# New ports collection makefile for: smalltalk # Version required: 1.1.5 # Date created: 09 Feb 1995 # Whom: gpalmer # # $FreeBSD$ # DISTNAME= smalltalk-1.1.5 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= smalltalk MAINTAINER= alex@big.endian.de BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PREFIX}/lib/libgdbm.a:${PORTSDIR}/databases/gdbm GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-optimize --with-readline IS_INTERACTIVE= yes NO_PACKAGE= "Installation requires interaction" # For some reason configure doesn't set this up properly and my feeble # brain can't see how to fix it. CFLAGS+= -I${X11BASE}/include do-install: @${ECHO_MSG} "Installing method definitions..." @ if [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/lib/smalltalk ]; then ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/lib/smalltalk; fi @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${CP} *.st ${PREFIX}/lib/smalltalk) @(cd ${PREFIX}/lib/smalltalk ; ${CHMOD} +r *.st) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "To complete the installation of GNU Smalltalk, do" @${ECHO_MSG} " cd ${WRKSRC};" @${ECHO_MSG} "./gst -iV" @${ECHO_MSG} "to test the interpreter and create the image." @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "When you are satisfied everything works, do Control-D to quit" @${ECHO_MSG} "followed by" @${ECHO_MSG} "cp gst ${PREFIX}/bin" @${ECHO_MSG} "cp gst.im ${PREFIX}/lib/smalltalk" @${ECHO_MSG} "to install the interpreter and image." @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "If Emacs is installed, you may also wish to copy the" @${ECHO_MSG} "*st.el files to the Emacs Lisp directory. This will enable you" @${ECHO_MSG} "to configure Emacs for Interactor mode." @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} ">>Please read the file" @${ECHO_MSG} "${WRKSRC}/info/gst.txi" @${ECHO_MSG} "for more information.<<" @${ECHO_MSG} .include