2006-12-27 devel/leoarg: distfile and homepage disappeared
and also the two ports that depend on it:
their distfiles and homepages also disappeared.
2007-01-07 biology/coalesce: distfile disappeared from homepage
Actually the software is still available at:
http://evolution.gs.washington.edu/lamarc/coalesce.html, but it is
not supported by the authors. Last version is from 1995 and
biology/fluctuate can be used instead.
2007-01-17 games/mythserver: distfile disappeared
2007-01-16 games/nwnusers: Does not make any sense any more. (NWN 2 is out there)
2007-01-17 games/urban-sounds: distfile and homepage disappeared
2007-01-17 games/urban: distfile and homepage disappeared
2007-01-17 games/x3eyes: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-17 games/xeji: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-17 games/xemeraldia: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-17 games/xlifegame: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-17 games/xpilotmon: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-17 games/xsok: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2007-01-15 www/abcache: "is a dead project and the distfile disappeared"
2007-01-17 devel/rubygem-event-loop: replaced by devel/ruby-event-loop which gets around issues caused by the rubygems system
2006-12-01 editors/ooodict-all: Size mismatch
2006-12-01 mail/distribute: Does not install
2006-12-01 net-im/gaim-rss-reader: Requires update to work with Gaim 0.82.1
2006-12-31 sysutils/slay: Author doesn't see it as needed anymore
2006-12-01 misc/afbackup-client: Uses unregistered uid that conflicts with other ports
2006-12-01 misc/afbackup-server: Uses unregistered uid that conflicts with other ports
2006-12-14 lang/forth: obsoleted by lang/pfe; use of this port is pretty much senseless
2006-12-28 ftp/jmirror: distfile disappeared and has no homepage
2006-12-01 print/ec-fonts-mftraced: Installs files before 'make install'
2006-12-01 print/yatex-xemacs-mule: hangs during build
2006-12-01 security/gnu-crypto: Does not compile
2006-12-01 www/linux-beonex: Security issues. From http://www.beonex.com/ 'The currently available Beonex Communicator 0.8 builds have several known security bugs'
them to 1.01 and 3.06 respectively.
Changes since latex-beamer 3.01 (included in teTeX) include:
- Fixed bug in drawing of buttons.
- Version for use with pgf version 1.00.
- Added color theme wolverine and presentation theme AnnArbor,
submitted by Madhusudan Singh <madhusudan.singh@gmail.com>.
- Added two screen options.
- Added subsubsections (evil!).
- Added \begin{frame}{Title}{Subtitle} syntax.
- Switched to pgf version 0.95
- \setbeamercovered is now scoped.
- Fixed location of navigation symbols on plain frames.
- Fixed wrong frame number in conjunction with fragile option.
- Fixed compatibility definitions like \beamertemplateballtoc.
- Fixed compatibility definitions for \beamersetleftmargin.
- Fixed wobbling height of frametitle in default theme.
- Fixed problem with serif theme and "onlymath" option.
- Fixed problem with >127 characters and fragile option.
- Fixed problem with activation of Chinese characters
- Fixed problem with spaces in semiverbatim.