archivers/arc/arc521e.pl8: arc - create & extract files from DOS .ARC files archivers/gshar+gunshar/sharutils-4.1.3: Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives archivers/ha/ha0999: ha - the HA archiver using the HSC compression method, version 0.999beta archivers/lha/lha101u: LHA - version 101u. Compress/uncompress files using LZW compression (.lzh files) archivers/unarj/unarj: unarj version 2.41 - allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives. archivers/unrar/unrar100: unrar - version 1.00e. extract, view & test RAR archives. archivers/unzip/unzip-5.12: unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive. Version 5.12 archivers/zip/zip201: zip v 2.01. Create/update ZIP files which are compatabile with pkzip v2.04g archivers/zoo/zoo-2.10pl1: zoo - manipulate archives of files in compressed form. Version 2.10pl1 audio/gmod/gmod1.4: gmod - Gravis Ultrasound .MOD player audio/gsm/gsm-1.0.4: gsm - audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm encoding audio/maplay/maplay1_2: maplay, an MPEG audio player/decoder that decodes layer I and layer II MPEG audio streams audio/nas/nas-1.2p1: nas - Network Audio System version 1.2 patchlevel 1 audio/playmidi/playmidi: Playmidi 1.1 - MIDI player audio/sox/sox10p11: sox - SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator audio/tracker/tracker: Tracker 4.27 - MOD player audio/xcd/xcd: xcd - a Tcl/Tk CD player audio/xcdplayer/xcdplayer-2.2: XCdplayer 2.2 cad/acs/acs016: ACS is a general purpose circuit simulator. cad/irsim/irsim-9.2: IRSIM 9.2 cad/magic/magic-6.4.4: Magic CAD Tool 6.4.4 cad/pcb/pcb-1.2.patch_02: This is the Pcb Vers 1.2 comms/ecu/ecu-3.33: Extended Call Utility version 3.33 comms/flexfax/flexfax: flexfax fax software version 2.3 beta 036 comms/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty-0.22: mgetty+sendfax version 0.22 - handle external logins, send and receive faxes comms/seyon/Seyon-2.14b: The Seyon communications package for the X Window system, version 2.14c databases/msql/msql-1.0.5: msql version 1.0 - Mini SQL Database devel/bison/bison-1.22: bison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement) devel/gmake/make-3.72.1: GNU make 3.72.1 (binary distribution) devel/libmalloc/malloc: Small, fast malloc library with comprehensive error checking devel/m4/m4-1.4: This is Gnu's m4 Vers. 1.4 devel/mprof/mprof-3.0: Memory Profiler and Leak Detector, version 3.0 editors/axe/aXe-6.1.2: aXe-6.1.2 - aXe version 6.1.2 editors/emacs/emacs-19.28: GNU Emacs 19.28 text editor binaries editors/jove/jove-4.16beta: This is the JOVE text editor, version 4.14.6. editors/mule/mule-2.2.2: mule-2.2.2, a multilingual emacs editors/uemacs/uemacs: MicroEMACS version 3.12 -- a full screen editor editors/vile/vile-5.2: vile - VI Like Emacs. a vi "workalike", with many additional features. editors/xemacs/xemacs-19.11: X Emacs 19.11 text editor binaries editors/xvile/vile-5.2: xvile - VI Like Emacs, X11 version -- a fully "X aware" vi work-alike games/acm/acm: acm - A flight simulator for X11 games/golddig/golddig: golddig - Getting the Gold and Avoiding Death games/jetpack/jetpack: jetpack: Arcade action game for X Windows games/oneko/oneko-1.1b: oneko, a cat chasing a mouse all over the screen games/xasteroids/xasteroids: X windows based asteroids style arcade game games/xboard/xboard-3.2.pl0: xboard, X user interface for GNU Chess and the Internet Chess Server games/xboing/xboing2.2: xboing - X windows arcade game. Version 2.2 games/xchomp/xchomp: Pac-man-like game under X Windows games/xinvaders/xinvaders: Shoot-em-up them nasty little bugs. games/xjewel/xjewel-1.6: xjewel - X windows droping jewels game. Version 1.6 games/xlife/xlife: xlife-3.0, John Horton Conway's Game of Life. games/xmille/xmille: X window mille bourne game games/xmine/xmine-1.0.3-Xaw: The `Athena' port of the xminesweeper game games/xminesweep/xminesweep3.0: xminesweep - X windows minesweeper game. Version 3.0 games/xmj/xmj: Mahjongg games/xmris/xmris.4.02: Xmris: a version of the Mr Do video arcade game for the X Window System. games/xpipeman/xpipeman: xpipeman - connect the pipes to stop the leaks games/xrobots/xrobots: xrobots - fight off villainous robots (X Windows) games/xsol/xsol-new: xsol - solitare games/xtetris/xtetris-2.5.2: Xtetris is a X Window block dropping game. graphics/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-3.5: ImageMagick is an X11 package for display and interactive manipulation of images. graphics/dore/pdore-6.0: Dore - The Dynamic Object Rendering Environment graphics/mpeg-lib/mpeg_lib-1.1: MPEG Library - a collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies graphics/mpeg_play/mpeg_play-2.0: mpeg_play version 2.0, a program to play mpeg movies on X displays graphics/netpbm/netpbm: Netpbm - a toolkit for conversion of images between different formats graphics/jpeg/jpegsrc.v5a: IJG's jpeg compresion utilities version 5 graphics/tiff/v3.3beta021.src: Libtiff is a library for reading and writing tiff data files encoded with the "Tag Image File" format graphics/xanim/xanim2683: XAnim 2.68.3 graphics/xli/xli.1.16: xli, xsetbg, xview, xlito (ver 1.16) - utilities to display images on X11 graphics/xfig/xfig.3.1.3: Xfig - A drawing program. Version 3.1.3 graphics/xpaint/xpaint-2.1.1: XPaint is a simple paint program. graphics/xpm/xpm-3.4d: xpm-3.4d - version 3.4d of the X Pixmap library graphics/xv/xv-3.10a: XV 3.10, an X11 program that displays images of various formats japanese/Canna/Canna32p1: Canna 3.2p1 - Kana-Kanji convertion system japanese/Wnn/Wnn4.2: Wnn4.2, a Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (only Japanese built) japanese/kterm/kterm-6.1.0: kterm-6.1.0, an xterm that speaks Japanese japanese/nkf/nkf-1.5pl1: nkf-1.5pl1, Network Kanji code conversion Filter lang/Gofer/gofer230a: gofer - a lazy functional language lang/STk/STk-2.1.6: STk is a scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package. lang/Sather/Sather-1.0.5: ** No Description lang/forth/pfe099: forth - Implementation of ANSI Forth. Version 0.9.9 lang/gcl/gcl-1.1: gcl - GNU Common Lisp lang/logo/ucblogo: ucblogo - Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter. lang/p2c/p2c-1.21alpha-07.Dec.93: p2c - Pascal to C translator, version 1.21alpha-07.Dec.93 lang/scheme48/scheme48-0.36: Scheme 48 is the Scheme Underground's implementation of R4RS. lang/schemetoc/Scheme-to-C: Scheme-to-C, a compiler and interpreter for compiling scheme into C. lang/scm/scm: Scm - a scheme interpreter lang/smalltalk/smalltalk-1.1.1: GNU Smalltalk version 1.1.1 lang/tcl/tcl7.3: TCL (Tool Command Language), version 7.3 (with shared libs) lang/tclX/tclX7.3b: Extended TCL version 7.3b mail/elm/elm2.4: ** Not packageable mail/metamail/mm2.7: Metamail - implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions mail/mh/mh-6.8.3: Rand MH mail handling system, version 6.8.3 mail/pine/pine3.91: ** No Description mail/pgpsendmail/PGPsendmail-v1.4: ** No Description mail/popper/qpop2.1.3-r5: Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm) version 2.1.3 mail/procmail/procmail-3.10: ProcMail local mail delivery agent, version 3.10 mail/smail/smail- This is Smail 3.1.29, a program used for receiving and delivering mail. math/blas/blas: BLAS level 1, 2, and 3 (Basic Linear Algebra) math/calc/calc-2.9.3t6: calc - arbitrary precision calculator. Version 2.9.3t6 math/eispack/eispack: Eispack, Eigenvalue system package. math/fudgit/Fudgit_2.41: fudgit - double-precision multi-purpose data-processing and fitting program math/gmp/gmp-1.3.2: GNU MP, a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic. math/gnuplot/gnuplot: Gnuplot - a command-driven interactive function plotting program. Version 3.5 math/hexcalc/hexcalc: hexcalc, a multi-radix calculator for x11 math/linpack/linpack: Linpack, Linear Algebra package. math/oleo/oleo-1.6: Oleo is a Spreadsheet Program, version 1.6 math/xgraph/xgraph-11: xgraph ver. 11, a program that helps you plot graphs net/archie/c-archie-1.4.1-FIXED: archie - prospero client for the archie service net/cern_httpd/WWW: HTTPD (WWW) server from Cern (version 3.0) net/chimera/chimera-1.63: chimera - X/Athena World-Wide Web Client. Version 1.63 net/dgd/dgd-1.0.9: Dworkin's Generic Driver (network server) net/fspclient/fspclient.0.0-h+: fspclient - a client for the fsp service net/gated/gated-R3_5Alpha_9: GateD routing protocol daemon (version 3.5 alpha) net/gopher/gopher2.1: gopher - client and server for access to a distributed document service. net/imm/imm-3.3: IMM - Internet Image Multicaster (and receiver) net/irc/irc2.8.21: ircd, the 'Internet Relay Chat' Server. Version 2.8.21 net/ircII/ircii-2.8: ircII, the 'Internet Relay Chat' Client, Version 2.6 net/ivs/ivs-3.3: IVS - INRIA Videoconference Software, version 3.3 net/lynx/lynx2-3-7: lynx - A text/ascii oriented World-Wide Web Client. Version 2.3.7 BETA net/ncftp2/ncftp-2.0.1: NcFTP 2.0.1 -- Internet file transfer program net/nv/nv-3.3beta: NV (MBONE video tool), version 3.3beta net/pcnfsd/pcnfsd.93.02.16: pcnfsd(8) - Sun PC NFS authentication and printing server as of 93.02.16 net/pidentd/pidentd-2.4.1: pidentd - a RFC1413 identification server, version 2.4 alpha 2 net/pmf/pmf-1.13.1: PMF (Padrone's Mud Frontend), version 1.13.1 net/samba/samba-1.9.02: ** No Description net/scotty/scotty-1.2.0: scotty - network management extensions to tcl v1.2.0 patched to v1.2.2 net/sup/sup: This is CMU's Software Update Protocol package net/tclDP/tcl-dp3.2: tcl-dp - distributed processing extensions for tcl and Tk net/tcp_wrapper/tcp_wrappers_7.2: This is the 7.2 version of the TCP/IP daemon wrapper package. net/tcpblast/tcpblast: This is the TCPBLAST program. net/tkined/tkined-1.2.0: tkined - a tk based network editor v 1.2.0 Patched to v1.2.2 net/tkWWW/tkWWW-0.12: tkWWW version 0.12, a WWW client based on Tcl/Tk. net/tintin++/tintin++v1.5pl6: ** No Description net/wu-ftpd/wu-ftpd-2.4: wu-ftpd is a replacement ftp server for Un*x systems. net/xarchie/xarchie-2.0.10: X11 front-end program for the archie network search service net/yale-tftpd/yale-tftpd: Enhanced tftpd(8) from Yale University and cisco Systems net/zircon/zircon-1.15p10: Zircon, an X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat. news/cnews/cnews: Cnews, the January 1995 release news/nn/nn-6.5.0.b3: NN newsreader, version 6.5.0.b3 news/nntp/nntp-t5: NNTP with NOV support. news/trn/trn-3.6: TRN, Threaded Read News, newsreader 3.5 news/inn/inn1.4sec: InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews, Version 1.4 print/a2ps/a2ps: a2ps - formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer. Version 4.3 print/afm/afm: Adobe Font Metrics. print/dvi2xx/dvi2xx: dvilj2, dvilj2p, dvilj, dviljp, dvi3812: convert dvi files to HP LaserJet or IBM 3812 format print/dvips/dvips: dvips - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript. Version 5.58 print/dviselect/dviselect: dviselect - extract pages from DVI files print/ghostscript/ghostscript-2.6.1: GNU Postscript interpreter (2.6.1, pl4). print/ghostview/ghostview-1.5: ghostview - an X11 front-end for ghostscript, the GNU postscript previewer. print/psutils/psutils-1.13: psutils version 1.13: utilities for manipulating PostScript documents print/tex/web2c-6.1: This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1) and METAFONT, Version 2.71 print/latex/latex: LaTeX2e <1994/06/01> patch level 4a print/latex209/latex: LaTeX and slitex. Version 2.09 (the ``old'' version) print/makeindex/makeindex: makeindex - a general purpose, formatter-independent index processor. print/mltex/web2c-6.1: MlTeX (Multilingual TeX), METAFONT, LaTeX 2e + french.sty print/texinfo/texinfo: texinfo: typeset Texinfo files for printing. Uses TeX. print/transfig/transfig.3.1.1: transfig - Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files. Version 3.1.1 print/xdvi/xdvi: xdvi: a DVI Previewer for the X Window System. Patchlevel 18 print/xtexshell/XTeXShell-0.91: This is the XTeXShell Vers 0.91 shells/bash/bash-1.14.4: bash, the GNU Borne Again Shell. Version 1.14.4 shells/pdksh/pdksh-5.1.3: PD KSH v5.1.3 94/12/22 (binaries) shells/tcsh/tcsh-6.05: TCSH shell V6.05 (binaries) shells/zsh/zsh-2.6-beta4: Zsh - the Z shell, version 2.6 beta 4 utils/amanda/amanda-2.2.6: Amanda, The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver utils/colorls/colorls: colorls is an ls replacement that can use color to display file attributes. utils/cpm/cpm-1.1: Utility to transfer files from/to CP/M (R) diskettes. utils/hfs/hfs0_37: hfs - program for reading Macintosh HFS floppy disks, hard drives and CDROMs utils/iozone/iozone: IOZONE: Performance Test of Sequential File I/O -- V2.01 utils/ispell/ispell-3.1: Ispell - an interactive spelling checker. version 3.1 utils/less/less-278: less 278 - a better pager utility utils/mshell/mshell: Mshell: a Unix menuing shell utils/mtools/mtools-2.0.7: Mtools - a collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files. Version 2.0.7 utils/rman/rman-2.0: rman - reverse compile man pages from formatted form to a number of source formats utils/screen/screen-3.6.1: screen - a full-screen window manager utils/top/top-3.3: Top 3.3 - A system monitoring utility utils/tua/tua-4.0: TUA - The Uucp Analyzer. Version 4.0 utils/xdu/xdu-3.0: xdu, graphically display output of du utils/xsysstats/xsysstats1.32: xsysstats-1.32, a system information display tool x11/Xaw3d/Xaw3d-1.0: Xaw3d-1.0, a 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif. x11/color_xterm/color_xterm: R6 color xterm for XFree86-3.1 on FreeBSD-2.0 x11/ctwm/ctwm-3.3: CTWM is an extension to twm, that support multiple virtual screens, and a lot of other goodies. x11/emiclock/EmiClock-1.0.2: Emi Clock 1.0.2 - hyper animated face analog clock for X11 x11/emu/emu-1.31: The emu terminal emulator for the X Window System, version 1.31 x11/fvwm/fvwm: fvwm-1.23b - version 1.23b of of the fvwm window manager - requires XPM x11/g3view/g3view-1.8: g3view - fast display of a g3 fax file in an X11 window x11/olvwm/olvwm4: OpenLook Virtual Window manager x11/piewm/piewm: piewm, tvtwm with pie menus, where tvtwm is a virtual desktop twm x11/rxvt/rxvt-2.09: rxvt - a cut-down version of xterm for those with less memory x11/tk/tk3.6: TK (Tcl Tool Kit), version 3.6 (with shared libs) x11/tkhfs/tkhfs: tkhfs - a Tcl/Tk front end to the hfs program. x11/tkman/tkman-1.6: tkman - a Tcl/Tk based manual browser x11/tvtwm/tvtwm: tvtwm - a virtual desktop twm x11/x3270/x3270-3.0.3: 3270 Terminal emulator ( x11/xdaliclock/xdaliclock-2.05: xdaliclock v 2.05 - a rather neat animated clock. x11/xearth/xearth-0.92: XEarth 0.92 x11/xfed/xfed: xfed, a program that will let you edit X fonts (.bdf files) x11/xfm/xfm-1.3: xfm-1.3 - xfm version 1.3 x11/xkeycaps/xkeycaps-2.28: xkeycaps - graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping x11/xlockmore/xlockmore-2.7: XLockmore (like XLock session locker/screen saver, but just more) v 1.14 x11/xphoon/xphoon: xphoon sets X the root window to a picture of the moon in its current phase x11/xsnow/xsnow-1.39: Xsnow - create a snowy and Santa-y desktop x11/xview-config/xview-config: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages x11/xview-lib/xview-lib: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages x11/xview-clients/xview-clients: Xview3.2 executables libs, includes, and man pages x11/blt/blt-1.7: BLT (Tk add-on), version 1.7 (with shared libs)