The company module defines the concepts of company and employee
and extend the user model.
PR: 170556
Submitted by: Matthias Petermann <>
The party module defines the concepts of party, category and
contact mechanism. It also comes with reports to print labels
and letters and a Check VIES wizard.
PR: 170559
Submitted by: Matthias Petermann <>
The country module defines the concepts of country and
subdivision and comes preloaded with the ISO 3166 list of
countries and subdivisions thanks to the pycountry module.
PR: 170557
Submitted by: Matthias Petermann <>
It define currencies and exchange rate. Allow to customize the
formatting of the currency amount.
PR: 170558
Submitted by: Matthias Petermann <>
categories of product, units of measure, categories of units of measure.
PR: 170560
Submitted by: Matthias Petermann <>
are no more self hosting so we are stuck with 0.25 version while pkgconf provide
the same set of features as 0.27 and a compatible frontend. A symlink to
pkg-config has been added for convenience and compatibility
This also introduces a new macro to use pkgconf in your ports:
it can take the following arguments:
- yes (meaning build only dep)
- build (meaning build only dep)
- run (meaning run only dep)
- both (meaning run and build dep)
From now USE_GNOME= pkgconfig is deprecated in favour of USE_PKGCONFIG
The old gnome macro has been modified to use pkgconf but still the sameway: run
and build dep to avoid large breakage.
While here fix some ports relying on pkg-config but not specifying it, fix some
ports broken because testing wrong .pc files, and fix ports using pkg-config
--version to determine pkg-config version instead of
pkg-config --modversion pkg-config like recommanded by pkg-config
With Hat: portmgr
Exp-runs by: bapt (pointhat-west), beat (pointyhat)
2012-05-10 archivers/php4-zlib: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 converters/php4-iconv: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 converters/php4-mbstring: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 converters/php4-recode: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-dba: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-dbase: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-dbx: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-filepro: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-interbase: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-mssql: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-mysql: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-odbc: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-oracle: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-pgsql: php4 is EOLed
databases/php4-rrdtool: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/php4-sybase_ct: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-dio: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-gettext: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-mcve: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-ncurses: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-pcntl: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-pcre: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-readline: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-shmop: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-sysvmsg: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-sysvsem: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-sysvshm: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 devel/php4-tokenizer: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 finance/php4-pfpro: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 ftp/php4-curl: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 ftp/php4-ftp: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 graphics/php4-chartdirector: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 graphics/php4-exif: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 graphics/php4-gd: php4 is EOLed
lang/php4: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 lang/php4-extensions: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 lang/php4-overload: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 mail/php4-imap: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 math/php4-bcmath: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 math/php4-gmp: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 misc/php4-calendar: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 misc/php4-mcal: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 net/php4-ldap: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 net/php4-sockets: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 net/php4-xmlrpc: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 net/php4-yp: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 net-mgmt/php4-snmp: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 security/php4-crack: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 security/php4-mcrypt: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 security/php4-mhash: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 security/php4-openssl: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 sysutils/php4-posix: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-ctype: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-domxml: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-pspell: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-wddx: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-xml: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 textproc/php4-xslt: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 www/php4-session: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 archivers/pecl-zip: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 databases/pecl-sqlite: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-11 devel/pear-XML_XPath: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-11 devel/pecl-json: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 www/pecl-tidy: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-10 www/php-dyn: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-11 security/pecl-hash: php4 is EOLed
2012-05-11 net/phpldapadmin098: php4 is EOLed
graphics/jpgraph: php4 is EOLed