONFIG_DIR)
# Personal config directory
set option(postilion_dir) ~/.postilion
# Database directory
set option(dbase_dir) ~/.postilion/db
# Directory to backup database messages to
set option(dbase_backup) ~/.postilion/backup
# Directory to store outgoing messages
set option(send_cache) ~/.postilion/send
# Delivery mode
set option(delivery_mode) direct
# whether to display the button bar
set option(button_bar) 1
# style of buttons to use (text or image)
set option(image_buttons) 1
# whether to display the sync button
set option(sync_but) 0
# what the sync button should do
set option(sync_oper) 0
# paths and files to use for images
set option(image_path) $env(LIBDIR)/images
# the up-arrow button
set icons(upabut) $option(image_path)/uparrow.gif
# the down-arrow button
set icons(dnabut) $option(image_path)/dnarrow.gif
# the move button
set icons(mvbut) $option(image_path)/mailbox.gif
# the delete button
set icons(delbut) $option(image_path)/trash.gif
# the compose button
set icons(compbut) $option(image_path)/compose.gif
# the find message button
set icons(fndbut) $option(image_path)/find.gif
# the synchronize button
set icons(updbut) $option(image_path)/sync.gif
# the reply button
set icons(repbut) $option(image_path)/reply.gif
# the reply-all button
set icons(rallbut) $option(image_path)/replyall.gif
# the forward button
set icons(fwrdbut) $option(image_path)/forward.gif
# the send image
set icons(sndbut) $option(image_path)/send.gif
# the send/save image
set icons(savbut) $option(image_path)/sendsave.gif
# the Spell check image
set icons(spllbut) $option(image_path)/spell.gif
# the attach-file image
set icons(atchbut) $option(image_path)/attach-mini.gif
# the attach-keys image
set icons(keybut) $option(image_path)/keys.gif
# the encrypt image
set icons(mcryptbut) $option(image_path)/pgp-mini.gif
# the sign image
set icons(msignbut) $option(image_path)/sign-mini.gif
# the PGP icon
set icons(mlockbut) $option(image_path)/keys-mini.gif
# the DSN icon
set icons(mrecpbut) $option(image_path)/recp-mini.gif
# the encrypt image
set icons(cryptbut) $option(image_path)/pgp.gif
# the sign image
set icons(signbut) $option(image_path)/sign.gif
# the PGP icon
set icons(lockbut) $option(image_path)/keys.gif
# the DSN icon
set icons(recpbut) $option(image_path)/receipt.gif
# the detach-file image
set icons(dtchbut) $option(image_path)/detach-mini.gif
# the base mbox icon
set icons(mbox_base) $option(image_path)/mailbox.gif
# the addresses icon
set icons(addrbut) $option(image_path)/addresses.gif
# information for the mailbox widget
# how many list boxes?
set mailbox(num_lbs) 3
# Width of listboxes in the mailbox widget
set mailbox(lbwidth) 20
# do we handle the hierarchy as a path or not?
# ie: for mailboxes, we need to keep track of how we got there,
# for addresses, we only care about the address, not how the user stores it
set mailbox(path) 1
# if this hierarchy uses a path, what is the path seperator
set mailbox(seperator) :
# the font to use for the headers in the mailbox widget
set mailbox(head_font) "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# A placekeeper
set mailbox(current) {}
# information for the mboxview widget
# Is it visible?
set option(mboxvis) 0
# how many list boxes?
set mboxview(num_lbs) 3
# Width of listboxes in the mboxview widget
set mboxview(lbwidth) 20
# the font to use for the headers in the mboxview widget
set mboxview(head_font) "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# A placekeeper
set mboxview(current) {}
# information for the address widget
# how many list boxes?
set address(num_lbs) 2
# Width of listboxes in the address widget
set address(lbwidth) {}
# do we handle the hierarchy as a path or not?
# ie: for mailboxes, we need to keep track of how we got there,
# for addresses, we only care about the address, not how the user stores it
set address(path) 0
# if this hierarchy uses a path, what is the path seperator
set address(seperator) :
# the font to use for the headers in the address widget
set address(head_font) "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
# A placekeeper
set address(current) {}
# Whether to enable Offix DND support, must be 1 or 0
set option(DND) 0
# How long to wait between expiring the database (in days)
set option(expire_interval) 7
# Directory for message hold
set option(hold_dir) ~/.postilion/hold
# Userprocedures file
set option(userproc) ~/.postilion/userproc
# Main window name
set option(main_window_name) "Postilion v$postilion_version"
# Main window geometry
set option(main_geometry) +0+50
# Icon name
set option(icon_name) "Postilion v$postilion_version"
# Command to get default folder
set option(default_folder) "INBOX file {} /var/spool/mail/$env(USER)"
# Format of list of messages
set option(list_format) "%4S %6d %-24n %4B %s"
# How many headers we should show
set option(show_header) selected
# Which the selected headers are:
set option(show_header_selection) {From Subject Date To CC Reply-To}
# How many old directories we should remember
set option(prev_dir) 10
# Default permissions mask
set option(permissions) 0600
# Prefix for date type dynaminc folders
set option(date-prefix) sent
# Geometry of compose window
set option(compose_geometry) +0+50
# Which headers to compose
set option(compose_headers) {To Subject Cc}
# Which custom headers
set option(custom_headers) {}
# Which editor to use (%s will be expanded to a filename)
set option(editor) "emacs %s"
# Which domain we should pretend we are from
set option(masquerade_as) {}
# Which domain we are in
set option(domain) {}
# List of SMTP hosts
set option(smtp_hosts) {localhost}
# Default sening protocol
set option(sendprot) smtp
# Default sending program
set option(sendprog) /usr/lib/sendmail
# Can the sending program handle eightbit data
set option(sendprog_8bit) false
# Default character set for tcl
set option(charset) iso-8859-1
# Leader string for replies
set option(reply_lead) {>}
# Width of listboxes in vfolderdef window
set option(vfoldername_width) 15
# True (1) if we should show the watcher
set option(watcher_enable) 1
# Time between checking for new mail in different folders
set option(watcher_time) {{std 30} {dbase 0}}
# Geometry of watcher
set option(watcher_geometry) -140+0
# Watcher window name
set option(watcher_name) Watcher
# Watcher max height
set option(watcher_max_height) 10
# Font in watcher
set option(watcher_font) 5x7
# How many messages the watcher shall show
set option(watcher_show) new
# How many times the bell should be run when new messages arive
set option(watcher_bell) 2
# Format of list of messages in watcher
set option(watcher_format) "%4S %-24n %s"
# Print command
set option(print_command) "lpr %s"
# Headers to print
set option(print_header) selected
# Should we print non-text attachments
set option(print_non_text) 0
# Directory for temporary files
set option(tmp) /tmp
# Subject for replies to messages without subject
set option(no_subject) "Re: (no subject)"
# Default signature file
set option(signature) ~/.signature
# Default folder sort method
set option(folder_sort) folder
# Should we advance the message cursur when flaging messages
set option(adv_on_flag) 0
# Message attribution
set option(attribution) "On %d, %n wrote:"
# Forwarded tag
set option(forwarded_message) "------ Forwarded message ------"
# File typing
set option(typetable) { {*text* text/plain}
{*XPM* image/pixmap}
{*GIF* image/gif}
{*JPEG* image/jpeg}
{*JPG* image/jpeg}
{*TIF* image/tiff}
{*TIFF* image/tiff}
{"*8-bit u-law*" audio/basic}
{*PostScript* application/postscript}
{*data* application/octet-stream}}
# True if we want to see ALL messages from c-client (including babble)
set option(see_bable) 0
# True if we have looked for alias files
set option(scan_aliases) 0
# Number of messages to remember
set option(num_messages) 10
# True if we should lookup usernames in the local passwd-list
set option(lookup_name) true
# Default database expiration type
set option(def_extype) remove
# Default clock time format (12 or 24)
set option(clock_format) 24
# Default database expiration time
set option(def_exdate) +365
# How many messages are required for one chunk (in dbase backup)
set option(chunksize) 100
# Where we should store dsn files
set option(dsn_directory) ~/.postilion/DSN
# If we should default to request DSN
set option(dsn_request) 0
# If we should remove delivery reports from folders
set option(dsn_snarf_reports) 0
# How many days each DSN entry should be kept in the list
set option(dsn_expiration) 7
# How verbose we should be when recieving DSN's
set option(dsn_verbose) {{failed notify} {delayed status} {delivered status} {relayed status} {expanded none}}
# Which windows to display at startup
set option(start_win) [list [list mailboxes 0] [list compose 0] \
[list address 0] [list folder 1]]
# Whether to use a single NeXT style menu (1), or per-window menus (0)
set option(next_menu) 0
# Which message we should select when a folder is opened
set option(start_selection) first_new
# How long log messages should show (in ms)
set option(log_timeout) 3
# The default reply_to address
set option(reply_to) ""
# The font size we use
set option(fontsize) 12
# Folder window key combination
set option(folder_key_compose) <Key-m>
set option(folder_key_quit) <Alt-Key-F4>
set option(folder_key_nextu) <Key-Tab>
set option(folder_key_sync) <Control-Key-s>
set option(folder_key_update) <Control-Key-u>
set option(folder_key_delete) <Key-d>
set option(folder_key_undelete) <Key-u>
set option(folder_key_flag) <Key-g>
set option(folder_key_seen) <Key-s>
set option(folder_key_ans) <Key-a>
set option(folder_key_next) {<Key-Right> <Shift-Key-Down> <Key-n>}
set option(folder_key_prev) {<Key-Left> <Shift-Key-Up> <Key-p>}
set option(folder_key_replya) <Key-R>
set option(folder_key_replys) <Key-r>
set option(folder_key_replyq) <Key-q>
set option(folder_key_replyqa) <Key-Q>
set option(folder_key_forward_i) <Key-f>
set option(folder_key_forward_a) <Key-F>
set option(folder_key_bounce) <Key-b>
set option(folder_key_home) {<Key-0> <Key-F27>}
set option(folder_key_bottom) {<Key-F33> <Key-End>}
set option(folder_key_pagedown) {<Key-space> <Key-F35> <Key-z>}
set option(folder_key_pageup) {<Key-BackSpace> <Key-F29> <Control-b>}
set option(folder_key_linedown) {<Key-Down>}
set option(folder_key_lineup) {<Key-Up>}
set option(folder_key_cycle_header) <Key-h>
set option(folder_key_find) <Key-l>
set option(folder_key_select_all) <Key-A>
set option(folder_key_deselect_all) <Key-c>
# Compose window key combinations
set option(compose_key_send) <Control-s>
set option(compose_key_abort) <Alt-Key-F4>
set option(compose_key_editor) <Control-o>
set option(compose_key_undo) <Control-u>
set option(compose_key_cut) {<Shift-Delete> <Control-x>}
set option(compose_key_cut_all) <Control-W>
set option(compose_key_copy) {<Control-Insert> <Control-c>}
set option(compose_key_paste) {<Shift-Insert> <Control-v>}
set option(compose_key_replys) <Control-r>
set option(compose_key_replyq) <Control-q>
set option(compose_key_replya) <Control-R>
set option(compose_key_replyqa) <Control-Q>
set option(compose_key_insert) <Control-i>
# If we should check for stolen mail
set option(mail_steal) 1
# Data for netscape inbox
set option(ms_netscape_pref_file) $env(HOME)/.netscape/preferences
set option(ms_netscape_mtime) 0
# True if we should remember the window positions
set option(keep_pos) 1
# The default From: address (may be empty)
set option(from) {}
# True if we should let the user specify from address.
set option(use_from) 1
# The level of verboseness we should use when talking SMTP
set option(smtp_verbose) 1
# If we should try to send multiple letters though one channel
set option(smtp_reuse) 1
# The color set
set option(color_set) {gray67 black}
# The background color for the compose and message "paper"
set option(paper_color) white
# True if we should cache passwords
set option(cache_passwd) 1
# Which icon to set for the application
set icons(app_icon) $option(image_path)/postilion.gif
# the compose window icon
set icons(compicon) $option(image_path)/compicon.gif
# the addressbook window icon
set icons(addrwin) $option(image_path)/addrbook.gif
# the preferences window icon
set icons(prefwin) $option(image_path)/preficon.gif
# the help window icon
set icons(helpwin) $option(image_path)/helpicon.gif
# the mailbox window icon
set icons(mboxwin) $option(image_path)/mboxicon.gif
# the browser window icon
set icons(brwswin) $option(image_path)/brwsicon.gif
# the dimple image
set icons(dimple) $option(image_path)/dimple.gif
# the down dimple image
set icons(down) $option(image_path)/down.gif
# the up dimple image
set icons(up) $option(image_path)/up.gif
# the no-dimple image
set icons(none) $option(image_path)/none.gif
# The default expression mode
set option(expression_mode) basic
# If we should start up in iconic mode
set option(iconic) 0
# If the compose editor should warn about cutting all text etc
set option(compose_warn) 1
# Length of message list
set option(message_llength) 14
# Mailcap path
set option(mailcap_path) {~/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap}
# Terminal command
set option(terminal) "xterm -e sh -c"
# Imap port
set option(imap_port) 143
# SMTP timeout
set option(smtp_timeout) 120
# Should we send even though we have a bad hostname?
set option(force_send) 0
# Should we quote the original message when replying (1=no, 0=yes)?
set option(quote) 0
# Should we skip the signature of the message we are replying to
set option(skip_sig) true
# Are we PGP capable?
if [info exists env(PGPPATH)] {
set pgpdir $env(PGPPATH)
} else {
set pgpdir ~/.pgp
if {0 < [string length "$env(PGP)"] &&
1 == [file readable $pgpdir/pubring.pgp] &&
1 == [file readable $pgpdir/secring.pgp]} {
set option(pgp_enable) 1
} else {
set option(pgp_enable) 0
# Path to pgp program
set option(pgp_prog) $env(PGP)
# Extra pgp options
set option(pgp_args) {}
# If we should make a copy of attached files
set option(copy_attached) 1
# If we should sign outgoing letters
set option(pgp_sign) 0
# If we should encrypt outgoing letters
set option(pgp_encrypt) 0
# Default url viewer
set option(url_viewer) netscape
# Name (and path) of netscape executable
set option(netscape) netscape
# Extra arguments for netscape
set option(netscape_args) -install
# Color of URL
set option(url_color) blue
# Message list colors
set option(new_msg_col) green
set option(sel_msg_col) white
set option(fnd_msg_col) white
set option(flg_msg_col) red
set option(del_msg_col) yellow
set option(seen_msg_col) black
set option(ans_msg_col) blue
# System wide aliases
set option(system_aliases) "System postilion $env(CONFIG_DIR)/aliases"
set option(use_system_aliases) 1
# System wide mailboxes
set option(system_mailboxes) "$env(CONFIG_DIR)/sysvfolderdef"
set option(use_system_mboxes) 1
# Personal alias lists
set option(addrbooks) {{Personal postilion ~/.postilion/aliases}}
# Default alias book
set option(default_book) Personal
# Default browse mode
set option(browse) folder
# Default sort mode
set option(sort_mode) folder
# Default list format mode
set option(list_mode) folder
# Default signature mode
set option(sig_mode) folder
# Default start selection mode
set option(strsel_mode) folder
# Default From mode
set option(from_mode) folder
# Default reply to mode
set option(reply_mode) folder
# Caching data
set option(cache_pgp) 1
set option(cache_pgp_timeout) 300
set option(cache_passwd) 1
set option(cache_passwd_timeout) 300
set option(cache_conn) 1
set option(cache_conn_timeout) 10
# URL protocols
set option(urlprot) {http shttp ftp news telnet}
# Balloon help
set option(show_balhelp) 1
# Balloon help delay
set option(balhelp_delay) 500
# Message finding fields
set option(msgfind_format) "%s%n%b%D"
# Should we warn about tk version 8.2
set option(warn_tk82) 1
## Ispell options
# Turn Ispell On/Off
set option(ispellon) 1
# Re-Verify after Adds?
set option(ispellRecheckAfterAdd) 1
# Spell Check 'Text' only?
set option(ispelltextOnly) 1
# Default speller invocation
set option(ispelldefaultCommand) "ispell -a -S"
# Other Invocations
set option(ispellotherCommands) " German { ispell -a -d deutsch } \
French { ispell -a -d francais } \
English { ispell -a -d english } "
# Menu popup bound to:
set option(ispellpopupBinding) "ButtonPress-3"
# Miss-spelled word style
set option(ispellviewStyle) underline
# color for fgcolor and bgcolor
set option(ispellviewStyle-Color) red
# Style if 'other' is selected
set option(ispellviewStyle-Other) "-underline t -foreground red"
# Automatically expunge on folder close
set option(expunge_on_close) 0
# OptionsRead --
# Searches the filesystem for postilionrc files
# Arguments:
proc OptionsRead {} {
global option globalOption env ispellVars
# Read global files
foreach dir $option(global_config_path) {
if [file readable $dir/postilionrc] {
source $dir/postilionrc
# Take copy of global options
foreach name [array names option] {
set globalOption($name) $option($name)
# Read local modifications
if [file readable $option(postilion_dir)/postilionrc] {
source $option(postilion_dir)/postilionrc
# Set Ispell preferences array
foreach pick {on RecheckAfterAdd textOnly defaultCommand
otherCommands popupBinding viewStyle viewStyle-Color
viewStyle-Other} {
set ispellVars($pick) $option(ispell$pick)
# SaveOptions --
# Saves the users changes to the global options to disk.
# Arguments:
proc SaveOptions {} {
global option globalOption
# Warning message
set message {#
# BEWARE of making changes to this file. It is automatically generated.
# You can change the values in this file via the preferences window.
# This file can only contain "set option(<optname>) <value>" lines,
# everything else will be destroyed when the file is regenerated.
set fh [open $option(postilion_dir)/postilionrc w]
puts $fh $message
foreach name [array names globalOption] {
if [string compare $option($name) $globalOption($name)] {
puts $fh "set option($name) [list $option($name)]"
close $fh
# ReadUserproc --
# Source the users userproc file with some caution
# Arguments:
proc ReadUserproc {} {
global option t
if [file readable $option(userproc)] {
if [catch "source $option(userproc)" message] {
Popup "$t(error_in_userproc): $message"
# InitFonts --
# Initializes the default fonts
# These initializations can be overridden in the local configuration files.
# See the ../CONFIGURATION file for details.
# Arguments:
proc InitFonts {} {
AddFont iso-8859-1 8 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-8-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 8 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-8-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 8 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-8-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 8 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-8-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 10 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 10 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 10 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-10-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 10 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-10-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 12 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 12 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 12 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-12-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 12 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-12-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 14 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 14 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 14 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 14 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 18 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-18-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 18 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-18-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 18 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-18-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 18 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-18-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 24 {} *-courier-medium-r-normal-*-24-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 24 {bold} *-courier-bold-r-normal-*-24-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 24 {italic} *-courier-medium-o-normal-*-24-*-iso8859-1
AddFont iso-8859-1 24 {bold italic} *-courier-bold-o-normal-*-24-*-iso8859-1
# InitCharsetAliases
# Initialize the aliases of charcter sets
# Arguments:
proc InitCharsetAliases {} {
global charsetAlias option
# These are predefined (remember to only use lowercase letters)
set charsetAlias(bar) iso-8859-1
# Read global files
foreach dir $option(global_config_path) {
if [file readable $dir/charsetAliases] {
source $dir/charsetAliases
# Read local modifications
if [file readable $option(postilion_dir)/charsetAliases] {
source $option(postilion_dir)/charsetAliases
proc InitImages {} {
global icons
foreach name [array names icons] {
if {[file readable $icons($name)]} {
image create photo $name -file $icons($name)
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- configure.orig Sat Nov 28 18:36:04 1998
+++ configure Wed Dec 8 21:56:00 1999
@@ -875,8 +875,8 @@
test -n "$AWK" && break
-# Extract the first word of "tclsh8.0", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy tclsh8.0; ac_word=$2
+# Extract the first word of "tclsh8.2", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy tclsh8.2; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
echo "configure:882: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_tclsh'+set}'`\" = set"; then
@@ -938,8 +938,8 @@
if test "x$wish" = "x"; then
- # Extract the first word of "wish8.0", so it can be a program name with args.
-set dummy wish8.0; ac_word=$2
+ # Extract the first word of "wish8.2", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy wish8.2; ac_word=$2
echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_word""... $ac_c" 1>&6
echo "configure:945: checking for $ac_word" >&5
if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_path_wish'+set}'`\" = set"; then
@@ -2074,7 +2074,7 @@
for i in $tcl_dirs ; do
tcl_include_dirs="$tcl_include_dirs $i/include"
-tcl_include_dirs="$tcl_include_dirs /usr/include/tcl /usr/include"
+tcl_include_dirs="$tcl_include_dirs /usr/local/include/tcl8.2 /usr/local/include/tkstep8.2 /usr/local/include/tk8.2 /usr/include"
for i in $tcl_include_dirs ; do
if test -r $i/tcl.h ; then
@@ -2586,8 +2586,11 @@
- NetBSD-*|FreeBSD-*)
+ NetBSD-*)
+ ;;
+ FreeBSD-*)
+ OSTYPE=bsf
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- imap/src/osdep/unix/os_bsi.h.orig Sat Oct 19 12:30:04 1996
+++ imap/src/osdep/unix/os_bsi.h Sun Feb 21 10:25:47 1999
@@ -37,7 +37,18 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+ * FreeBSD v3.x and onward whines about <sys/dir.h> being obsolete, so switch
+ * to POSIX semantics.
+ */
+#if __FreeBSD__ >= 3
+#include <dirent.h>
+#define direct dirent
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- imap/src/osdep/unix/Makefile.orig Sun Feb 21 10:27:22 1999
+++ imap/src/osdep/unix/Makefile Sun Feb 21 10:29:24 1999
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
dummy.o pseudo.o netmsg.o flstring.o fdstring.o \
rfc822.o nntp.o smtp.o imap4r1.o pop3.o \
unix.o mbox.o mbx.o mmdf.o tenex.o mtx.o news.o phile.o mh.o mx.o
RM=rm -rf
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
ACTIVEFILE=/usr/local/news/lib/active \
RSHPATH=/usr/bin/rsh \
bsi: # BSD/i386
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- lib/Makefile.in.orig Sun Feb 21 10:57:36 1999
+++ lib/Makefile.in Sun Feb 21 10:58:09 1999
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
if test ! -d ${LIB_DIR} ; then\
${INSTALL} -d ${LIB_DIR} ;\
- ${INSTALL} postilion.exec ${LIB_DIR}/postilion.exec
+ ${INSTALL} ${STRIP} postilion.exec ${LIB_DIR}/postilion.exec
ratAddress.o: ratAddress.c rat.h ../config.h
ratAppInit.o: ratAppInit.c ratFolder.h rat.h ../config.h ratPGP.h
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--- lib/Makefile.in.orig Sun Feb 27 17:06:43 2000
+++ lib/Makefile.in Sun Feb 27 17:06:46 2000
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
# To change the compiler switches, for example to change from -O
# to -g, change the following line:
-override EXTRA_CFLAGS += @CFLAGS@
+#override EXTRA_CFLAGS += @CFLAGS@
# Default top-level directories in which to install architecture-
# specific files (exec_prefix) and machine-independent files such
@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
--- postilion/options.tcl.orig Wed Feb 23 14:27:28 2000
+++ postilion/options.tcl Sun Feb 27 16:53:38 2000
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
# Command to get default folder
--- postilion/options.tcl Wed Feb 23 17:27:28 2000
+++ postilion/options.tcl Mon Feb 12 19:24:36 2001
@@ -217,5 +217,5 @@
if [info exists $env(MAIL)] {
- set option(default_folder) "INBOX file {} /var/spool/mail/$env(USER)"
+ set option(default_folder) "INBOX file {} /var/mail/$env(USER)"
} else {
- } else {
set option(default_folder) "INBOX file {} $env(MAIL)"
+ } else {
+ set option(default_folder) "INBOX file {} /var/mail/$env(USER)"
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
set option(sendprot) smtp
@@ -265,2 +265,2 @@
# Default sending program
- set option(sendprog) /usr/lib/sendmail
+ set option(sendprog) /usr/sbin/sendmail
# Can the sending program handle eightbit data
set option(sendprog_8bit) false
Reference in New Issue
Block a user