//===- DiagnosticRenderer.cpp - Diagnostic Pretty-Printing ----------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Frontend/DiagnosticRenderer.h" #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h" #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h" #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "clang/Edit/Commit.h" #include "clang/Edit/EditedSource.h" #include "clang/Edit/EditsReceiver.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace clang; DiagnosticRenderer::DiagnosticRenderer(const LangOptions &LangOpts, DiagnosticOptions *DiagOpts) : LangOpts(LangOpts), DiagOpts(DiagOpts), LastLevel() {} DiagnosticRenderer::~DiagnosticRenderer() = default; namespace { class FixitReceiver : public edit::EditsReceiver { SmallVectorImpl &MergedFixits; public: FixitReceiver(SmallVectorImpl &MergedFixits) : MergedFixits(MergedFixits) {} void insert(SourceLocation loc, StringRef text) override { MergedFixits.push_back(FixItHint::CreateInsertion(loc, text)); } void replace(CharSourceRange range, StringRef text) override { MergedFixits.push_back(FixItHint::CreateReplacement(range, text)); } }; } // namespace static void mergeFixits(ArrayRef FixItHints, const SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts, SmallVectorImpl &MergedFixits) { edit::Commit commit(SM, LangOpts); for (const auto &Hint : FixItHints) if (Hint.CodeToInsert.empty()) { if (Hint.InsertFromRange.isValid()) commit.insertFromRange(Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin(), Hint.InsertFromRange, /*afterToken=*/false, Hint.BeforePreviousInsertions); else commit.remove(Hint.RemoveRange); } else { if (Hint.RemoveRange.isTokenRange() || Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin() != Hint.RemoveRange.getEnd()) commit.replace(Hint.RemoveRange, Hint.CodeToInsert); else commit.insert(Hint.RemoveRange.getBegin(), Hint.CodeToInsert, /*afterToken=*/false, Hint.BeforePreviousInsertions); } edit::EditedSource Editor(SM, LangOpts); if (Editor.commit(commit)) { FixitReceiver Rec(MergedFixits); Editor.applyRewrites(Rec); } } void DiagnosticRenderer::emitDiagnostic(FullSourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, StringRef Message, ArrayRef Ranges, ArrayRef FixItHints, DiagOrStoredDiag D) { assert(Loc.hasManager() || Loc.isInvalid()); beginDiagnostic(D, Level); if (!Loc.isValid()) // If we have no source location, just emit the diagnostic message. emitDiagnosticMessage(Loc, PresumedLoc(), Level, Message, Ranges, D); else { // Get the ranges into a local array we can hack on. SmallVector MutableRanges(Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end()); SmallVector MergedFixits; if (!FixItHints.empty()) { mergeFixits(FixItHints, Loc.getManager(), LangOpts, MergedFixits); FixItHints = MergedFixits; } for (const auto &Hint : FixItHints) if (Hint.RemoveRange.isValid()) MutableRanges.push_back(Hint.RemoveRange); FullSourceLoc UnexpandedLoc = Loc; // Find the ultimate expansion location for the diagnostic. Loc = Loc.getFileLoc(); PresumedLoc PLoc = Loc.getPresumedLoc(DiagOpts->ShowPresumedLoc); // First, if this diagnostic is not in the main file, print out the // "included from" lines. emitIncludeStack(Loc, PLoc, Level); // Next, emit the actual diagnostic message and caret. emitDiagnosticMessage(Loc, PLoc, Level, Message, Ranges, D); emitCaret(Loc, Level, MutableRanges, FixItHints); // If this location is within a macro, walk from UnexpandedLoc up to Loc // and produce a macro backtrace. if (UnexpandedLoc.isValid() && UnexpandedLoc.isMacroID()) { emitMacroExpansions(UnexpandedLoc, Level, MutableRanges, FixItHints); } } LastLoc = Loc; LastLevel = Level; endDiagnostic(D, Level); } void DiagnosticRenderer::emitStoredDiagnostic(StoredDiagnostic &Diag) { emitDiagnostic(Diag.getLocation(), Diag.getLevel(), Diag.getMessage(), Diag.getRanges(), Diag.getFixIts(), &Diag); } void DiagnosticRenderer::emitBasicNote(StringRef Message) { emitDiagnosticMessage(FullSourceLoc(), PresumedLoc(), DiagnosticsEngine::Note, Message, std::nullopt, DiagOrStoredDiag()); } /// Prints an include stack when appropriate for a particular /// diagnostic level and location. /// /// This routine handles all the logic of suppressing particular include /// stacks (such as those for notes) and duplicate include stacks when /// repeated warnings occur within the same file. It also handles the logic /// of customizing the formatting and display of the include stack. /// /// \param Loc The diagnostic location. /// \param PLoc The presumed location of the diagnostic location. /// \param Level The diagnostic level of the message this stack pertains to. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitIncludeStack(FullSourceLoc Loc, PresumedLoc PLoc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level) { FullSourceLoc IncludeLoc = PLoc.isInvalid() ? FullSourceLoc() : FullSourceLoc(PLoc.getIncludeLoc(), Loc.getManager()); // Skip redundant include stacks altogether. if (LastIncludeLoc == IncludeLoc) return; LastIncludeLoc = IncludeLoc; if (!DiagOpts->ShowNoteIncludeStack && Level == DiagnosticsEngine::Note) return; if (IncludeLoc.isValid()) emitIncludeStackRecursively(IncludeLoc); else { emitModuleBuildStack(Loc.getManager()); emitImportStack(Loc); } } /// Helper to recursively walk up the include stack and print each layer /// on the way back down. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitIncludeStackRecursively(FullSourceLoc Loc) { if (Loc.isInvalid()) { emitModuleBuildStack(Loc.getManager()); return; } PresumedLoc PLoc = Loc.getPresumedLoc(DiagOpts->ShowPresumedLoc); if (PLoc.isInvalid()) return; // If this source location was imported from a module, print the module // import stack rather than the // FIXME: We want submodule granularity here. std::pair Imported = Loc.getModuleImportLoc(); if (!Imported.second.empty()) { // This location was imported by a module. Emit the module import stack. emitImportStackRecursively(Imported.first, Imported.second); return; } // Emit the other include frames first. emitIncludeStackRecursively( FullSourceLoc(PLoc.getIncludeLoc(), Loc.getManager())); // Emit the inclusion text/note. emitIncludeLocation(Loc, PLoc); } /// Emit the module import stack associated with the current location. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitImportStack(FullSourceLoc Loc) { if (Loc.isInvalid()) { emitModuleBuildStack(Loc.getManager()); return; } std::pair NextImportLoc = Loc.getModuleImportLoc(); emitImportStackRecursively(NextImportLoc.first, NextImportLoc.second); } /// Helper to recursively walk up the import stack and print each layer /// on the way back down. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitImportStackRecursively(FullSourceLoc Loc, StringRef ModuleName) { if (ModuleName.empty()) { return; } PresumedLoc PLoc = Loc.getPresumedLoc(DiagOpts->ShowPresumedLoc); // Emit the other import frames first. std::pair NextImportLoc = Loc.getModuleImportLoc(); emitImportStackRecursively(NextImportLoc.first, NextImportLoc.second); // Emit the inclusion text/note. emitImportLocation(Loc, PLoc, ModuleName); } /// Emit the module build stack, for cases where a module is (re-)built /// on demand. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitModuleBuildStack(const SourceManager &SM) { ModuleBuildStack Stack = SM.getModuleBuildStack(); for (const auto &I : Stack) { emitBuildingModuleLocation(I.second, I.second.getPresumedLoc( DiagOpts->ShowPresumedLoc), I.first); } } /// A recursive function to trace all possible backtrace locations /// to match the \p CaretLocFileID. static SourceLocation retrieveMacroLocation(SourceLocation Loc, FileID MacroFileID, FileID CaretFileID, const SmallVectorImpl &CommonArgExpansions, bool IsBegin, const SourceManager *SM, bool &IsTokenRange) { assert(SM->getFileID(Loc) == MacroFileID); if (MacroFileID == CaretFileID) return Loc; if (!Loc.isMacroID()) return {}; CharSourceRange MacroRange, MacroArgRange; if (SM->isMacroArgExpansion(Loc)) { // Only look at the immediate spelling location of this macro argument if // the other location in the source range is also present in that expansion. if (std::binary_search(CommonArgExpansions.begin(), CommonArgExpansions.end(), MacroFileID)) MacroRange = CharSourceRange(SM->getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc), IsTokenRange); MacroArgRange = SM->getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc); } else { MacroRange = SM->getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc); MacroArgRange = CharSourceRange(SM->getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc), IsTokenRange); } SourceLocation MacroLocation = IsBegin ? MacroRange.getBegin() : MacroRange.getEnd(); if (MacroLocation.isValid()) { MacroFileID = SM->getFileID(MacroLocation); bool TokenRange = IsBegin ? IsTokenRange : MacroRange.isTokenRange(); MacroLocation = retrieveMacroLocation(MacroLocation, MacroFileID, CaretFileID, CommonArgExpansions, IsBegin, SM, TokenRange); if (MacroLocation.isValid()) { IsTokenRange = TokenRange; return MacroLocation; } } // If we moved the end of the range to an expansion location, we now have // a range of the same kind as the expansion range. if (!IsBegin) IsTokenRange = MacroArgRange.isTokenRange(); SourceLocation MacroArgLocation = IsBegin ? MacroArgRange.getBegin() : MacroArgRange.getEnd(); MacroFileID = SM->getFileID(MacroArgLocation); return retrieveMacroLocation(MacroArgLocation, MacroFileID, CaretFileID, CommonArgExpansions, IsBegin, SM, IsTokenRange); } /// Walk up the chain of macro expansions and collect the FileIDs identifying the /// expansions. static void getMacroArgExpansionFileIDs(SourceLocation Loc, SmallVectorImpl &IDs, bool IsBegin, const SourceManager *SM) { while (Loc.isMacroID()) { if (SM->isMacroArgExpansion(Loc)) { IDs.push_back(SM->getFileID(Loc)); Loc = SM->getImmediateSpellingLoc(Loc); } else { auto ExpRange = SM->getImmediateExpansionRange(Loc); Loc = IsBegin ? ExpRange.getBegin() : ExpRange.getEnd(); } } } /// Collect the expansions of the begin and end locations and compute the set /// intersection. Produces a sorted vector of FileIDs in CommonArgExpansions. static void computeCommonMacroArgExpansionFileIDs( SourceLocation Begin, SourceLocation End, const SourceManager *SM, SmallVectorImpl &CommonArgExpansions) { SmallVector BeginArgExpansions; SmallVector EndArgExpansions; getMacroArgExpansionFileIDs(Begin, BeginArgExpansions, /*IsBegin=*/true, SM); getMacroArgExpansionFileIDs(End, EndArgExpansions, /*IsBegin=*/false, SM); llvm::sort(BeginArgExpansions); llvm::sort(EndArgExpansions); std::set_intersection(BeginArgExpansions.begin(), BeginArgExpansions.end(), EndArgExpansions.begin(), EndArgExpansions.end(), std::back_inserter(CommonArgExpansions)); } // Helper function to fix up source ranges. It takes in an array of ranges, // and outputs an array of ranges where we want to draw the range highlighting // around the location specified by CaretLoc. // // To find locations which correspond to the caret, we crawl the macro caller // chain for the beginning and end of each range. If the caret location // is in a macro expansion, we search each chain for a location // in the same expansion as the caret; otherwise, we crawl to the top of // each chain. Two locations are part of the same macro expansion // iff the FileID is the same. static void mapDiagnosticRanges(FullSourceLoc CaretLoc, ArrayRef Ranges, SmallVectorImpl &SpellingRanges) { FileID CaretLocFileID = CaretLoc.getFileID(); const SourceManager *SM = &CaretLoc.getManager(); for (const auto &Range : Ranges) { if (Range.isInvalid()) continue; SourceLocation Begin = Range.getBegin(), End = Range.getEnd(); bool IsTokenRange = Range.isTokenRange(); FileID BeginFileID = SM->getFileID(Begin); FileID EndFileID = SM->getFileID(End); // Find the common parent for the beginning and end of the range. // First, crawl the expansion chain for the beginning of the range. llvm::SmallDenseMap BeginLocsMap; while (Begin.isMacroID() && BeginFileID != EndFileID) { BeginLocsMap[BeginFileID] = Begin; Begin = SM->getImmediateExpansionRange(Begin).getBegin(); BeginFileID = SM->getFileID(Begin); } // Then, crawl the expansion chain for the end of the range. if (BeginFileID != EndFileID) { while (End.isMacroID() && !BeginLocsMap.count(EndFileID)) { auto Exp = SM->getImmediateExpansionRange(End); IsTokenRange = Exp.isTokenRange(); End = Exp.getEnd(); EndFileID = SM->getFileID(End); } if (End.isMacroID()) { Begin = BeginLocsMap[EndFileID]; BeginFileID = EndFileID; } } // There is a chance that begin or end is invalid here, for example if // specific compile error is reported. // It is possible that the FileID's do not match, if one comes from an // included file. In this case we can not produce a meaningful source range. if (Begin.isInvalid() || End.isInvalid() || BeginFileID != EndFileID) continue; // Do the backtracking. SmallVector CommonArgExpansions; computeCommonMacroArgExpansionFileIDs(Begin, End, SM, CommonArgExpansions); Begin = retrieveMacroLocation(Begin, BeginFileID, CaretLocFileID, CommonArgExpansions, /*IsBegin=*/true, SM, IsTokenRange); End = retrieveMacroLocation(End, BeginFileID, CaretLocFileID, CommonArgExpansions, /*IsBegin=*/false, SM, IsTokenRange); if (Begin.isInvalid() || End.isInvalid()) continue; // Return the spelling location of the beginning and end of the range. Begin = SM->getSpellingLoc(Begin); End = SM->getSpellingLoc(End); SpellingRanges.push_back(CharSourceRange(SourceRange(Begin, End), IsTokenRange)); } } void DiagnosticRenderer::emitCaret(FullSourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, ArrayRef Ranges, ArrayRef Hints) { SmallVector SpellingRanges; mapDiagnosticRanges(Loc, Ranges, SpellingRanges); emitCodeContext(Loc, Level, SpellingRanges, Hints); } /// A helper function for emitMacroExpansion to print the /// macro expansion message void DiagnosticRenderer::emitSingleMacroExpansion( FullSourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, ArrayRef Ranges) { // Find the spelling location for the macro definition. We must use the // spelling location here to avoid emitting a macro backtrace for the note. FullSourceLoc SpellingLoc = Loc.getSpellingLoc(); // Map the ranges into the FileID of the diagnostic location. SmallVector SpellingRanges; mapDiagnosticRanges(Loc, Ranges, SpellingRanges); SmallString<100> MessageStorage; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage); StringRef MacroName = Lexer::getImmediateMacroNameForDiagnostics( Loc, Loc.getManager(), LangOpts); if (MacroName.empty()) Message << "expanded from here"; else Message << "expanded from macro '" << MacroName << "'"; emitDiagnostic(SpellingLoc, DiagnosticsEngine::Note, Message.str(), SpellingRanges, std::nullopt); } /// Check that the macro argument location of Loc starts with ArgumentLoc. /// The starting location of the macro expansions is used to differeniate /// different macro expansions. static bool checkLocForMacroArgExpansion(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation ArgumentLoc) { SourceLocation MacroLoc; if (SM.isMacroArgExpansion(Loc, &MacroLoc)) { if (ArgumentLoc == MacroLoc) return true; } return false; } /// Check if all the locations in the range have the same macro argument /// expansion, and that the expansion starts with ArgumentLoc. static bool checkRangeForMacroArgExpansion(CharSourceRange Range, const SourceManager &SM, SourceLocation ArgumentLoc) { SourceLocation BegLoc = Range.getBegin(), EndLoc = Range.getEnd(); while (BegLoc != EndLoc) { if (!checkLocForMacroArgExpansion(BegLoc, SM, ArgumentLoc)) return false; BegLoc.getLocWithOffset(1); } return checkLocForMacroArgExpansion(BegLoc, SM, ArgumentLoc); } /// A helper function to check if the current ranges are all inside the same /// macro argument expansion as Loc. static bool checkRangesForMacroArgExpansion(FullSourceLoc Loc, ArrayRef Ranges) { assert(Loc.isMacroID() && "Must be a macro expansion!"); SmallVector SpellingRanges; mapDiagnosticRanges(Loc, Ranges, SpellingRanges); // Count all valid ranges. unsigned ValidCount = llvm::count_if(Ranges, [](const auto &R) { return R.isValid(); }); if (ValidCount > SpellingRanges.size()) return false; // To store the source location of the argument location. FullSourceLoc ArgumentLoc; // Set the ArgumentLoc to the beginning location of the expansion of Loc // so to check if the ranges expands to the same beginning location. if (!Loc.isMacroArgExpansion(&ArgumentLoc)) return false; for (const auto &Range : SpellingRanges) if (!checkRangeForMacroArgExpansion(Range, Loc.getManager(), ArgumentLoc)) return false; return true; } /// Recursively emit notes for each macro expansion and caret /// diagnostics where appropriate. /// /// Walks up the macro expansion stack printing expansion notes, the code /// snippet, caret, underlines and FixItHint display as appropriate at each /// level. /// /// \param Loc The location for this caret. /// \param Level The diagnostic level currently being emitted. /// \param Ranges The underlined ranges for this code snippet. /// \param Hints The FixIt hints active for this diagnostic. void DiagnosticRenderer::emitMacroExpansions(FullSourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticsEngine::Level Level, ArrayRef Ranges, ArrayRef Hints) { assert(Loc.isValid() && "must have a valid source location here"); const SourceManager &SM = Loc.getManager(); SourceLocation L = Loc; // Produce a stack of macro backtraces. SmallVector LocationStack; unsigned IgnoredEnd = 0; while (L.isMacroID()) { // If this is the expansion of a macro argument, point the caret at the // use of the argument in the definition of the macro, not the expansion. if (SM.isMacroArgExpansion(L)) LocationStack.push_back(SM.getImmediateExpansionRange(L).getBegin()); else LocationStack.push_back(L); if (checkRangesForMacroArgExpansion(FullSourceLoc(L, SM), Ranges)) IgnoredEnd = LocationStack.size(); L = SM.getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(L); // Once the location no longer points into a macro, try stepping through // the last found location. This sometimes produces additional useful // backtraces. if (L.isFileID()) L = SM.getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(LocationStack.back()); assert(L.isValid() && "must have a valid source location here"); } LocationStack.erase(LocationStack.begin(), LocationStack.begin() + IgnoredEnd); unsigned MacroDepth = LocationStack.size(); unsigned MacroLimit = DiagOpts->MacroBacktraceLimit; if (MacroDepth <= MacroLimit || MacroLimit == 0) { for (auto I = LocationStack.rbegin(), E = LocationStack.rend(); I != E; ++I) emitSingleMacroExpansion(FullSourceLoc(*I, SM), Level, Ranges); return; } unsigned MacroStartMessages = MacroLimit / 2; unsigned MacroEndMessages = MacroLimit / 2 + MacroLimit % 2; for (auto I = LocationStack.rbegin(), E = LocationStack.rbegin() + MacroStartMessages; I != E; ++I) emitSingleMacroExpansion(FullSourceLoc(*I, SM), Level, Ranges); SmallString<200> MessageStorage; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage); Message << "(skipping " << (MacroDepth - MacroLimit) << " expansions in backtrace; use -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 to " "see all)"; emitBasicNote(Message.str()); for (auto I = LocationStack.rend() - MacroEndMessages, E = LocationStack.rend(); I != E; ++I) emitSingleMacroExpansion(FullSourceLoc(*I, SM), Level, Ranges); } DiagnosticNoteRenderer::~DiagnosticNoteRenderer() = default; void DiagnosticNoteRenderer::emitIncludeLocation(FullSourceLoc Loc, PresumedLoc PLoc) { // Generate a note indicating the include location. SmallString<200> MessageStorage; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage); Message << "in file included from " << PLoc.getFilename() << ':' << PLoc.getLine() << ":"; emitNote(Loc, Message.str()); } void DiagnosticNoteRenderer::emitImportLocation(FullSourceLoc Loc, PresumedLoc PLoc, StringRef ModuleName) { // Generate a note indicating the include location. SmallString<200> MessageStorage; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage); Message << "in module '" << ModuleName; if (PLoc.isValid()) Message << "' imported from " << PLoc.getFilename() << ':' << PLoc.getLine(); Message << ":"; emitNote(Loc, Message.str()); } void DiagnosticNoteRenderer::emitBuildingModuleLocation(FullSourceLoc Loc, PresumedLoc PLoc, StringRef ModuleName) { // Generate a note indicating the include location. SmallString<200> MessageStorage; llvm::raw_svector_ostream Message(MessageStorage); if (PLoc.isValid()) Message << "while building module '" << ModuleName << "' imported from " << PLoc.getFilename() << ':' << PLoc.getLine() << ":"; else Message << "while building module '" << ModuleName << "':"; emitNote(Loc, Message.str()); }