Gomoku.app is an extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep. 
You win the game if you are able to put 5 of your pieces 
in a row, column or diagonal.  You loose if the computer 
does it before you.  You can play the game on boards of different 
size; the default size is 8 but 10 is also nice to play.  
Pass the size of the board as argument of Gomoku.app.  For example, to
play on a 10x10 board, you can start Gomoku with:

openapp Gomoku.app 10 

Warning: board size must be >= 8.

BUGS: Please mail them to <n.pero@mi.flashnet.it>

WWW: http://www.gnustep.it/nicola/Applications/Gomoku/