mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-12-11 02:50:24 +00:00
Steve Wills ccb3a11c4c A network daemon that runs on the Node.js platform and listens for statistics,
like counters and timers, sent over UDP and sends aggregates to one or more
pluggable backend services (e.g., Graphite).

WWW: https://github.com/etsy/statsd

PR:		ports/171855
Submitted by:	kimor79@yahoo.com
2013-12-22 16:25:58 +00:00

350 lines
8.7 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Network management tools
SUBDIR += 2ping
SUBDIR += TkTopNetFlows
SUBDIR += aggregate
SUBDIR += aircrack-ng
SUBDIR += airport
SUBDIR += angst
SUBDIR += ap-utils
SUBDIR += argus-monitor
SUBDIR += argus3
SUBDIR += argus3-clients
SUBDIR += arpalert
SUBDIR += arpscan
SUBDIR += arpwatch
SUBDIR += arts++
SUBDIR += aspathtree
SUBDIR += bandwidthd
SUBDIR += bgpq
SUBDIR += bgpq3
SUBDIR += bigsister
SUBDIR += bpft
SUBDIR += braa
SUBDIR += bsd-airtools
SUBDIR += bsnmp-jails
SUBDIR += bsnmp-regex
SUBDIR += bsnmp-ucd
SUBDIR += bsnmptools
SUBDIR += bwm-ng
SUBDIR += cacti
SUBDIR += cacti-spine
SUBDIR += cdpd
SUBDIR += cdpr
SUBDIR += cflowd
SUBDIR += check_logfiles
SUBDIR += check_multi
SUBDIR += check_mysql_health
SUBDIR += check_snmp_pkgvuln
SUBDIR += chillispot
SUBDIR += choparp
SUBDIR += cidr
SUBDIR += circe
SUBDIR += cisco_conf
SUBDIR += ciscoconf
SUBDIR += clog
SUBDIR += cnagios
SUBDIR += collectd
SUBDIR += collectd5
SUBDIR += confregdecode
SUBDIR += coovachilli
SUBDIR += cowpatty
SUBDIR += cricket
SUBDIR += darkstat
SUBDIR += devmon
SUBDIR += devmon-templates
SUBDIR += dhcdrop
SUBDIR += disco
SUBDIR += docsis
SUBDIR += driftnet
SUBDIR += echolot
SUBDIR += ehnt
SUBDIR += etherape
SUBDIR += ettercap
SUBDIR += ezradius
SUBDIR += fetchconfig
SUBDIR += flow-extract
SUBDIR += flow-tools
SUBDIR += flow-tools-ng
SUBDIR += flowd
SUBDIR += flowviewer
SUBDIR += fprobe
SUBDIR += fruity
SUBDIR += glpi-plugins-fusioninventory-server
SUBDIR += glpi-plugins-tracker-agent
SUBDIR += glpi-plugins-tracker-server
SUBDIR += gps
SUBDIR += grepcidr
SUBDIR += grepip
SUBDIR += gsnmp
SUBDIR += hastmon
SUBDIR += hawk
SUBDIR += horde3-nic
SUBDIR += icinga
SUBDIR += icli
SUBDIR += icmpmonitor
SUBDIR += icmpquery
SUBDIR += ifgraph
SUBDIR += iftop
SUBDIR += iog
SUBDIR += ipacco
SUBDIR += ipacctd
SUBDIR += ipaudit
SUBDIR += ipcad
SUBDIR += ipcalc
SUBDIR += ipfm
SUBDIR += ipplan
SUBDIR += ipv6calc
SUBDIR += ipv6gen
SUBDIR += ipv6mon
SUBDIR += irrtoolset
SUBDIR += isic
SUBDIR += jnettop
SUBDIR += kismet
SUBDIR += lanmap
SUBDIR += libsmi
SUBDIR += macroscope
SUBDIR += mbrowse
SUBDIR += mk-livestatus
SUBDIR += mrtg
SUBDIR += mrtg-ping-probe
SUBDIR += mtrace
SUBDIR += nagcon
SUBDIR += nagios
SUBDIR += nagios-certexp-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios-check_bacula
SUBDIR += nagios-check_clamav
SUBDIR += nagios-check_cpu_usage
SUBDIR += nagios-check_email_delivery
SUBDIR += nagios-check_hdd_health
SUBDIR += nagios-check_hp_bladechassis
SUBDIR += nagios-check_kumofs
SUBDIR += nagios-check_memcached_paranoid
SUBDIR += nagios-check_mysql_slave
SUBDIR += nagios-check_netsnmp
SUBDIR += nagios-check_ports
SUBDIR += nagios-check_puppet
SUBDIR += nagios-check_smartmon
SUBDIR += nagios-check_tftp
SUBDIR += nagios-devel
SUBDIR += nagios-geom
SUBDIR += nagios-openldap-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-pf-plugin
SUBDIR += nagios-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-portaudit
SUBDIR += nagios-silfreed-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-snmp-plugins
SUBDIR += nagios-snmp-plugins-extras
SUBDIR += nagios-spamd-plugin
SUBDIR += nagiosagent
SUBDIR += nagiosgraph
SUBDIR += nagiosql
SUBDIR += nagiostat
SUBDIR += nagircbot
SUBDIR += nagstamon
SUBDIR += nagtail
SUBDIR += nagvis
SUBDIR += nat
SUBDIR += nbtscan
SUBDIR += ndoutils
SUBDIR += ndpmon
SUBDIR += nedi
SUBDIR += nefu
SUBDIR += net-snmp
SUBDIR += netams
SUBDIR += netams-front
SUBDIR += netdisco
SUBDIR += netdisco-mibs
SUBDIR += netdot
SUBDIR += netleak
SUBDIR += netmagis-common
SUBDIR += netmagis-database
SUBDIR += netmagis-detecteq
SUBDIR += netmagis-metro
SUBDIR += netmagis-servers
SUBDIR += netmagis-topo
SUBDIR += netmagis-utils
SUBDIR += netmagis-www
SUBDIR += netmask
SUBDIR += netmond
SUBDIR += netspoc
SUBDIR += netustad
SUBDIR += netwag
SUBDIR += netwox
SUBDIR += netxms
SUBDIR += nfdump
SUBDIR += nfsen
SUBDIR += ng_ipacct
SUBDIR += nitpicker
SUBDIR += nocol
SUBDIR += nrpe
SUBDIR += nsca
SUBDIR += nsca-client
SUBDIR += nsca27
SUBDIR += nsca27-client
SUBDIR += nstreams
SUBDIR += observium
SUBDIR += ocsinventory-agent
SUBDIR += ocsinventory-ng
SUBDIR += omping
SUBDIR += openlldp
SUBDIR += openvmps
SUBDIR += ourmon
SUBDIR += percona-monitoring-plugins
SUBDIR += p0f
SUBDIR += p0f2
SUBDIR += p5-AnyEvent-SNMP
SUBDIR += p5-BigIP-iControl
SUBDIR += p5-Cflow
SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-Reconfig
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Validate-IP
SUBDIR += p5-FusionInventory-Agent
SUBDIR += p5-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-NetDiscovery
SUBDIR += p5-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-SNMPQuery
SUBDIR += p5-GRNOC-Config
SUBDIR += p5-MRTG-Parse
SUBDIR += p5-Mon
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Object
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugin-LDAP
SUBDIR += p5-Nagios-Plugins-Memcached
SUBDIR += p5-Net-ACL
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Abuse-Utils
SUBDIR += p5-Net-ILO
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Match-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IP-Resolver
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPAddress
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv4Addr
SUBDIR += p5-Net-IPv6Addr
SUBDIR += p5-Net-NSCA-Client
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Netmask
SUBDIR += p5-Net-SNMP-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-IOS
SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP
SUBDIR += p5-NetAddr-IP-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-NetApp
SUBDIR += p5-POE-Component-SNMP
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Info
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Simple
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Trapinfo
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP-Util
SUBDIR += p5-SNMP_Session
SUBDIR += p5-Telnet-Cisco
SUBDIR += p5-Tie-NetAddr-IP
SUBDIR += p5-Xymon
SUBDIR += p5-Xymon-Client
SUBDIR += p5-Xymon-Server
SUBDIR += p5-Zenoss
SUBDIR += p5-jmx4perl
SUBDIR += packit
SUBDIR += pads
SUBDIR += pancho
SUBDIR += pandorafms_agent
SUBDIR += pandorafms_console
SUBDIR += pandorafms_server
SUBDIR += pftabled
SUBDIR += php5-snmp
SUBDIR += php52-snmp
SUBDIR += php53-snmp
SUBDIR += php55-snmp
SUBDIR += phpip
SUBDIR += phpipam
SUBDIR += phpweathermap
SUBDIR += pixilate
SUBDIR += pmacct
SUBDIR += pnp
SUBDIR += pnp-icinga
SUBDIR += portmon
SUBDIR += py-flowtools
SUBDIR += py-ipcalc
SUBDIR += py-ipy
SUBDIR += py-pyang
SUBDIR += py-snmp4
SUBDIR += py-snmp4-apps
SUBDIR += py-snmp4-mibs
SUBDIR += py-yapsnmp
SUBDIR += qkismet
SUBDIR += rackmonkey
SUBDIR += ramond
SUBDIR += rancid
SUBDIR += rancid-devel
SUBDIR += rate
SUBDIR += rcpd
SUBDIR += remarp
SUBDIR += rotorouter
SUBDIR += routers2
SUBDIR += routers2-extensions
SUBDIR += routers2-extras
SUBDIR += rrdbot
SUBDIR += rubygem-blimpy
SUBDIR += rubygem-snmp
SUBDIR += rubygem-visage-app
SUBDIR += satellite
SUBDIR += sblim-wbemcli
SUBDIR += scdp
SUBDIR += scli
SUBDIR += sdig
SUBDIR += send
SUBDIR += sendip
SUBDIR += sing
SUBDIR += sipcalc
SUBDIR += sjitter
SUBDIR += slate
SUBDIR += smokeping
SUBDIR += snmp++
SUBDIR += snmp4nagios
SUBDIR += snmptt
SUBDIR += softflowd
SUBDIR += spectools
SUBDIR += ssgless
SUBDIR += statsd
SUBDIR += subcalc
SUBDIR += sysmon
SUBDIR += tcpreplay
SUBDIR += tcptrack
SUBDIR += torrus
SUBDIR += unifi
SUBDIR += vidalia
SUBDIR += virt-viewer
SUBDIR += virtinst
SUBDIR += wdiag
SUBDIR += weathermap
SUBDIR += weplab
SUBDIR += whatmask
SUBDIR += wide-dhcp
SUBDIR += wifimgr
SUBDIR += wmi-client
SUBDIR += xymon-client
SUBDIR += xymon-server
SUBDIR += yabm
SUBDIR += yaf
SUBDIR += zabbix2-agent
SUBDIR += zabbix2-frontend
SUBDIR += zabbix2-proxy
SUBDIR += zabbix2-server
SUBDIR += zabbix22-agent
SUBDIR += zabbix22-frontend
SUBDIR += zabbix22-proxy
SUBDIR += zabbix22-server
SUBDIR += zenoss
SUBDIR += zenpack-checkping
SUBDIR += zenpack-dellmon
SUBDIR += zenpack-deviceadvdetail
SUBDIR += zenpack-devicesearch
SUBDIR += zenpack-graphportlet
SUBDIR += zenpack-interfacegraphs
SUBDIR += zenpack-libvirt
SUBDIR += zenpack-macreport
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>