# New ports collection makefile for: netscape # Version required: 3.01 # Date created: 21 August 1995 # Whom: asami # # $Id: Makefile,v 1.14 1996/11/18 11:41:39 asami Exp $ # DISTNAME= netscape-3.01 CATEGORIES= www .if defined(GOLD) MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/navigator/gold/3.01/unix/ DIST_SUBDIR= gold .else MASTER_SITES= ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/navigator/3.01/unix/ .endif DISTFILES= netscape-v301-export.x86-unknown-bsd.tar.gz MAINTAINER= ache@FreeBSD.ORG RESTRICTED= "Commercial software." NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes pre-fetch: .if !defined(GOLD) @${ECHO_MSG} "Note you can make the \"gold\" version by typing \"make GOLD=yes\"." .else @${ECHO_MSG} "Making the \"gold\" version." .endif post-install: @cat ${PKGDIR}/DESCR .include