#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 # The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by the University of # California, Berkeley and its contributors. # 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # From @(#)vnode_if.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93 # From @(#)makedevops.sh 1.1 1998/06/14 13:53:12 dfr Exp $ # From @(#)makedevops.sh ?.? 1998/10/05 # From src/sys/kern/makedevops.pl,v 1.12 1999/11/22 14:40:04 n_hibma Exp # # $FreeBSD$ # # Script to produce kobj front-end sugar. # use Getopt::Std; $line_width = 80; # Process the command line # getopts('cdhl:p') or usage(); warn "Will produce files in original not in current directory" if $opt_d && $opt_p; if (defined($opt_l)) { die("Invalid line width '$opt_l'\n") unless ($opt_l =~ m/^\d*$/ && $opt_l > 0); $line_width = $opt_l; warn "Line width set to $line_width" if $opt_d; } foreach $arg (@ARGV) { die("Invalid input filename '$arg'\n") unless ($arg =~ m/\.m$/); warn "Filename: $arg" if $opt_d; push @filenames, $arg; } # Validate the command line parameters # &usage() unless ($opt_c or $opt_h) and $#filenames != -1; # FIXME should be able to do this more easily # $tmpdir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'}; # environment variables $tmpdir = $ENV{'TMP'} if !$tmpdir; $tmpdir = $ENV{'TEMP'} if !$tmpdir; $tmpdir = '/tmp' # look for a physical directory if !$tmpdir and -d '/tmp'; $tmpdir = '/usr/tmp' if !$tmpdir and -d '/usr/tmp'; $tmpdir = '/var/tmp' if !$tmpdir and -d '/var/tmp'; $tmpdir = '.' # give up and use current dir if !$tmpdir; foreach $src (@filenames) { # Names of the created files $ctmpname = "$tmpdir/ctmp.$$"; $htmpname = "$tmpdir/htmp.$$"; ($name, $path, $suffix) = &fileparse($src, '.m'); $path = '.' unless $opt_p; $cfilename="$path/$name.c"; $hfilename="$path/$name.h"; warn "Processing from $src to $cfilename / $hfilename via $ctmpname / $htmpname" if $opt_d; die "Could not open $src for reading, $!" if !open SRC, "$src"; die "Could not open $ctmpname for writing, $!" if $opt_c and !open CFILE, ">$ctmpname"; die "Could not open $htmpname for writing, $!" if $opt_h and !open HFILE, ">$htmpname"; if ($opt_c) { # Produce the header of the C file # print CFILE "/*\n"; print CFILE " * This file is produced automatically.\n"; print CFILE " * Do not modify anything in here by hand.\n"; print CFILE " *\n"; print CFILE " * Created from source file\n"; print CFILE " * $src\n"; print CFILE " * with\n"; print CFILE " * $0\n"; print CFILE " *\n"; print CFILE " * See the source file for legal information\n"; print CFILE " */\n"; print CFILE "\n"; print CFILE "#include <sys/param.h>\n"; print CFILE "#include <sys/queue.h>\n"; print CFILE "#include <sys/kernel.h>\n"; print CFILE "#include <sys/kobj.h>\n"; } if ($opt_h) { # Produce the header of the H file # print HFILE "/*\n"; print HFILE " * This file is produced automatically.\n"; print HFILE " * Do not modify anything in here by hand.\n"; print HFILE " *\n"; print HFILE " * Created from source file\n"; print HFILE " * $src\n"; print HFILE " * with\n"; print HFILE " * $0\n"; print HFILE " *\n"; print HFILE " * See the source file for legal information\n"; print HFILE " */\n"; print HFILE "\n"; } %methods = (); # clear list of methods @mnames = (); @defaultmethods = (); $lineno = 0; $error = 0; # to signal clean up and gerror setting LINE: while ($line = <SRC>) { $lineno++; # take special notice of include directives. # if ($line =~ m/^#\s*include\s+(["<])([^">]+)([">]).*/i) { warn "Included file: $1$2" . ($1 eq '<'? '>':'"') if $opt_d; print CFILE "#include $1$2" . ($1 eq '<'? '>':'"') . "\n" if $opt_c; } $line =~ s/#.*//; # remove comments $line =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading ... $line =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing whitespace if ($line =~ m/^$/) { # skip empty lines # nop } elsif ($line =~ m/^INTERFACE\s*([^\s;]*)(\s*;?)/i) { $intname = $1; $semicolon = $2; unless ($intname =~ m/^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/) { warn $line if $opt_d; warn "$src:$lineno: Invalid interface name '$intname', use [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*"; $error = 1; last LINE; } warn "$src:$lineno: semicolon missing at end of line, no problem" if $semicolon !~ s/;$//; warn "Interface $intname" if $opt_d; print HFILE '#ifndef _'.$intname."_if_h_\n" if $opt_h; print HFILE '#define _'.$intname."_if_h_\n\n" if $opt_h; print CFILE '#include "'.$intname.'_if.h"'."\n\n" if $opt_c; } elsif ($line =~ m/^CODE\s*{$/i) { $code = ""; $line = <SRC>; $line =~ m/^(\s*)/; $indent = $1; # find the indent used while ($line !~ m/^}/) { $line =~ s/^$indent//g; # remove the indent $code .= $line; $line = <SRC>; $lineno++ } print CFILE "\n".$code."\n" if $opt_c; } elsif ($line =~ m/^HEADER\s*{$/i) { $header = ""; $line = <SRC>; $line =~ m/^(\s*)/; $indent = $1; # find the indent used while ($line !~ m/^}/) { $line =~ s/^$indent//g; # remove the indent $header .= $line; $line = <SRC>; $lineno++ } print HFILE $header if $opt_h; } elsif ($line =~ m/^(STATIC|)METHOD/i) { # Get the return type function name and delete that from # the line. What is left is the possibly first function argument # if it is on the same line. # if (!$intname) { warn "$src:$lineno: No interface name defined"; $error = 1; last LINE; } $line =~ s/^(STATIC|)METHOD\s+([^\{]+?)\s*\{\s*//i; $static = $1; @ret = split m/\s+/, $2; $name = pop @ret; # last element is name of method $ret = join(" ", @ret); # return type warn "Method: name=$name return type=$ret" if $opt_d; if (!$name or !$ret) { warn $line if $opt_d; warn "$src:$lineno: Invalid method specification"; $error = 1; last LINE; } unless ($name =~ m/^[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*$/) { warn $line if $opt_d; warn "$src:$lineno: Invalid method name '$name', use [a-z_][a-z0-9_]*"; $error = 1; last LINE; } if (defined($methods{$name})) { warn "$src:$lineno: Duplicate method name"; $error = 1; last LINE; } $methods{$name} = $name; push @mnames, $name; while ($line !~ m/}/ and $line .= <SRC>) { $lineno++ } $default = ""; if ($line !~ s/};?(.*)//) { # remove first '}' and trailing garbage # The '}' was not there (the rest is optional), so complain warn "$src:$lineno: Premature end of file"; $error = 1; last LINE; } $extra = $1; if ($extra =~ /\s*DEFAULT\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*;/) { $default = $1; } else { warn "$src:$lineno: Ignored '$1'" # warn about garbage at end of line if $opt_d and $1; } # Create a list of variables without the types prepended # $line =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading ... $line =~ s/\s+$//; # ... and trailing whitespace $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; # remove double spaces @arguments = split m/\s*;\s*/, $line; @varnames = (); # list of varnames foreach $argument (@arguments) { next # skip argument if argument is empty if !$argument; @ar = split m/[*\s]+/, $argument; if ($#ar == 0) { # only 1 word in argument? warn "$src:$lineno: no type for '$argument'"; $error = 1; last LINE; } push @varnames, $ar[-1]; # last element is name of variable }; warn 'Arguments: ' . join(', ', @arguments) . "\n" . 'Varnames: ' . join(', ', @varnames) if $opt_d; $mname = $intname.'_'.$name; # method name $umname = uc($mname); # uppercase method name $arguments = join(", ", @arguments); $firstvar = $varnames[0]; $varnames = join(", ", @varnames); $default = "0" if $default eq ""; push @defaultmethods, $default; if ($opt_h) { # the method description print HFILE "extern struct kobjop_desc $mname\_desc;\n"; # the method typedef my $prototype = "typedef $ret $mname\_t("; print HFILE &format_line("$prototype$arguments);", $line_width, ', ', ',',' ' x length($prototype)) . "\n"; } if ($opt_c) { # Print out the method desc print CFILE "struct kobjop_desc $mname\_desc = {\n"; print CFILE "\t0, (kobjop_t) $default\n"; print CFILE "};\n\n"; } if ($opt_h) { # Print out the method itself if (0) { # haven't chosen the format yet print HFILE "static __inline $ret $umname($varnames)\n"; print HFILE "\t".join(";\n\t", @arguments).";\n"; } else { my $prototype = "static __inline $ret $umname("; print HFILE &format_line("$prototype$arguments)", $line_width, ', ', ',', ' ' x length($prototype)) . "\n"; } print HFILE "{\n"; print HFILE "\tkobjop_t _m;\n"; if ($static) { print HFILE "\tKOBJOPLOOKUP($firstvar->ops,$mname);\n"; } else { print HFILE "\tKOBJOPLOOKUP(((kobj_t)$firstvar)->ops,$mname);\n"; } print HFILE "\t"; if ($ret ne 'void') { print HFILE "return "; } print HFILE "(($mname\_t *) _m)($varnames);\n"; print HFILE "}\n\n"; } } else { warn $line if $opt_d; warn "$src:$lineno: Invalid line encountered"; $error = 1; last LINE; } } # end LINE # print the final '#endif' in the header file # print HFILE "#endif /* _".$intname."_if_h_ */\n" if $opt_h; close SRC; close CFILE if $opt_c; close HFILE if $opt_h; if (!$error) { if ($opt_c) { ($rc = system("mv $ctmpname $cfilename")) and warn "mv $ctmpname $cfilename failed, $rc"; } if ($opt_h) { ($rc = system("mv $htmpname $hfilename")) and warn "mv $htmpname $hfilename failed, $rc"; } } else { warn 'Output skipped'; ($rc = system("rm -f $htmpname $ctmpname")) and warn "rm -f $htmpname $ctmpname failed, $rc"; $gerror = 1; } } exit $gerror; sub usage { die join("\n", @_, "usage: $0 [-d] [-p] [-l <nr>] [-c|-h] srcfile", "where -c produce only .c files", " -h produce only .h files", " -p use the path component in the source file for destination dir", " -l set line width for output files [80]", " -d switch on debugging") . "\n"; } sub format_line { my ($line, $maxlength, $break, $new_end, $new_start) = @_; my $rline = ""; while (length($line) > $maxlength and ($i = rindex $line, $break, $maxlength-length($new_end)) != -1) { $rline .= substr($line, 0, $i) . $new_end . "\n"; $line = $new_start . substr($line, $i+length($break)); } return $rline . $line; } # This routine is a crude replacement for one in File::Basename. We # cannot use any library code because it fouls up the Perl bootstrap # when we update a perl version. MarkM sub fileparse { my ($filename, @suffix) = @_; my ($dir, $name, $type, $i); $type = ''; foreach $i (@suffix) { if ($filename =~ m|$i$|) { $filename =~ s|$i$||; $type = $i; } } if ($filename =~ m|/|) { $filename =~ m|([^/]*)$|; $name = $1; $dir = $filename; $dir =~ s|$name$||; } else { $dir = ''; $name = $filename; } ($name, $dir, $type); }