*** src/xresources.h.orig Wed Oct 25 10:40:00 1995 --- src/xresources.h Tue Dec 5 06:11:22 1995 *************** *** 95,101 **** offset (confirm_exit), XtRString, "True" }, /* THIS USED TO BE mailCommand BUT IS NOW sendmailCommand. */ { "sendmailCommand", "SendmailCommand", XtRString, sizeof (char *), ! offset (sendmail_command), XtRString, "/usr/lib/sendmail -t" }, /* Ignore this. Stealth feature. */ { "mailFilterCommand", "MailFilterCommand", XtRString, sizeof (char *), offset (mail_filter_command), XtRString, NULL }, --- 95,101 ---- offset (confirm_exit), XtRString, "True" }, /* THIS USED TO BE mailCommand BUT IS NOW sendmailCommand. */ { "sendmailCommand", "SendmailCommand", XtRString, sizeof (char *), ! offset (sendmail_command), XtRString, "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" }, /* Ignore this. Stealth feature. */ { "mailFilterCommand", "MailFilterCommand", XtRString, sizeof (char *), offset (mail_filter_command), XtRString, NULL },