/* ntpdc_ops.c,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:12:02 jbj Exp * ntpdc_ops.c - subroutines which are called to perform operations by xntpdc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ntpdc.h" #include "ntp_control.h" #include "ntp_refclock.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" /* * Declarations for command handlers in here */ static int checkitems P((int, FILE *)); static int checkitemsize P((int, int)); static int check1item P((int, FILE *)); static void peerlist P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void peers P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void dmpeers P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void dopeers P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void printpeer P((struct info_peer *, FILE *)); static void showpeer P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void peerstats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void loopinfo P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void sysinfo P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void sysstats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void iostats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void memstats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void timerstats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void addpeer P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void addserver P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void broadcast P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void doconfig P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void unconfig P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void set P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void sys_clear P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void doset P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void reslist P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void restrict P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void unrestrict P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void delrestrict P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void do_restrict P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void monlist P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void monitor P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void reset P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void preset P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void readkeys P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void dodirty P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void dontdirty P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void trustkey P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void untrustkey P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void do_trustkey P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void authinfo P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void traps P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void addtrap P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void clrtrap P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void do_addclr_trap P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void requestkey P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void controlkey P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void do_changekey P((struct parse *, FILE *, int)); static void ctlstats P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void leapinfo P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void clockstat P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void fudge P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void clkbug P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void setprecision P((struct parse *, FILE *)); static void kerninfo P((struct parse *, FILE *)); /* * Commands we understand. Ntpdc imports this. */ struct xcmd opcmds[] = { { "listpeers", peerlist, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display list of peers the server knows about" }, { "peers", peers, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display peer summary information" }, { "dmpeers", dmpeers, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display peer summary info the way Dave Mills likes it" }, { "showpeer", showpeer, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "peer_address", "peer2_addr", "peer3_addr", "peer4_addr" }, "display detailed information for one or more peers" }, { "pstats", peerstats, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "peer_address", "peer2_addr", "peer3_addr", "peer4_addr" }, "display statistical information for one or more peers" }, { "loopinfo", loopinfo, { OPT|STR, NO, NO, NO }, { "oneline|multiline", "", "", "" }, "display loop filter information" }, { "sysinfo", sysinfo, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display local server information" }, { "sysstats", sysstats, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display local server statistics" }, { "memstats", memstats, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display peer memory usage statistics" }, { "iostats", iostats, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display I/O subsystem statistics" }, { "timerstats", timerstats, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display event timer subsystem statistics" }, { "addpeer", addpeer, { ADD, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|STR }, { "addr", "keyid", "version", "minpoll|prefer" }, "configure a new peer association" }, { "addserver", addserver, { ADD, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|STR }, { "addr", "keyid", "version", "minpoll|prefer" }, "configure a new server" }, { "broadcast", broadcast, { ADD, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|STR }, { "addr", "keyid", "version", "minpoll" }, "configure broadcasting time service" }, { "unconfig", unconfig, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "peer_address", "peer2_addr", "peer3_addr", "peer4_addr" }, "unconfigure existing peer assocations" }, { "set", set, { STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR }, { "bclient|mclient|auth", "...", "...", "..." }, "set a system flag (bclient, mclient, auth)" }, { "clear", sys_clear, { STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR }, { "bclient|mclient|auth", "...", "...", "..." }, "clear a system flag (bclient, mclient, auth)" }, { "reslist", reslist, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display the server's restrict list" }, { "restrict", restrict, { ADD, ADD, STR, OPT|STR }, { "address", "mask", "ntpport|ignore|noserve|notrust|noquery|nomodify|nopeer", "..." }, "create restrict entry/add flags to entry" }, { "unrestrict", unrestrict, { ADD, ADD, STR, OPT|STR }, { "address", "mask", "ntpport|ignore|noserve|notrust|noquery|nomodify|nopeer", "..." }, "remove flags from a restrict entry" }, { "delrestrict", delrestrict, { ADD, ADD, OPT|STR, NO }, { "address", "mask", "ntpport", "" }, "delete a restrict entry" }, { "monlist", monlist, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display data the server's monitor routines have collected" }, { "monitor", monitor, { STR, NO, NO, NO }, { "on|off", "", "", "" }, "turn the server's monitoring facility on or off" }, { "reset", reset, { STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR, OPT|STR }, { "io|sys|mem|timer|auth|allpeers", "...", "...", "..." }, "reset various subsystem statistics counters" }, { "preset", preset, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "peer_address", "peer2_addr", "peer3_addr", "peer4_addr" }, "reset stat counters associated with particular peer(s)" }, { "readkeys", readkeys, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "request a reread of the `keys' file and re-init of system keys" }, { "dodirty", dodirty, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "placeholder, historical interest only" }, { "dontdirty", dontdirty, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "placeholder, historical interest only" }, { "trustkey", trustkey, { UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT }, { "keyid", "keyid", "keyid", "keyid" }, "add one or more key ID's to the trusted list" }, { "untrustkey", untrustkey, { UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT, OPT|UINT }, { "keyid", "keyid", "keyid", "keyid" }, "remove one or more key ID's from the trusted list" }, { "authinfo", authinfo, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display the state of the authentication code" }, { "traps", traps, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display the traps set in the server" }, { "addtrap", addtrap, { ADD, OPT|UINT, OPT|ADD, NO }, { "address", "port", "interface", "" }, "configure a trap in the server" }, { "clrtrap", clrtrap, { ADD, OPT|UINT, OPT|ADD, NO }, { "address", "port", "interface", "" }, "remove a trap (configured or otherwise) from the server" }, { "requestkey", requestkey, { UINT, NO, NO, NO }, { "keyid", "", "", "" }, "change the keyid the server uses to authenticate requests" }, { "controlkey", controlkey, { UINT, NO, NO, NO }, { "keyid", "", "", "" }, "change the keyid the server uses to authenticate control messages" }, { "ctlstats", ctlstats, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display packet count statistics from the control module" }, { "leapinfo", leapinfo, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display the current leap second state" }, { "clockstat", clockstat, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "address", "address", "address", "address" }, "display clock status information" }, { "fudge", fudge, { ADD, STR, STR, NO }, { "address", "time1|time2|val1|val2|flags", "value", "" }, "set/change one of a clock's fudge factors" }, { "clkbug", clkbug, { ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD, OPT|ADD }, { "address", "address", "address", "address" }, "display clock debugging information" }, { "setprecision", setprecision, { INT, NO, NO, NO }, { "sys_precision", "", "", "" }, "set the server's advertised precision" }, { "kerninfo", kerninfo, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "display the kernel pll/pps variables" }, { 0, 0, { NO, NO, NO, NO }, { "", "", "", "" }, "" } }; /* * Imported from ntpdc.c */ extern int showhostnames; extern int debug; extern struct servent *server_entry; /* * For quick string comparisons */ #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0) /* * checkitems - utility to print a message if no items were returned */ static int checkitems(items, fp) int items; FILE *fp; { if (items == 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "No data returned in response to query\n"); return 0; } return 1; } /* * checkitemsize - utility to print a message if the item size is wrong */ static int checkitemsize(itemsize, expected) int itemsize; int expected; { if (itemsize != expected) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "***Incorrect item size returned by remote host (%d should be %d)\n", itemsize, expected); return 0; } return 1; } /* * check1item - check to make sure we have exactly one item */ static int check1item(items, fp) int items; FILE *fp; { if (items == 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "No data returned in response to query\n"); return 0; } if (items > 1) { (void) fprintf(fp, "Expected one item in response, got %d\n", items); return 0; } return 1; } /* * peerlist - get a short list of peers */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void peerlist(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_peer_list *plist; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_PEER_LIST, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&plist); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_peer_list))) return; while (items > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%-9s %s\n", modetoa(plist->hmode), nntohost(plist->address)); plist++; items--; } } /* * peers - show peer summary */ static void peers(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { dopeers(pcmd, fp, 0); } /* * dmpeers - show peer summary, Dave Mills style */ static void dmpeers(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { dopeers(pcmd, fp, 1); } /* * peers - show peer summary */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void dopeers(pcmd, fp, dmstyle) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int dmstyle; { struct info_peer_summary *plist; int items; int itemsize; int ntp_poll; int res; int c; l_fp tempts; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_PEER_LIST_SUM, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&plist); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_peer_summary))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, " remote local st poll reach delay offset disp\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "=======================================================================\n"); while (items > 0) { if (!dmstyle) { if (plist->flags & INFO_FLAG_SYSPEER) c = '*'; else if (plist->hmode == MODE_ACTIVE) c = '+'; else if (plist->hmode == MODE_PASSIVE) c = '-'; else if (plist->hmode == MODE_CLIENT) c = '='; else if (plist->hmode == MODE_BROADCAST) c = '^'; else if (plist->hmode == MODE_BCLIENT) c = '~'; else c = ' '; } else { if (plist->flags & INFO_FLAG_SYSPEER) c = '*'; else if (plist->flags & INFO_FLAG_SHORTLIST) c = '+'; else if (plist->flags & INFO_FLAG_SEL_CANDIDATE) c = '.'; else c = ' '; } NTOHL_FP(&(plist->offset), &tempts); ntp_poll = 1<ppoll, plist->hpoll, NTP_MAXPOLL), NTP_MINPOLL); (void) fprintf(fp, "%c%-15.15s %-15.15s %2d %4d %3o %7.7s %9.9s %7.7s\n", c, nntohost(plist->srcadr), numtoa(plist->dstadr), plist->stratum, ntp_poll, plist->reach, fptoa(NTOHS_FP(plist->delay), 5), lfptoa(&tempts, 6), ufptoa(NTOHS_FP(plist->dispersion), 5)); plist++; items--; } } /* * printpeer - print detail information for a peer */ static void printpeer(pp, fp) register struct info_peer *pp; FILE *fp; { register int i; char junk[5]; char *str; l_fp tempts; (void) fprintf(fp, "remote %s, local %s\n", numtoa(pp->srcadr), numtoa(pp->dstadr)); (void) fprintf(fp, "hmode %s, pmode %s, stratum %d, precision %d\n", modetoa(pp->hmode), modetoa(pp->pmode), pp->stratum, pp->precision); if (pp->stratum <= 1) { junk[4] = 0; memmove(junk, (char *)&pp->refid, 4); str = junk; } else { str = numtoa(pp->refid); } (void) fprintf(fp, "leap %c%c, refid [%s], rootdistance %s, rootdispersion %s\n", pp->leap & 0x2 ? '1' : '0', pp->leap & 0x1 ? '1' : '0', str, ufptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->rootdelay), 5), ufptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->rootdispersion), 5)); (void) fprintf(fp, "ppoll %d, hpoll %d, keyid %u, version %d, association %u\n", pp->ppoll, pp->hpoll, pp->keyid, pp->version, ntohs(pp->associd)); (void) fprintf(fp, "valid %d, reach %03o, unreach %d, flash %03o, ", pp->valid, pp->reach, pp->unreach, pp->flash); (void) fprintf(fp, "estbdelay %s, ttl %d\n", mfptoa(0, ntohl(pp->estbdelay), 5), pp->ttl); (void) fprintf(fp, "timer %ds, flags", ntohl(pp->timer)); if (pp->flags == 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, " none\n"); } else { str = ""; if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_SYSPEER) { (void) fprintf(fp, " system_peer"); str = ","; } if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_CONFIG) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%s configured", str); str = ","; } if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_MINPOLL) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%s minpoll", str); str = ","; } if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_AUTHENABLE) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%s authenable", str); str = ","; } if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_REFCLOCK) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%s reference_clock", str); str = ","; } if (pp->flags & INFO_FLAG_PREFER) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%s preferred_peer", str); } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); } HTONL_FP(&pp->reftime, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "reference time: %s\n", prettydate(&tempts)); HTONL_FP(&pp->org, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "originate timestamp: %s\n", prettydate(&tempts)); HTONL_FP(&pp->rec, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "receive timestamp: %s\n", prettydate(&tempts)); HTONL_FP(&pp->xmt, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "transmit timestamp: %s\n", prettydate(&tempts)); (void) fprintf(fp, "filter delay: "); for (i = 0; i < NTP_SHIFT; i++) { (void) fprintf(fp, " %-8.8s", fptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->filtdelay[i]), 5)); if (i == (NTP_SHIFT>>1)-1) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n "); } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "filter offset:"); for (i = 0; i < NTP_SHIFT; i++) { HTONL_FP(&pp->filtoffset[i], &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, " %-8.8s", lfptoa(&tempts, 6)); if (i == (NTP_SHIFT>>1)-1) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n "); } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "filter order: "); for (i = 0; i < NTP_SHIFT; i++) { (void) fprintf(fp, " %-8d", pp->order[i]); if (i == (NTP_SHIFT>>1)-1) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n "); } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); HTONL_FP(&pp->offset, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "offset %s, delay %s, dispersion %s, selectdisp %s\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 6), fptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->delay), 5), ufptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->dispersion), 5), ufptoa(HTONS_FP(pp->selectdisp), 5)); } /* * showpeer - show detailed information for a peer */ static void showpeer(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_peer *pp; /* 4 is the maximum number of peers which will fit in a packet */ struct info_peer_list plist[min(MAXARGS, 4)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; int res; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 4); qitems++) { plist[qitems].address = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; plist[qitems].port = server_entry->s_port; plist[qitems].hmode = plist[qitems].flags = 0; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_PEER_INFO, 0, qitems, sizeof(struct info_peer_list), (char *)plist, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&pp); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_peer))) return; while (items-- > 0) { printpeer(pp, fp); if (items > 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); pp++; } } /* * peerstats - return statistics for a peer */ static void peerstats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_peer_stats *pp; /* 4 is the maximum number of peers which will fit in a packet */ struct info_peer_list plist[min(MAXARGS, 4)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; int res; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 4); qitems++) { plist[qitems].address = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; plist[qitems].port = server_entry->s_port; plist[qitems].hmode = plist[qitems].flags = 0; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_PEER_STATS, 0, qitems, sizeof(struct info_peer_list), (char *)plist, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&pp); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_peer_stats))) return; while (items-- > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "remote host: %s\n", nntohost(pp->srcadr)); (void) fprintf(fp, "local interface: %s\n", numtoa(pp->dstadr)); (void) fprintf(fp, "time last received: %ds\n", ntohl(pp->timereceived)); (void) fprintf(fp, "time until next send: %ds\n", ntohl(pp->timetosend)); (void) fprintf(fp, "reachability change: %ds\n", ntohl(pp->timereachable)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets sent: %d\n", ntohl(pp->sent)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets received: %d\n", ntohl(pp->received)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets processed: %d\n", ntohl(pp->processed)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad length packets: %d\n", ntohl(pp->badlength)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad auth packets: %d\n", ntohl(pp->badauth)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bogus origin packets: %d\n", ntohl(pp->bogusorg)); (void) fprintf(fp, "duplicate packets: %d\n", ntohl(pp->oldpkt)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad delay rejections: %d\n", ntohl(pp->baddelay)); (void) fprintf(fp, "select delay rejects: %d\n", ntohl(pp->seldelay)); (void) fprintf(fp, "select disp rejects: %d\n", ntohl(pp->seldisp)); (void) fprintf(fp, "select finds broken: %d\n", ntohl(pp->selbroken)); (void) fprintf(fp, "too old for select: %d\n", ntohl(pp->selold)); (void) fprintf(fp, "sel candidate order: %d\n", (int)pp->candidate); (void) fprintf(fp, "falseticker order: %d\n", (int)pp->falseticker); (void) fprintf(fp, "select order: %d\n", (int)pp->select); (void) fprintf(fp, "select total: %d\n", (int)pp->select_total); if (items > 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); pp++; } } /* * loopinfo - show loop filter information */ static void loopinfo(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_loop *il; int items; int itemsize; int oneline = 0; int res; l_fp tempts; if (pcmd->nargs > 0) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[0].string, "oneline")) oneline = 1; else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[0].string, "multiline")) oneline = 0; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "How many lines?\n"); return; } } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_LOOP_INFO, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&il); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_loop))) return; if (oneline) { l_fp temp2ts; HTONL_FP(&il->last_offset, &tempts); HTONL_FP(&il->drift_comp, &temp2ts); (void) fprintf(fp, "offset %s, drift %s, compliance %d, timer %d seconds\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 7), lfptoa(&temp2ts, 7), ntohl(il->compliance), ntohl(il->watchdog_timer)); } else { HTONL_FP(&il->last_offset, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "offset: %s seconds\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 7)); HTONL_FP(&il->drift_comp, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "frequency: %s seconds\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 7)); (void) fprintf(fp, "compliance: %d seconds\n", ntohl(il->compliance)); (void) fprintf(fp, "timer: %d seconds\n", ntohl(il->watchdog_timer)); } } /* * sysinfo - show current system state */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void sysinfo(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_sys *is; int items; int itemsize; int res; char junk[5]; char *str; l_fp tempts; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_SYS_INFO, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&is); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_sys))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "system peer: %s\n", nntohost(is->peer)); (void) fprintf(fp, "system peer mode: %s\n", modetoa(is->peer_mode)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap indicator: %c%c\n", is->leap & 0x2 ? '1' : '0', is->leap & 0x1 ? '1' : '0'); (void) fprintf(fp, "stratum: %d\n", (int)is->stratum); (void) fprintf(fp, "precision: %d\n", (int)is->precision); (void) fprintf(fp, "sync distance: %s\n", fptoa(NTOHS_FP(is->rootdelay), 5)); (void) fprintf(fp, "sync dispersion: %s\n", ufptoa(NTOHS_FP(is->rootdispersion), 5)); if (is->stratum <= 1) { junk[4] = 0; memmove(junk, (char *)&is->refid, 4); str = junk; } else { str = numtoa(is->refid); } (void) fprintf(fp, "reference ID: [%s]\n", str); HTONL_FP(&is->reftime, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "reference time: %s\n", prettydate(&tempts)); (void) fprintf(fp, "system flags: "); if ((is->flags & (INFO_FLAG_BCLIENT | INFO_FLAG_MCLIENT | INFO_FLAG_AUTHENABLE)) == 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "none\n"); } else { res = 0; if (is->flags & INFO_FLAG_BCLIENT) { (void) fprintf(fp, "bclient"); res = 1; } if (is->flags & INFO_FLAG_MCLIENT) { (void) fprintf(fp, "mclient"); res = 1; } if (is->flags & INFO_FLAG_AUTHENABLE) (void) fprintf(fp, "%sauthenticate", res ? ", " : ""); (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); } HTONL_FP(&is->bdelay, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "broadcast delay: %s\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 7)); HTONL_FP(&is->authdelay, &tempts); (void) fprintf(fp, "encryption delay: %s\n", lfptoa(&tempts, 7)); } /* * sysstats - print system statistics */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void sysstats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_sys_stats *ss; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_SYS_STATS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&ss); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (itemsize != sizeof(struct info_sys_stats) && itemsize != sizeof(struct old_info_sys_stats)) { /* issue warning according to new structure size */ checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_sys_stats)); return; } (void) fprintf(fp, "system uptime: %d\n", ntohl(ss->timeup)); (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(ss->timereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad stratum in packet: %d\n", ntohl(ss->badstratum)); (void) fprintf(fp, "old version packets: %d\n", ntohl(ss->oldversionpkt)); (void) fprintf(fp, "new version packets: %d\n", ntohl(ss->newversionpkt)); (void) fprintf(fp, "unknown version number: %d\n", ntohl(ss->unknownversion)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad packet length: %d\n", ntohl(ss->badlength)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets processed: %d\n", ntohl(ss->processed)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad authentication: %d\n", ntohl(ss->badauth)); if (itemsize != sizeof(struct info_sys_stats)) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "limitation rejects: %d\n", ntohl(ss->limitrejected)); } /* * iostats - print I/O statistics */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void iostats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_io_stats *io; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_IO_STATS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&io); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_io_stats))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(io->timereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "total receive buffers: %d\n", (int)ntohs(io->totalrecvbufs)); (void) fprintf(fp, "free receive buffers: %d\n", (int)ntohs(io->freerecvbufs)); (void) fprintf(fp, "used receive buffers: %d\n", (int)ntohs(io->fullrecvbufs)); (void) fprintf(fp, "low water refills: %d\n", (int)ntohs(io->lowwater)); (void) fprintf(fp, "dropped packets: %d\n", ntohl(io->dropped)); (void) fprintf(fp, "ignored packets: %d\n", ntohl(io->ignored)); (void) fprintf(fp, "received packets: %d\n", ntohl(io->received)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets sent: %d\n", ntohl(io->sent)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packets not sent: %d\n", ntohl(io->notsent)); (void) fprintf(fp, "interrupts handled: %d\n", ntohl(io->interrupts)); (void) fprintf(fp, "received by interrupt: %d\n", ntohl(io->int_received)); } /* * memstats - print peer memory statistics */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void memstats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_mem_stats *mem; int i; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_MEM_STATS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&mem); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_mem_stats))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(mem->timereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "total peer memory: %d\n", (int)ntohs(mem->totalpeermem)); (void) fprintf(fp, "free peer memory: %d\n", (int)ntohs(mem->freepeermem)); (void) fprintf(fp, "calls to findpeer: %d\n", ntohl(mem->findpeer_calls)); (void) fprintf(fp, "new peer allocations: %d\n", ntohl(mem->allocations)); (void) fprintf(fp, "peer demobilizations: %d\n", ntohl(mem->demobilizations)); (void) fprintf(fp, "hash table counts: "); for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%4d", (int)mem->hashcount[i]); if ((i % 8) == 7 && i != (HASH_SIZE-1)) { (void) fprintf(fp, "\n "); } } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); } /* * timerstats - print timer statistics */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void timerstats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_timer_stats *tim; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_TIMER_STATS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&tim); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_timer_stats))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(tim->timereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "alarms handled: %d\n", ntohl(tim->alarms)); (void) fprintf(fp, "alarm overruns: %d\n", ntohl(tim->overflows)); (void) fprintf(fp, "calls to transmit: %d\n", ntohl(tim->xmtcalls)); } /* * addpeer - configure an active mode association */ static void addpeer(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { doconfig(pcmd, fp, MODE_ACTIVE); } /* * addserver - configure a client mode association */ static void addserver(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { doconfig(pcmd, fp, MODE_CLIENT); } /* * broadcast - configure a broadcast mode association */ static void broadcast(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { doconfig(pcmd, fp, MODE_BROADCAST); } /* * config - configure a new peer association */ static void doconfig(pcmd, fp, mode) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int mode; { struct conf_peer cpeer; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; U_LONG keyid; u_int version; u_int flags; int res; keyid = 0; version = NTP_VERSION; flags = 0; res = 0; if (pcmd->nargs > 1) { keyid = pcmd->argval[1].uval; if (keyid > 0) { flags |= CONF_FLAG_AUTHENABLE; } if (pcmd->nargs > 2) { version = (u_int)pcmd->argval[2].uval; if (version > NTP_VERSION || version < NTP_OLDVERSION) { (void) fprintf(fp, "funny version number %u specified\n", version); res++; } items = 3; while (pcmd->nargs > items) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[items].string, "minpoll")) { flags |= CONF_FLAG_MINPOLL; } else { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[items].string, "prefer")) { flags |= CONF_FLAG_PREFER; } else { (void) fprintf(fp, "`%s' not understood\n", pcmd->argval[3].string); res++; break; } } items++; } } } if (res) return; cpeer.peeraddr = pcmd->argval[0].netnum; cpeer.hmode = (u_char) mode; cpeer.keyid = keyid; cpeer.version = (u_char) version; cpeer.minpoll = NTP_MINDPOLL; cpeer.maxpoll = NTP_MAXPOLL; cpeer.flags = (u_char)flags; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_CONFIG, 1, 1, sizeof(struct conf_peer), (char *)&cpeer, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * unconfig - unconfigure some associations */ static void unconfig(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { /* 8 is the maximum number of peers which will fit in a packet */ struct conf_unpeer plist[min(MAXARGS, 8)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 8); qitems++) { plist[qitems].peeraddr = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_UNCONFIG, 1, qitems, sizeof(struct conf_unpeer), (char *)plist, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); } /* * set - set some system flags */ static void set(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { doset(pcmd, fp, REQ_SET_SYS_FLAG); } /* * clear - clear some system flags */ static void sys_clear(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { doset(pcmd, fp, REQ_CLR_SYS_FLAG); } /* * doset - set/clear system flags */ static void doset(pcmd, fp, req) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int req; { /* 8 is the maximum number of peers which will fit in a packet */ struct conf_sys_flags sys; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; sys.flags = 0; res = 0; for (items = 0; items < pcmd->nargs; items++) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[items].string, "bclient")) sys.flags |= SYS_FLAG_BCLIENT; else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[items].string, "mclient")) sys.flags |= SYS_FLAG_MCLIENT; else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[items].string, "auth")) sys.flags |= SYS_FLAG_AUTHENTICATE; else { (void) fprintf(fp, "unknown flag %s\n", pcmd->argval[items].string); res = 1; } } if (res || sys.flags == 0) return; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req, 1, 1, sizeof(struct conf_sys_flags), (char *)&sys, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); } /* * data for printing/interrpreting the restrict flags */ struct resflags { char *str; int bit; }; static struct resflags resflags[] = { { "ignore", RES_IGNORE }, { "noserve", RES_DONTSERVE }, { "notrust", RES_DONTTRUST }, { "noquery", RES_NOQUERY }, { "nomodify", RES_NOMODIFY }, { "nopeer", RES_NOPEER }, { "notrap", RES_NOTRAP }, { "lptrap", RES_LPTRAP }, { "limited", RES_LIMITED }, { "", 0 } }; static struct resflags resmflags[] = { { "ntpport", RESM_NTPONLY }, { "interface", RESM_INTERFACE }, { "", 0 } }; /* * reslist - obtain and print the server's restrict list */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void reslist(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_restrict *rl; int items; int itemsize; int res; char *addr; char *mask; struct resflags *rf; U_LONG count; u_short flags; u_short mflags; char flagstr[300]; static char *comma = ", "; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_RESTRICT, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&rl); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_restrict))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, " address mask count flags\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "=====================================================================\n"); while (items > 0) { addr = numtoa(rl->addr); mask = numtoa(rl->mask); count = ntohl(rl->count); flags = ntohs(rl->flags); mflags = ntohs(rl->mflags); flagstr[0] = '\0'; res = 1; rf = &resmflags[0]; while (rf->bit != 0) { if (mflags & rf->bit) { if (!res) (void) strcat(flagstr, comma); res = 0; (void) strcat(flagstr, rf->str); } rf++; } rf = &resflags[0]; while (rf->bit != 0) { if (flags & rf->bit) { if (!res) (void) strcat(flagstr, comma); res = 0; (void) strcat(flagstr, rf->str); } rf++; } if (flagstr[0] == '\0') (void) strcpy(flagstr, "none"); (void) fprintf(fp, "%-15.15s %-15.15s %9d %s\n", addr, mask, count, flagstr); rl++; items--; } } /* * restrict - create/add a set of restrictions */ static void restrict(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_restrict(pcmd, fp, REQ_RESADDFLAGS); } /* * unrestrict - remove restriction flags from existing entry */ static void unrestrict(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_restrict(pcmd, fp, REQ_RESSUBFLAGS); } /* * delrestrict - delete an existing restriction */ static void delrestrict(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_restrict(pcmd, fp, REQ_UNRESTRICT); } /* * do_restrict - decode commandline restrictions and make the request */ static void do_restrict(pcmd, fp, req_code) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int req_code; { struct conf_restrict cres; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; U_LONG num; U_LONG bit; int i; int res; int err; cres.addr = pcmd->argval[0].netnum; cres.mask = pcmd->argval[1].netnum; cres.flags = 0; cres.mflags = 0; err = 0; for (res = 2; res < pcmd->nargs; res++) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[res].string, "ntpport")) { cres.mflags |= RESM_NTPONLY; } else { for (i = 0; resflags[i].bit != 0; i++) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[res].string, resflags[i].str)) break; } if (resflags[i].bit != 0) { cres.flags |= resflags[i].bit; if (req_code == REQ_UNRESTRICT) { (void) fprintf(fp, "Flag `%s' inappropriate\n", resflags[i].str); err++; } } else { (void) fprintf(fp, "Unknown flag %s\n", pcmd->argval[res].string); err++; } } } /* * Make sure mask for default address is zero. Otherwise, * make sure mask bits are contiguous. */ if (cres.addr == 0) { cres.mask = 0; } else { num = ntohl(cres.mask); for (bit = 0x80000000; bit != 0; bit >>= 1) if ((num & bit) == 0) break; for ( ; bit != 0; bit >>= 1) if ((num & bit) != 0) break; if (bit != 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "Invalid mask %s\n", numtoa(cres.mask)); err++; } } if (err) return; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req_code, 1, 1, sizeof(struct conf_restrict), (char *)&cres, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * monlist - obtain and print the server's monitor data */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void monlist(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_monitor *ml; struct old_info_monitor *oml; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_MON_GETLIST, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&ml); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (itemsize == sizeof(struct info_monitor)) { (void) fprintf(fp, " address port count mode version lastdrop lasttime firsttime\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "===============================================================================\n"); while (items > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%-20.20s %5d %9d %4d %3d %9u %9u %9u\n", nntohost(ml->addr), ntohs(ml->port), ntohl(ml->count), ml->mode, ml->version, ntohl(ml->lastdrop), ntohl(ml->lasttime), ntohl(ml->firsttime)); ml++; items--; } } else { if (itemsize != sizeof(struct old_info_monitor)) { /* issue warning according to new info_monitor size */ checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_monitor)); return; } oml = (struct old_info_monitor *)ml; (void) fprintf(fp, " address port count mode version lasttime firsttime\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "======================================================================\n"); while (items > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "%-20.20s %5d %9d %4d %3d %9u %9u\n", nntohost(oml->addr), ntohs(oml->port), ntohl(oml->count), oml->mode, oml->version, ntohl(oml->lasttime), ntohl(oml->firsttime)); oml++; items--; } } } /* * monitor - turn the server's monitor facility on or off */ static void monitor(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int req_code; int res; if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[0].string, "on")) req_code = REQ_MONITOR; else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[0].string, "off")) req_code = REQ_NOMONITOR; else { (void) fprintf(fp, "monitor what?\n"); return; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req_code, 1, 0, 0, (char *)0, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * Mapping between command line strings and stat reset flags */ struct statreset { char *str; int flag; } sreset[] = { { "io", RESET_FLAG_IO }, { "sys", RESET_FLAG_SYS }, { "mem", RESET_FLAG_MEM }, { "timer", RESET_FLAG_TIMER }, { "auth", RESET_FLAG_AUTH }, { "allpeers", RESET_FLAG_ALLPEERS }, { "", 0 } }; /* * reset - reset statistic counters */ static void reset(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct reset_flags rflags; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int i; int res; int err; err = 0; rflags.flags = 0; for (res = 0; res < pcmd->nargs; res++) { for (i = 0; sreset[i].flag != 0; i++) { if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[res].string, sreset[i].str)) break; } if (sreset[i].flag == 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "Flag `%s' unknown\n", pcmd->argval[res].string); err++; } else { rflags.flags |= sreset[i].flag; } } if (err) { (void) fprintf(fp, "Not done due to errors\n"); return; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_RESET_STATS, 1, 1, sizeof(struct reset_flags), (char *)&rflags, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * preset - reset stat counters for particular peers */ static void preset(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { /* 8 is the maximum number of peers which will fit in a packet */ struct conf_unpeer plist[min(MAXARGS, 8)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 8); qitems++) { plist[qitems].peeraddr = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_RESET_PEER, 1, qitems, sizeof(struct conf_unpeer), (char *)plist, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); } /* * readkeys - request the server to reread the keys file */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void readkeys(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_REREAD_KEYS, 1, 0, 0, (char *)0, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * dodirty - request the server to do something dirty */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void dodirty(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_DO_DIRTY_HACK, 1, 0, 0, (char *)0, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * dontdirty - request the server to not do something dirty */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void dontdirty(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_DONT_DIRTY_HACK, 1, 0, 0, (char *)0, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * trustkey - add some keys to the trusted key list */ static void trustkey(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_trustkey(pcmd, fp, REQ_TRUSTKEY); } /* * untrustkey - remove some keys from the trusted key list */ static void untrustkey(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_trustkey(pcmd, fp, REQ_UNTRUSTKEY); } /* * do_trustkey - do grunge work of adding/deleting keys */ static void do_trustkey(pcmd, fp, req) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int req; { U_LONG keyids[MAXARGS]; int i; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int ritems; int res; ritems = 0; for (i = 0; i < pcmd->nargs; i++) { keyids[ritems++] = pcmd->argval[i].uval; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req, 1, ritems, sizeof(U_LONG), (char *)keyids, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * authinfo - obtain and print info about authentication */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void authinfo(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_auth *ia; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_AUTHINFO, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&ia); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_auth))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(ia->timereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "key lookups: %d\n", ntohl(ia->keylookups)); (void) fprintf(fp, "keys not found: %d\n", ntohl(ia->keynotfound)); (void) fprintf(fp, "encryptions: %d\n", ntohl(ia->encryptions)); (void) fprintf(fp, "decryptions: %d\n", ntohl(ia->decryptions)); (void) fprintf(fp, "successful decryptions: %d\n", ntohl(ia->decryptions)); (void) fprintf(fp, "uncached keys: %d\n", ntohl(ia->keyuncached)); } /* * traps - obtain and print a list of traps */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void traps(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { int i; struct info_trap *it; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_TRAPS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&it); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_trap))) return; for (i = 0; i < items; i++ ) { if (i != 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "address %s, port %d\n", numtoa(it->trap_address), ntohs(it->trap_port)); (void) fprintf(fp, "interface: %s, ", it->local_address==0?"wildcard":numtoa(it->local_address)); if (htonl(it->flags) & TRAP_CONFIGURED) (void) fprintf(fp, "configured\n"); else if (it->flags & TRAP_NONPRIO) (void) fprintf(fp, "low priority\n"); else (void) fprintf(fp, "normal priority\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "set for %d secs, last set %d secs ago\n", it->origtime, it->settime); (void) fprintf(fp, "sequence %d, number of resets %d\n", it->sequence, it->resets); } } /* * addtrap - configure a trap */ static void addtrap(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_addclr_trap(pcmd, fp, REQ_ADD_TRAP); } /* * clrtrap - clear a trap from the server */ static void clrtrap(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_addclr_trap(pcmd, fp, REQ_CLR_TRAP); } /* * do_addclr_trap - do grunge work of adding/deleting traps */ static void do_addclr_trap(pcmd, fp, req) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int req; { struct conf_trap ctrap; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; ctrap.trap_address = pcmd->argval[0].netnum; ctrap.local_address = 0; ctrap.trap_port = htons(TRAPPORT); ctrap.unused = 0; if (pcmd->nargs > 1) { ctrap.trap_port = htons((u_short)(pcmd->argval[1].uval & 0xffff)); if (pcmd->nargs > 2) ctrap.local_address = pcmd->argval[2].netnum; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req, 1, 1, sizeof(struct conf_trap), (char *)&ctrap, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * requestkey - change the server's request key (a dangerous request) */ static void requestkey(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_changekey(pcmd, fp, REQ_REQUEST_KEY); } /* * controlkey - change the server's control key */ static void controlkey(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { do_changekey(pcmd, fp, REQ_CONTROL_KEY); } /* * do_changekey - do grunge work of changing keys */ static void do_changekey(pcmd, fp, req) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; int req; { U_LONG key; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; key = htonl(pcmd->argval[0].uval); res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, req, 1, 1, sizeof(U_LONG), (char *)&key, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * ctlstats - obtain and print info about authentication */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void ctlstats(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_control *ic; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_CTLSTATS, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&ic); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_control))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "time since reset: %d\n", ntohl(ic->ctltimereset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "requests received: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlreq)); (void) fprintf(fp, "responses sent: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlresponses)); (void) fprintf(fp, "fragments sent: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlfrags)); (void) fprintf(fp, "async messages sent: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numasyncmsgs)); (void) fprintf(fp, "error msgs sent: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlerrors)); (void) fprintf(fp, "total bad pkts: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlbadpkts)); (void) fprintf(fp, "packet too short: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctltooshort)); (void) fprintf(fp, "response on input: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlinputresp)); (void) fprintf(fp, "fragment on input: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlinputfrag)); (void) fprintf(fp, "error set on input: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlinputerr)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad offset on input: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlbadoffset)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad version packets: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlbadversion)); (void) fprintf(fp, "data in pkt too short: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctldatatooshort)); (void) fprintf(fp, "unknown op codes: %d\n", ntohl(ic->numctlbadop)); } /* * Table for human printing leap bits */ char *leapbittab[] = { "00 (no leap second scheduled)", "01 (second to be added at end of month)", "10 (second to be deleted at end of month)", "11 (clock out of sync)" }; char *controlleapbittab[] = { "00 (leap controlled by lower stratum)", "01 (second to be added at end of month)", "10 (second to be deleted at end of month)", "11 (lower stratum leap information ignored - no leap)" }; /* * leapinfo - obtain information about the state of the leap second support */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static void leapinfo(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_leap *il; int items; int itemsize; int res; l_fp ts; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_LEAPINFO, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&il); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_leap))) return; (void) fprintf(fp, "sys.leap: %s\n", leapbittab[il->sys_leap & INFO_LEAP_MASK]); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap.indicator: %s\n", controlleapbittab[il->leap_indicator & INFO_LEAP_MASK]); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap.warning: %s\n", controlleapbittab[il->leap_warning & INFO_LEAP_MASK]); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap.bits: %s\n", leapbittab[il->leap_bits & INFO_LEAP_MASK]); if (il->leap_bits & INFO_LEAP_OVERRIDE) (void) fprintf(fp, "Leap overide option in effect\n"); if (il->leap_bits & INFO_LEAP_SEENSTRATUM1) (void) fprintf(fp, "Stratum 1 restrictions in effect\n"); (void) fprintf(fp, "time to next leap interrupt: %d seconds\n", ntohl(il->leap_timer)); gettstamp(&ts); (void) fprintf(fp, "date of next leap interrupt: %s\n", humandate(ts.l_ui + ntohl(il->leap_timer))); (void) fprintf(fp, "calls to leap process: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_processcalls)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap more than month away: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_notclose)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap less than month away: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_monthofleap)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap less than day away: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_dayofleap)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap in less than 2 hours: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_hoursfromleap)); (void) fprintf(fp, "leap happened: %u\n", ntohl(il->leap_happened)); } /* * clockstat - get and print clock status information */ static void clockstat(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { extern struct clktype clktypes[]; struct info_clock *cl; /* 8 is the maximum number of clocks which will fit in a packet */ U_LONG clist[min(MAXARGS, 8)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; int res; l_fp ts; struct clktype *clk; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 8); qitems++) clist[qitems] = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_CLOCKINFO, 0, qitems, sizeof(U_LONG), (char *)clist, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&cl); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_clock))) return; while (items-- > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "clock address: %s\n", numtoa(cl->clockadr)); for (clk = clktypes; clk->code >= 0; clk++) if (clk->code == cl->type) break; if (clk->code >= 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "clock type: %s\n", clk->clocktype); else (void) fprintf(fp, "clock type: unknown type (%d)\n", cl->type); (void) fprintf(fp, "last event: %d\n", cl->lastevent); (void) fprintf(fp, "current status: %d\n", cl->currentstatus); (void) fprintf(fp, "number of polls: %u\n", ntohl(cl->polls)); (void) fprintf(fp, "no response to poll: %u\n", ntohl(cl->noresponse)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad format responses: %u\n", ntohl(cl->badformat)); (void) fprintf(fp, "bad data responses: %u\n", ntohl(cl->baddata)); (void) fprintf(fp, "running time: %u\n", ntohl(cl->timestarted)); NTOHL_FP(&cl->fudgetime1, &ts); (void) fprintf(fp, "fudge time 1: %s\n", lfptoa(&ts, 7)); NTOHL_FP(&cl->fudgetime2, &ts); (void) fprintf(fp, "fudge time 2: %s\n", lfptoa(&ts, 7)); (void) fprintf(fp, "fudge value 1: %ld\n", ntohl(cl->fudgeval1)); (void) fprintf(fp, "fudge value 2: %ld\n", ntohl(cl->fudgeval2)); (void) fprintf(fp, "fudge flags: 0x%x\n", cl->flags); if (items > 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); cl++; } } /* * fudge - set clock fudge factors */ static void fudge(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct conf_fudge fudgedata; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; l_fp ts; int res; LONG val; int err; err = 0; memset((char *)&fudgedata, 0, sizeof fudgedata); fudgedata.clockadr = pcmd->argval[0].netnum; if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[1].string, "time1")) { fudgedata.which = htonl(FUDGE_TIME1); if (!atolfp(pcmd->argval[2].string, &ts)) err = 1; else HTONL_FP(&ts, &fudgedata.fudgetime); } else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[1].string, "time2")) { fudgedata.which = htonl(FUDGE_TIME2); if (!atolfp(pcmd->argval[2].string, &ts)) err = 1; else HTONL_FP(&ts, &fudgedata.fudgetime); } else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[1].string, "val1")) { fudgedata.which = htonl(FUDGE_VAL1); if (!atoint(pcmd->argval[2].string, &val)) err = 1; else fudgedata.fudgeval_flags = htonl(val); } else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[1].string, "val2")) { fudgedata.which = htonl(FUDGE_VAL2); if (!atoint(pcmd->argval[2].string, &val)) err = 1; else fudgedata.fudgeval_flags = htonl(val); } else if (STREQ(pcmd->argval[1].string, "flags")) { fudgedata.which = htonl(FUDGE_FLAGS); if (!atoint(pcmd->argval[2].string, &val)) err = 1; else fudgedata.fudgeval_flags = htonl(val & 0xf); } else { (void) fprintf(stderr, "What fudge is `%s'?\n", pcmd->argval[1].string); return; } if (err) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Can't decode the value `%s'\n", pcmd->argval[2].string); return; } res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_SET_CLKFUDGE, 1, 1, sizeof(struct conf_fudge), (char *)&fudgedata, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * clkbug - get and print clock debugging information */ static void clkbug(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { register int i; register int n; register U_LONG s; struct info_clkbug *cl; /* 8 is the maximum number of clocks which will fit in a packet */ U_LONG clist[min(MAXARGS, 8)]; int qitems; int items; int itemsize; int res; l_fp ts; for (qitems = 0; qitems < min(pcmd->nargs, 8); qitems++) clist[qitems] = pcmd->argval[qitems].netnum; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_CLKBUGINFO, 0, qitems, sizeof(U_LONG), (char *)clist, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&cl); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!checkitems(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_clkbug))) return; while (items-- > 0) { (void) fprintf(fp, "clock address: %s\n", numtoa(cl->clockadr)); n = (int)cl->nvalues; (void) fprintf(fp, "values: %d", n); s = (U_LONG)ntohs(cl->svalues); if (n > NUMCBUGVALUES) n = NUMCBUGVALUES; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((i & 0x3) == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (s & (1<values[i])); } else { (void) fprintf(fp, "%12lu", ntohl(cl->values[i])); } } (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); n = (int)cl->ntimes; (void) fprintf(fp, "times: %d", n); s = ntohl(cl->stimes); if (n > NUMCBUGTIMES) n = NUMCBUGTIMES; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { int needsp = 0; if ((i & 0x1) == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); else { for (;needsp > 0; needsp--) putc(' ', fp); } HTONL_FP(&cl->times[i], &ts); if (s & (1< 0) { cl++; (void) fprintf(fp, "\n"); } } } /* * setprecision - set the server's value of sys.precision */ static void setprecision(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { LONG precision; int items; int itemsize; char *dummy; int res; precision = htonl(pcmd->argval[0].ival); res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_SET_PRECISION, 1, 1, sizeof(LONG), (char *)&precision, &items, &itemsize, &dummy); if (res == 0) (void) fprintf(fp, "done!\n"); return; } /* * kerninfo - display the kernel pll/pps variables */ static void kerninfo(pcmd, fp) struct parse *pcmd; FILE *fp; { struct info_kernel *ik; int items; int itemsize; int res; res = doquery(IMPL_XNTPD, REQ_GET_KERNEL, 0, 0, 0, (char *)NULL, &items, &itemsize, (char **)&ik); if (res != 0 && items == 0) return; if (!check1item(items, fp)) return; if (!checkitemsize(itemsize, sizeof(struct info_kernel))) return; /* * pll variables */ (void)fprintf(fp, "pll offset: %d us\n", ntohl(ik->offset)); (void)fprintf(fp, "pll frequency: %s ppm\n", fptoa((s_fp)ntohl(ik->freq), 3)); (void)fprintf(fp, "maximum error: %d us\n", ntohl(ik->maxerror)); (void)fprintf(fp, "estimated error: %d us\n", ntohl(ik->esterror)); (void)fprintf(fp, "status: %04x\n", ntohs(ik->status & 0xffff)); (void)fprintf(fp, "pll time constant: %d\n", ntohl(ik->constant)); (void)fprintf(fp, "precision: %d us\n", ntohl(ik->precision)); (void)fprintf(fp, "frequency tolerance: %s ppm\n", fptoa((s_fp)ntohl(ik->tolerance), 0)); /* * For backwards compatibility (ugh), we find the pps variables * only if the shift member is nonzero. */ if (!ik->shift) return; /* * pps variables */ (void)fprintf(fp, "pps frequency: %s ppm\n", fptoa((s_fp)ntohl(ik->ppsfreq), 3)); (void)fprintf(fp, "pps stability: %s ppm\n", fptoa((s_fp)ntohl(ik->stabil), 3)); (void)fprintf(fp, "pps jitter: %d us\n", ntohl(ik->jitter)); (void)fprintf(fp, "calibration interval: %d s\n", 1 << ntohs(ik->shift)); (void)fprintf(fp, "calibration cycles: %d\n", ntohl(ik->calcnt)); (void)fprintf(fp, "jitter exceeded: %d\n", ntohl(ik->jitcnt)); (void)fprintf(fp, "stability exceeded: %d\n", ntohl(ik->stbcnt)); (void)fprintf(fp, "calibration errors: %d\n", ntohl(ik->errcnt)); }