# New ports collection makefile for: fetchmail # Date created: 25 Feb 2000 # Whom: Ville Eerola # # $FreeBSD$ # # NOTE: The fetchmailconf program (an interactive program for # writing .fetchmailrc files) requires Python, found in the Ports # Collection under lang/python. The fetchmail program itself # does not need Python, so there is no RUN_DEPENDS for Python in # this Makefile. PORTNAME= fetchmail PORTVERSION= 5.4.1 CATEGORIES= mail ipv6 MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.ccil.org/pub/esr/fetchmail/ MAINTAINER= ve@sci.fi LIB_DEPENDS= intl.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/gettext GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-OPIE --enable-RPA --enable-POP2 --enable-SDPS \ --enable-nls CONFIGURE_ENV= CPPFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include" \ LDFLAGS="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib" \ CFLAGS="-I${LOCALBASE}/include ${CFLAGS}" MAN1= fetchmail.1 MLINKS= fetchmail.1 fetchmailconf.1 .include .if ${OSVERSION} >= 400014 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-inet6 .if exists(/usr/lib/libssl.a) && exists(/usr/lib/libcrypto.a) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-ssl=/usr .endif .elif exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libssl.a) && exists(${LOCALBASE}/lib/libcrypto.a) CONFIGURE_ARGS+=-with-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include/openssl --with-ssl=${LOCALBASE} .endif .if exists(/usr/lib/libkrb.a) && defined(MAKE_KERBEROS4) CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-kerberos=/usr/include .endif .if defined(KRB5_HOME) && exists(${KRB5_HOME}/lib/libkrb5.a) CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-kerberos5=${KRB5_HOME} .endif FDOC= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/fetchmail pre-patch: @${CP} -f /usr/include/md5.h ${WRKSRC} @perl -pi.bak -e 's|^#!/.*/python|#!${PREFIX}/bin/python|;' ${WRKSRC}/fetchmailconf @${SED} -e "s|@PREFIX@|${PREFIX}|" ${FILESDIR}/fetchmailconf > ${WRKDIR}/fetchmailconf post-install: ${INSTALL} -d -m 555 -o ${DOCOWN} -g ${DOCGRP} ${FDOC} cd ${WRKSRC} && ${INSTALL_DATA} \ sample.rcfile FAQ NOTES FEATURES README COPYING \ fetchmail-FAQ.html fetchmail-features.html \ design-notes.html ${FDOC} ${MV} ${PREFIX}/bin/fetchmailconf ${PREFIX}/libexec/fetchmailconf.bin ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKDIR}/fetchmailconf ${PREFIX}/bin .include