=================================================================== GNUJSP has been installed in %%PREFIX%%/share/java/classes. To get started, first set up apache with jserv to function properly, then add the following to your apache.conf: ApJServAction .jsp /gnujsp/gnujsp ApJServMount /gnujsp /gnujsp and add the zone gnujsp to your jserv configuration: zones=gnujsp gnujsp.properties=%%PREFIX%%/etc/apache/gnujsp.properties Then copy the gnujsp.properties to your apache config dir: cp %%PREFIX%%/share/doc/gnujsp/gnujsp.properties \ %%PREFIX%%/etc/apache Last, create a scratch directory for gnujsp, writable by your web server userid (usually 'nobody'). The default directory path is %%PREFIX%%/www/gnujsp If you run into problems, read the INSTALL.apache document in %%PREFIX%%/share/doc/gnujsp for info more info. Some examples can be found in %%PREFIX%%/share/examples/gnujsp. ===================================================================