Post-Install Notes for Majordomo v1.93 ====================================== Before you can use Majordomo, you will need to complete a few steps manually: - customize '' in your majordomo directory - look at 'aliases.majordomo' in your majordomo directory for examples of how to create lists. A test list (test-l) has been created and configured for you. Be sure to remove this list if you do not want to use it for testing. - substitute your own email address for "Postmaster" for the "majordomo-owner" alias. - add 'aliases.majordomo' to your sendmail configuration. This can be done by adding a line similar to the following to /etc/ : OA/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.6.x Sendmail) O AliasFile=/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo (for 8.7.x Sendmail) or a line similar to the following to your m4 macros file : define(`ALIAS_FILE',/etc/aliases,/etc/aliases.majordomo') Enjoy Majordomo!