#!/usr/bin/perl # # addport - perl script that adds new ports to the # FreeBSD Ports Collection. Replaces easy-import. # # Copyright (c) 2000 Will Andrews and Michael Haro # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # Original shell script & idea: Will Andrews # Original conversion to Perl : Michael Haro # # $Id: addport,v 1.2 2000/04/02 06:21:13 will Exp $ (original shell script) # $Id: addport,v 1.5 2000/04/22 22:19:43 mharo Exp $ (perl conversion) # $FreeBSD$ # # MAINTAINER= will@FreeBSD.org # use Cwd "abs_path"; use Getopt::Std; use Sys::Hostname; use strict; my %opts; getopts('ad:fh:imns:tu:', \%opts); my $distdir = $opts{'s'} if ($opts{'s'} ne ""); my $dir = $opts{'d'}; my $h = "freefall.FreeBSD.org"; $h = $opts{'h'} if ($opts{'h'} ne ""); my $n = ""; $n = "-n " if $opts{'n'}; my $u = $ENV{USER}; $u = $opts{'u'} if ($opts{'u'} ne ""); my $more_testing = $opts{'t'}; my $interactive = $opts{'i'}; my $nomkdir = $opts{'m'}; my $addlchk = $opts{'a'}; my $nofetch = $opts{'f'}; my $currentdir = abs_path("."); my $tmpdir; my $repo; my $ssh; if( !defined $ENV{"CVS_RSH"} ) { $ENV{CVS_RSH} = "ssh"; } my $make = "make"; my $portlint = `which portlint`; chomp $portlint; my $plint_args = "-N -a -c -t"; my $perl = "perl"; my $cp = "cp"; my $mv = "mv"; my $rm = "rm"; chomp(my $myhost = lc(hostname())); if ($myhost ne lc($h)) { $ssh = "$ENV{CVS_RSH} $u\@$h"; $repo = "$u\@$h:/home/ncvs" if !$ENV{CVSROOT}; } else { $ssh = ""; $repo = "/home/ncvs" if !$ENV{CVSROOT}; } $repo = "$ENV{CVSROOT}" if $ENV{CVSROOT}; my $cvs = "cvs $n-d $repo"; # stuff that always happens when we start BEGIN { $tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t ap`; chomp $tmpdir; if ($tmpdir eq "") { errx(1,"making random tmpdir didn't work, aborting."); } } # stuff that always happens when we exit END { # only remove $tmpdir if it points to something in /tmp # this is a silly little security thing if (defined($rm) && defined($tmpdir)) { system("$rm -rf $tmpdir") if ($tmpdir =~ m,/tmp/,); } } # setup the list of commands to run on the new port(s). my @commands; my $passenv = ""; if ($addlchk && -f $portlint) { $passenv = "DISTDIR=\"$distdir\"" if -d $distdir && $myhost ne "freefall.freebsd.org"; $passenv = "DISTDIR=\"$tmpdir\"" if $myhost eq "freefall.freebsd.org"; $passenv = $passenv . " PORTSDIR=\"$tmpdir\"" if !$nomkdir; push(@commands, "$make clean check-categories"); push(@commands, "$portlint $plint_args"); push(@commands, "$make $passenv FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS='-btA' checksum") if !$nofetch; if ($more_testing) { push(@commands, "$make distclean"); push(@commands, "$make build"); } if (!$nomkdir) { chdir $tmpdir; print "Checking out Mk directory to ensure portlint correctness.\n"; system("$cvs co ports/Mk") && errx(1, "Could not checkout Mk directory"); system("mv ports/Mk Mk") && errx(1, "Could not set up Mk directory"); chdir $currentdir; } } if ($dir eq "") { warnx("Need to specify a directory with -d argument!"); usage(); exit 1; } # make sure we're in the right place. chdir $currentdir; my @dirs = split(/\,/, $dir); foreach my $i (@dirs) { $i = abs_path($i); } my $portname; my $module; foreach my $thisdir (@dirs) { # make double sure where we are.. chdir $thisdir; # do some dir sanity checking first errx(1, "Please specify valid directories to import new ports from.") if $thisdir eq ""; errx(1, "$thisdir is either not a directory or does not exist.") if (! -d $thisdir); print "Working with port directory $thisdir.\n"; $portname = `basename $thisdir`; # avoid problems with dirs containing `/' in cvs chomp $portname; if ($interactive) { if (prompt("Port directory name will be $portname in CVS Repo. OK? ")) { do { $portname = query("Preferred name for port directory? "); } while (prompt("Is the new name $portname OK? ")); } } chdir $thisdir or err(1, "$thisdir"); # now run the tests on this baby. for (@commands) { system("$_") && errx(1, "'$_' had problems. aborting."); } # Get the category name and make it suitable for use with cvs my $category; $_ = `grep CATEGORIES Makefile`; m/\w+\W+([\w-]+)/; $category = $1; chomp $category; if ($interactive) { if (prompt("Port $portname will be put in category $category. OK? " )) { do { $category = query("Preferred category for $portname? "); } while (prompt("Is the new category $category OK? ")); } } chomp(my $cvs_category = $category); $cvs_category =~ s/-/_/g; $module = $portname; if ($interactive) { if (prompt("Port will be added as module $portname. OK? ")) { do { $module = query("Preferred module name for $module? "); } while (prompt("Is the new module name $module OK? ")); } } print "We're ready to commit.\n"; print "Source directory: $thisdir\n"; print "Target CVS Repo directory: ports/$category/$portname\n"; print "Modules entry: $module --> ports/$category/$portname\n"; prompt("Adding port $portname to $category OK? ") && errx(1, "user abort requested"); chdir $tmpdir or err(1, "$tmpdir"); # let's get our hands dirty. if (! -d $category) { system("$cvs co -l ports_$cvs_category") && errx(1, "can't get temporary category directory, aborting."); system("$mv ports_$cvs_category $category"); } chdir $category or err(1,"$category"); system("$cp -PRp $thisdir ."); system("$cvs add `find $portname -type d | grep -v CVS`") && errx(1, "cvs add for dirs failed, aborting."); system("$cvs add `find $portname -type f | grep -v CVS`") && errx(1, "cvs add for files failed, aborting."); # figure out where the port name belongs in category Makefile my @ports = &lsports; errx(1, "Error: $portname already exists in $category\'s Makefile") if (&contains($portname, @ports)); my $port = ""; foreach my $tmp (sort(@ports)) { if ($tmp gt $portname) { $port = $tmp; last; } } # now let's insert it my $cmd; if ($port eq "") { # there were no previous SUBDIR += lines, so we're going to # put ourselves after the last comment (we can't be after a # .include for example). my $lastcommentnum = &lastcomment; $cmd = "$lastcommentnum\n+\ni\n"; } else { # OK, append ourselves in the right place, so things *stay* sorted. $cmd = "/^ SUBDIR += $port/\ni\n"; } print "Inserting new port into $category/Makefile...\n"; open(ED, "|ed Makefile") || die "Cannot start ed to actually insert module\n"; print ED "$cmd SUBDIR += $portname\n.\nw\nq\n"; close(ED); # commit the actual port. chdir "$tmpdir/$category" or err(1, "$tmpdir/$category"); system("$cvs ci Makefile $portname") && errx(1, "cvs commit failed, aborting."); system("$ssh $perl /usr/local/bin/modulesupdate $module ports/$category/$portname") && errx(1, "adding port to modules failed, aborting."); } print <; chomp $reply; return $reply; } sub usage { #addport,v \$Revision: 1.5 $ print <, SYNOPSIS $0 [-h host] [-u user] [-s distdir] [-afimnt] -d directory Where "directory" contains the comma-delimited list of root directories of new ports that you wish to add to the Ports Collection. The name of this directory *WILL* matter in regards to the repository! OPTIONS -a Perform checks on the port to make sure there are no problems. Recommended. -f Do not fetch the distfile. -h host Use a cvshost besides freefall.FreeBSD.org. -i Interactive mode; allow more control over where things are placed. This is required in order to change things like module names etc. -m Do not checkout ports/Mk (needed for support of portlinting etc). -n Do not actually commit anything. -s distdir Use a different directory besides the default, for downloading distfiles. This defaults to the temporary directory set up on freefall. -t Do more port testing. Requires -a. -u user Use a different username (default: $u). ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES $0 supports the following environment variables: CVS_RSH - Command to use when connecting to CVS host. CVSROOT - Location of CVS repository. USER - Username of user invoking $0. EXAMPLES % addport -n -d greatgame,helpfuldev,shoot Will show what happens but not actually commit ports named "greatgame", "helpfuldev", and "shoot". % addport Displays this message. :-) EOF } sub contains { # look if the first parameter is contained in the list following it my ($item, @list) = @_; foreach my $i (@list) { return 1 if $i eq $item; } return 0; } sub lsports { my @rv = (); open(F, "Makefile") || die "can't open Makefile: $!"; while() { chomp; chomp; next if $_ !~ m/SUBDIR/; s/^[ \t]+SUBDIR[ \t]+\+?=[\ \t]+//; push(@rv, $_); } close(F); return @rv; } # this finds the last comment in the Makefile sub lastcomment { my $num = 0; my $diff = 0; open(F, "Makefile"); while() { chomp; if ($_ =~ m/^#/) { $num += $diff; $num++; $diff = 0; } else { $diff += 1; } next; } return $num; }