{ "block": { "message": { "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the context of the block." } }, "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the global context.", "deep_explicit": { "explicit": { "pet": "cat" } }, "empty_array": [], "explicit": { "pet": "cat" }, "inline_partial": { "message": { "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the context of the inline partial." } }, "loop": [ { "friend": "Bob", "person": { "name": "Alice" } }, { "friend": "Chris", "person": { "name": "Bob" } }, { "friend": "Alice", "person": { "name": "Chris" } } ], "partial_context": { "block": { "message": { "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the context of the block inside the partial context." } }, "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the global context inside the partial context.", "inline_partial": { "message": { "contents": "Explicit contexts are evaluated in the context of the inline partial inside the partial context." } } }, "some_global": "dog" }