function(add_python_test_target name test_script args comment) set(PYTHON_TEST_COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${test_script} ${args} ) add_custom_target(${name} COMMAND ${PYTHON_TEST_COMMAND} ${ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS} COMMENT "${comment}" ) endfunction() if ("${LLDB_TEST_COMPILER}" STREQUAL "") string(REGEX REPLACE ".*ccache\ +" "" LLDB_TEST_COMPILER ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1}) endif() # The default architecture with which to compile test executables is the default LLVM target # architecture, which itself defaults to the host architecture. string(TOLOWER "${LLVM_TARGET_ARCH}" LLDB_DEFAULT_TEST_ARCH) if( LLDB_DEFAULT_TEST_ARCH STREQUAL "host" ) string(REGEX MATCH "^[^-]*" LLDB_DEFAULT_TEST_ARCH ${LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE}) endif () # Allow the user to override the default by setting LLDB_TEST_ARCH set(LLDB_TEST_ARCH ${LLDB_DEFAULT_TEST_ARCH} CACHE STRING "Specify the architecture to run LLDB tests as (x86|x64). Determines whether tests are compiled with -m32 or -m64") # Users can override LLDB_TEST_USER_ARGS to specify arbitrary arguments to pass to the script set(LLDB_TEST_USER_ARGS -C ${LLDB_TEST_COMPILER} CACHE STRING "Specify additional arguments to pass to test runner. For example: '-C gcc -C clang -A i386 -A x86_64'") set(LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS --arch=${LLDB_TEST_ARCH} --executable ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/lldb${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX} -s ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lldb-test-traces -S nm -u CXXFLAGS -u CFLAGS ) if ( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" ) # All tests are currently flaky on Windows, so rerun them all once when they fail. set(LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS ${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS} --rerun-all-issues) set(LLDB_TEST_DEBUG_TEST_CRASHES 0 CACHE BOOL "(Windows only) Enables debugging of tests in the test suite by showing the crash dialog when lldb crashes") set(LLDB_TEST_HIDE_CONSOLE_WINDOWS 1 CACHE BOOL "(Windows only) Hides the console window for an inferior when it is launched through the test suite") if (LLDB_TEST_DEBUG_TEST_CRASHES) set(LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS ${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS} --enable-crash-dialog) endif() if (NOT LLDB_TEST_HIDE_CONSOLE_WINDOWS) set(LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS ${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS} --show-inferior-console) endif() endif() add_python_test_target(check-lldb-single ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/test/ "--no-multiprocess;${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS};${LLDB_TEST_USER_ARGS}" "Testing LLDB with args: ${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS};${LLDB_TEST_USER_ARGS}" ) set(LLDB_DOTEST_ARGS -q;${LLDB_TEST_COMMON_ARGS};${LLDB_TEST_USER_ARGS}) # If tests crash cause LLDB to crash, or things are otherwise unstable, or if machine-parsable # output is desired (i.e. in continuous integration contexts) check-lldb-single is a better target. add_python_test_target(check-lldb ${LLDB_SOURCE_DIR}/test/ "${LLDB_DOTEST_ARGS}" "Testing LLDB (parallel execution, with a separate subprocess per test)" )