" >>$of
- echo -n "" >> $of
- echo -n "" >>$of
- echo -n $(basename $1 .log) >>$of
- echo -n "" >>$of
- echo -n " | " >>$of
- affected=$(($(grep -cF $(basename $1 .log) < INDEX) - 1))
- if [ $affected != 0 ]; then echo -n $affected >>$of; fi
- echo -n " | " >>$of
- size=$(/bin/ls -sk $1 | awk '{print $1}')
- echo -n "$size KB" >>$of
- echo -n " | " >>$of
- dir=$(sed -n -e '3p' $1 | awk '{print $4}' | sed -e 's,^/[^/]*/[^/]*/,,')
- echo -n "$dir" >>$of
- echo -n " | " >>$of
- maint=$(sed -n -e '4p' $1 | awk '{print $3}')
- maints="$maints $maint"
- echo -n "$maint" >>$of
- echo -n " | " >>$of
if grep -q 'list of extra files and directories' $1; then
reason="mtree"; tag="mtree"
elif grep -q "See for instructions." $1; then
- reason="gcc bug"; tag="gcc bug"
+ reason="gcc_bug"; tag="gcc-bug"
elif grep -q 'Checksum mismatch' $1; then
reason="checksum"; tag="checksum"
+ elif grep -qE '/usr/local/bin/(perl|perl5.6.1):.*(not found|No such file or directory)' $1; then
+ reason="perl"; tag="perl"
+ elif grep -q 'perl: Perl is not installed, try .pkg_add -r perl.' $1; then
+ reason="perl"; tag="perl"
elif grep -qE '(No checksum recorded for|(Maybe|Either) .* is out of date, or)' $1; then
- reason="distinfo update"; tag="distinfo"
+ reason="distinfo_update"; tag="distinfo"
elif grep -qE '(configure: error:|script.*failed: here are the contents of)' $1; then
- reason="configure error"; tag="configure"
+ reason="configure_error"; tag="configure"
elif grep -qE '(bison:.*(No such file|not found)|multiple definition of `yy)' $1; then
reason="bison"; tag="bison"
elif grep -q "Couldn't fetch it - please try" $1; then
@@ -68,7 +57,7 @@ else
elif grep -q 'Error: category .* not in list of valid categories' $1; then
reason="CATEGORIES"; tag="categories"
elif grep -q 'make: don.t know how to make .*\.man. Stop' $1; then
- reason="X manpage"; tag="xfree4man"
+ reason="X_manpage"; tag="xfree4man"
elif grep -q 'Xm/Xm\.h: No such file' $1; then
reason="MOTIF"; tag="motif"
elif grep -q 'undefined reference to `Xp' $1; then
@@ -90,33 +79,33 @@ else
elif grep -q ".*\.h: No such file" $1; then
if grep -qE "(X11/.*|Xosdefs)\.h: No such file" $1; then
if grep -q "XFree86-.*\.tgz" $1; then
- reason="missing header"; tag="header"
+ reason="missing_header"; tag="header"
reason="USE_XLIB"; tag="usexlib"
- reason="missing header"; tag="header"
+ reason="missing_header"; tag="header"
elif grep -q "pnohang: killing make checksum" $1; then
- reason="fetch timeout"; tag="fetch-timeout"
+ reason="fetch_timeout"; tag="fetch-timeout"
elif grep -q "pnohang: killing make package" $1; then
- reason="runaway process"; tag="runaway"
+ reason="runaway_process"; tag="runaway"
elif grep -q "cd: can't cd to" $1; then
reason="NFS"; tag="nfs"
elif grep -qE "pkg_add: (can't find enough temporary space|projected size of .* exceeds available free space)" $1; then
- reason="disk full"; tag="df"
+ reason="disk_full"; tag="df"
elif grep -qE '(parse error|too (many|few) arguments to|argument.*doesn.*prototype|incompatible type for argument|conflicting types for|undeclared \(first use (in |)this function\)|incorrect number of parameters|has incomplete type and cannot be initialized)' $1; then
- reason="compiler error"; tag="cc"
+ reason="compiler_error"; tag="cc"
elif grep -qE '(ANSI C.. forbids|is a contravariance violation|changed for new ANSI .for. scoping|[0-9]: passing .* changes signedness|discards qualifiers|lacks a cast|redeclared as different kind of symbol|invalid type .* for default argument to|wrong type argument to unary exclamation mark|duplicate explicit instantiation of|incompatible types in assignment|assuming . on overloaded member function|call of overloaded .* is ambiguous|declaration of C function .* conflicts with|initialization of non-const reference type|using typedef-name .* after|[0-9]: implicit declaration of function|[0-9]: size of array .* is too large|fixed or forbidden register .* for class)' $1; then
- reason="new compiler error"; tag="newgcc"
+ reason="new_compiler_error"; tag="newgcc"
elif grep -qE '(syntax error before|ISO C++ forbids|friend declaration|no matching function for call to|.main. must return .int.|invalid conversion from|cannot be used as a macro name as it is an operator in C\+\+|is not a member of type|after previous specification in|no class template named|because worst conversion for the former|better than worst conversion|no match for.*operator|no match for call to|undeclared in namespace|is used as a type, but is not)' $1; then
- reason="Bad C++ code"; tag="badc++"
+ reason="bad_C++_code"; tag="badc++"
elif grep -qE '(/usr/libexec/elf/ld: cannot find|undefined reference to|cannot open -l.*: No such file)' $1; then
- reason="linker error"; tag="ld"
+ reason="linker_error"; tag="ld"
elif grep -qE 'chown:.*invalid argument' $1; then
reason="chown"; tag="chown"
elif grep -q 'install: .*: No such file' $1; then
- reason="install error"; tag="install"
+ reason="install_error"; tag="install"
elif grep -q "/usr/.*/man/.*: No such file or directory" $1; then
reason="manpage"; tag="manpage"
elif grep -q "pkg_create: make_dist: tar command failed with code" $1; then
@@ -124,37 +113,227 @@ else
elif grep -q "Can't open display" $1; then
reason="DISPLAY"; tag="display"
elif grep -q " is already installed - perhaps an older version" $1; then
- reason="depend object"; tag="dependobj"
+ reason="depend_object"; tag="dependobj"
elif grep -q "error in dependency .*, exiting" $1; then
- reason="depend package"; tag="dependpkg"
+ reason="depend_package"; tag="dependpkg"
elif grep -q "#error \" has been replaced by \"" $1; then
reason="malloc.h"; tag="malloc.h"
elif grep -q "core dumped" $1; then
reason="coredump"; tag="coredump"
elif grep -q "Segmentation fault" $1; then
reason="segfault"; tag="segfault"
+ elif egrep -q "storage size of.*isn't known" $1; then
+ reason="union_wait"; tag="wait"
+ elif grep -q "initializer element is not constant" $1; then
+ reason="stdio"; tag="stdio"
elif grep -q "structure has no member named" $1; then
- reason="struct changes"; tag="struct"
+ reason="struct_changes"; tag="struct"
reason="???"; tag="unknown"
+ broken="no"
if grep -q "Trying build of .* even though it is marked BROKEN" $1; then
- echo -n "[B]" >> $of
+ broken="broken"
- echo -n "$reason" >>$of
- echo " |
" >>$of
+ echo "$filename|$portname|$affected|$logsize|$dir|$maintainer|$reason|$tag|$broken|$datetime" >> .logs
- echo "