/*- * Copyright (c) 1994 Søren Schmidt * Copyright (c) 1994 Sean Eric Fagan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in this position and unchanged. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software withough specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Id: ibcs2_ioctl.c,v 1.2 1994/10/17 22:13:07 sos Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct ibcs2_termio { unsigned short c_iflag; unsigned short c_oflag; unsigned short c_cflag; unsigned short c_lflag; char c_line; unsigned char c_cc[IBCS2_NCC]; }; struct ibcs2_termios { unsigned short c_iflag; unsigned short c_oflag; unsigned short c_cflag; unsigned short c_lflag; char c_line; unsigned char c_cc[IBCS2_NCCS]; char c_ispeed; char c_ospeed; }; struct ibcs2_winsize { char bytex, bytey; short bitx, bity; }; static struct speedtab sptab[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 50, 1 }, { 75, 2 }, { 110, 3 }, { 134, 4 }, { 135, 4 }, { 150, 5 }, { 200, 6 }, { 300, 7 }, { 600, 8 }, { 1200, 9 }, { 1800, 10 }, { 2400, 11 }, { 4800, 12 }, { 9600, 13 }, { 19200, 14 }, { 38400, 15 }, { 57600, 15 }, { 115200, 15 }, {-1, -1 } }; static int ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(int code, struct speedtab *table) { for ( ; table->sp_code != -1; table++) if (table->sp_code == code) return (table->sp_speed); return -1; } static int bsd_to_ibcs2_speed(int speed, struct speedtab *table) { for ( ; table->sp_speed != -1; table++) if (table->sp_speed == speed) return (table->sp_code); return -1; } static void bsd_termios_to_ibcs2_termio(struct termios *bsd_termios, struct ibcs2_termio *ibcs2_termio) { int speed; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: BSD termios structure (input):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d\n", bsd_termios->c_iflag, bsd_termios->c_oflag, bsd_termios->c_cflag, bsd_termios->c_lflag, bsd_termios->c_ispeed, bsd_termios->c_ospeed); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } ibcs2_termio->c_iflag = bsd_termios->c_iflag & (IGNBRK|BRKINT|IGNPAR|PARMRK|INPCK |ISTRIP|INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL|IXANY); if (bsd_termios->c_iflag & IXON) ibcs2_termio->c_iflag |= IBCS2_IXON; if (bsd_termios->c_iflag & IXOFF) ibcs2_termio->c_iflag |= IBCS2_IXOFF; ibcs2_termio->c_oflag = 0; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & OPOST) ibcs2_termio->c_oflag |= IBCS2_OPOST; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & ONLCR) ibcs2_termio->c_oflag |= IBCS2_ONLCR; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & OXTABS) ibcs2_termio->c_oflag |= (IBCS2_TAB1|IBCS2_TAB2); speed = bsd_to_ibcs2_speed(bsd_termios->c_ospeed, sptab); ibcs2_termio->c_cflag = speed >= 0 ? speed : 0; ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) >> 4; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= IBCS2_CSTOPB; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & PARENB) ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= IBCS2_PARENB; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & PARODD) ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= IBCS2_PARODD; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & HUPCL) ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= IBCS2_HUPCL; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CLOCAL) ibcs2_termio->c_cflag |= IBCS2_CLOCAL; ibcs2_termio->c_lflag = 0; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ISIG) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ISIG; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ICANON) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ICANON; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHO) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHO; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOE) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHOE; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOK) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHOK; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHONL) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHONL; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & NOFLSH) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= IBCS2_NOFLSH; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOCTL) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= 0x0200; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOPRT) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= 0x0400; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOKE) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= 0x0800; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & IEXTEN) ibcs2_termio->c_lflag |= 0x8000; /* XXX */ ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VINTR] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VINTR]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VQUIT] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VQUIT]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VERASE] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VERASE]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VKILL] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VKILL]; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ICANON) { ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOF] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOF]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL]; } else { ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VMIN] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VMIN]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VTIME] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VTIME]; } ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL2] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL2]; ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VSWTCH] = 0xff; ibcs2_termio->c_line = 0; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: IBCS2 termio structure (output):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x speed=%d line=%d\n", ibcs2_termio->c_iflag, ibcs2_termio->c_oflag, ibcs2_termio->c_cflag, ibcs2_termio->c_lflag, ibcs2_to_bsd_speed( ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CBAUD, sptab), ibcs2_termio->c_line); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } } static void ibcs2_termio_to_bsd_termios(struct ibcs2_termio *ibcs2_termio, struct termios *bsd_termios) { int i, speed; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: IBCS2 termio structure (input):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x speed=%d line=%d\n", ibcs2_termio->c_iflag, ibcs2_termio->c_oflag, ibcs2_termio->c_cflag, ibcs2_termio->c_lflag, ibcs2_to_bsd_speed( ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CBAUD, sptab), ibcs2_termio->c_line); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } bsd_termios->c_iflag = ibcs2_termio->c_iflag & (IBCS2_IGNBRK|IBCS2_BRKINT|IBCS2_IGNPAR|IBCS2_PARMRK|IBCS2_INPCK |IBCS2_ISTRIP|IBCS2_INLCR|IBCS2_IGNCR|IBCS2_ICRNL|IBCS2_IXANY); if (ibcs2_termio->c_iflag & IBCS2_IXON) bsd_termios->c_iflag |= IXON; if (ibcs2_termio->c_iflag & IBCS2_IXOFF) bsd_termios->c_iflag |= IXOFF; bsd_termios->c_oflag = 0; if (ibcs2_termio->c_oflag & IBCS2_OPOST) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= OPOST; if (ibcs2_termio->c_oflag & IBCS2_ONLCR) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= ONLCR; if (ibcs2_termio->c_oflag & (IBCS2_TAB1|IBCS2_TAB2)) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= OXTABS; speed = ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CBAUD, sptab); bsd_termios->c_ospeed = bsd_termios->c_ispeed = speed >= 0 ? speed : 0; bsd_termios->c_cflag = (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CSIZE) << 4; if (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CSTOPB) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= CSTOPB; if (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_PARENB) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= PARENB; if (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_PARODD) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= PARODD; if (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_HUPCL) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= HUPCL; if (ibcs2_termio->c_cflag & IBCS2_CLOCAL) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= CLOCAL; bsd_termios->c_lflag = 0; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ISIG) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ISIG; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ICANON) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ICANON; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHO) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHO; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHOE) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOE; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHOK) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOK; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHONL) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHONL; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_NOFLSH) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= NOFLSH; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & 0x0200) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOCTL; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & 0x0400) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOPRT; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & 0x0800) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOKE; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & 0x8000) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= IEXTEN; for (i=0; ic_cc[i++] = 0) ; bsd_termios->c_cc[VINTR] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VINTR]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VQUIT] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VQUIT]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VERASE] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VERASE]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VKILL] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VKILL]; if (ibcs2_termio->c_lflag & IBCS2_ICANON) { bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOF] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOF]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL]; } else { bsd_termios->c_cc[VMIN] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VMIN]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VTIME] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VTIME]; } bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL2] = ibcs2_termio->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL2]; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: BSD termios structure (output):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d\n", bsd_termios->c_iflag, bsd_termios->c_oflag, bsd_termios->c_cflag, bsd_termios->c_lflag, bsd_termios->c_ispeed, bsd_termios->c_ospeed); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } } static void bsd_to_ibcs2_termios(struct termios *bsd_termios, struct ibcs2_termios *ibcs2_termios) { int speed; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: BSD termios structure (input):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d\n", bsd_termios->c_iflag, bsd_termios->c_oflag, bsd_termios->c_cflag, bsd_termios->c_lflag, bsd_termios->c_ispeed, bsd_termios->c_ospeed); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } ibcs2_termios->c_iflag = bsd_termios->c_iflag & (IGNBRK|BRKINT|IGNPAR|PARMRK|INPCK |ISTRIP|INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL|IXANY); if (bsd_termios->c_iflag & IXON) ibcs2_termios->c_iflag |= IBCS2_IXON; if (bsd_termios->c_iflag & IXOFF) ibcs2_termios->c_iflag |= IBCS2_IXOFF; ibcs2_termios->c_oflag = 0; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & OPOST) ibcs2_termios->c_oflag |= IBCS2_OPOST; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & ONLCR) ibcs2_termios->c_oflag |= IBCS2_ONLCR; if (bsd_termios->c_oflag & OXTABS) ibcs2_termios->c_oflag |= (IBCS2_TAB1|IBCS2_TAB2); ibcs2_termios->c_cflag = (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CSIZE) >> 4; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CSTOPB) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= IBCS2_CSTOPB; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & PARENB) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= IBCS2_PARENB; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & PARODD) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= IBCS2_PARODD; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & HUPCL) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= IBCS2_HUPCL; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CLOCAL) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= IBCS2_CLOCAL; if (bsd_termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS) ibcs2_termios->c_cflag |= 0x8000; /* XXX */ ibcs2_termios->c_lflag = 0; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ISIG) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ISIG; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ICANON) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ICANON; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHO) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHO; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOE) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHOE; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOK) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHOK; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHONL) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_ECHONL; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & NOFLSH) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= IBCS2_NOFLSH; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOCTL) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= 0x0200; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOPRT) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= 0x0400; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ECHOKE) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= 0x0800; /* XXX */ if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & IEXTEN) ibcs2_termios->c_lflag |= 0x8000; /* XXX */ ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VINTR] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VINTR]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VQUIT] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VQUIT]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VERASE] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VERASE]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VKILL] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VKILL]; if (bsd_termios->c_lflag & ICANON) { ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOF] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOF]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL]; } else { ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VMIN] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VMIN]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VTIME] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VTIME]; } ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL2] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL2]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSWTCH] = 0xff; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSUSP] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VSUSP]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSTART] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VSTART]; ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSTOP] = bsd_termios->c_cc[VSTOP]; ibcs2_termios->c_ispeed = bsd_to_ibcs2_speed(bsd_termios->c_ispeed, sptab); ibcs2_termios->c_ospeed = bsd_to_ibcs2_speed(bsd_termios->c_ospeed, sptab); ibcs2_termios->c_line = 0; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: IBCS2 termios structure (output):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d " "line=%d\n", ibcs2_termios->c_iflag, ibcs2_termios->c_oflag, ibcs2_termios->c_cflag, ibcs2_termios->c_lflag, ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ispeed, sptab), ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ospeed, sptab), ibcs2_termios->c_line); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } } static void ibcs2_to_bsd_termios(struct ibcs2_termios *ibcs2_termios, struct termios *bsd_termios) { int i, speed; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: IBCS2 termios structure (input):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d " "line=%d\n", ibcs2_termios->c_iflag, ibcs2_termios->c_oflag, ibcs2_termios->c_cflag, ibcs2_termios->c_lflag, ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ispeed, sptab), ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ospeed, sptab), ibcs2_termios->c_line); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } bsd_termios->c_iflag = ibcs2_termios->c_iflag & (IBCS2_IGNBRK|IBCS2_BRKINT|IBCS2_IGNPAR|IBCS2_PARMRK|IBCS2_INPCK |IBCS2_ISTRIP|IBCS2_INLCR|IBCS2_IGNCR|IBCS2_ICRNL|IBCS2_IXANY); if (ibcs2_termios->c_iflag & IBCS2_IXON) bsd_termios->c_iflag |= IXON; if (ibcs2_termios->c_iflag & IBCS2_IXOFF) bsd_termios->c_iflag |= IXOFF; bsd_termios->c_oflag = 0; if (ibcs2_termios->c_oflag & IBCS2_OPOST) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= OPOST; if (ibcs2_termios->c_oflag & IBCS2_ONLCR) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= ONLCR; if (ibcs2_termios->c_oflag & (IBCS2_TAB1|IBCS2_TAB2)) bsd_termios->c_oflag |= OXTABS; bsd_termios->c_cflag = (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_CSIZE) << 4; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_CSTOPB) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= CSTOPB; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_PARENB) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= PARENB; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_PARODD) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= PARODD; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_HUPCL) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= HUPCL; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & IBCS2_CLOCAL) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= CLOCAL; if (ibcs2_termios->c_cflag & 0x8000) bsd_termios->c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag = 0; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ISIG) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ISIG; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ICANON) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ICANON; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHO) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHO; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHOE) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOE; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHOK) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOK; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ECHONL) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHONL; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_NOFLSH) bsd_termios->c_lflag |= NOFLSH; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & 0x0200) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOCTL; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & 0x0400) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOPRT; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & 0x0800) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= ECHOKE; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & 0x8000) /* XXX */ bsd_termios->c_lflag |= IEXTEN; for (i=0; ic_cc[i++] = 0) ; bsd_termios->c_cc[VINTR] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VINTR]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VQUIT] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VQUIT]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VERASE] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VERASE]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VKILL] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VKILL]; if (ibcs2_termios->c_lflag & IBCS2_ICANON) { bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOF] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOF]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL]; } else { bsd_termios->c_cc[VMIN] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VMIN]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VTIME] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VTIME]; } bsd_termios->c_cc[VEOL2] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VEOL2]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VSUSP] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSUSP]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VSTART] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSTART]; bsd_termios->c_cc[VSTOP] = ibcs2_termios->c_cc[IBCS2_VSTOP]; bsd_termios->c_ispeed = ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ispeed, sptab); bsd_termios->c_ospeed = ibcs2_to_bsd_speed(ibcs2_termios->c_ospeed, sptab); if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTLCNV) { int i; printf("IBCS2: BSD termios structure (output):\n"); printf("i=%08x o=%08x c=%08x l=%08x ispeed=%d ospeed=%d\n", bsd_termios->c_iflag, bsd_termios->c_oflag, bsd_termios->c_cflag, bsd_termios->c_lflag, bsd_termios->c_ispeed, bsd_termios->c_ospeed); printf("c_cc "); for (i=0; ic_cc[i]); printf("\n"); } } struct ibcs2_ioctl_args { int fd; int cmd; int arg; }; int ibcs2_ioctl(struct proc *p, struct ibcs2_ioctl_args *args, int *retval) { struct termios bsd_termios; struct winsize bsd_winsize; struct ibcs2_termio ibcs2_termio; struct ibcs2_termios ibcs2_termios; struct ibcs2_winsize ibcs2_winsize; struct filedesc *fdp = p->p_fd; struct file *fp; int (*func)(); int type = (args->cmd&0xffff00)>>8; int num = args->cmd&0xff; int error; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTL) printf("IBCS2: 'ioctl' fd=%d, typ=%d(%c), num=%d\n", args->fd, type, type, num); if ((unsigned)args->fd >= fdp->fd_nfiles || (fp = fdp->fd_ofiles[args->fd]) == 0) return EBADF; if (!fp || (fp->f_flag & (FREAD | FWRITE)) == 0) { return EBADF; } func = fp->f_ops->fo_ioctl; switch (type) { case 'f': switch (num) { case 1: args->cmd = FIOCLEX; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 2: args->cmd = FIONCLEX; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 3: args->cmd = FIONREAD; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; #if 0 case 'j': switch (num) { case 5: /* jerq winsize ?? */ ibcs2_winsize.bytex = 80; /* p->p_session->s_ttyp->t_winsize.ws_col; XXX */ ibcs2_winsize.bytey = 25; /* p->p_session->s_ttyp->t_winsize.ws_row; XXX */ ibcs2_winsize.bitx = p->p_session->s_ttyp->t_winsize.ws_xpixel; ibcs2_winsize.bity = p->p_session->s_ttyp->t_winsize.ws_ypixel; return copyout((caddr_t)&ibcs2_winsize, (caddr_t)args->arg, sizeof(ibcs2_winsize)); } #endif case 't': switch (num) { case 0: args->cmd = TIOCGETD; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 1: args->cmd = TIOCSETD; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 2: args->cmd = TIOCHPCL; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 8: args->cmd = TIOCGETP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 9: args->cmd = TIOCSETP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 10: args->cmd = TIOCSETN; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 13: args->cmd = TIOCEXCL; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 14: args->cmd = TIOCNXCL; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 16: args->cmd = TIOCFLUSH; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 17: args->cmd = TIOCSETC; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 18: args->cmd = TIOCGETC; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; case 'T': switch (num) { case 1: /* TCGETA */ if ((error = (*func)(fp, TIOCGETA, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p)) != 0) return error; bsd_termios_to_ibcs2_termio(&bsd_termios,&ibcs2_termio); return copyout((caddr_t)&ibcs2_termio, (caddr_t)args->arg, sizeof(ibcs2_termio)); case 2: /* TCSETA */ ibcs2_termio_to_bsd_termios( (struct ibcs2_termio *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETA, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); case 3: /* TCSETAW */ ibcs2_termio_to_bsd_termios( (struct ibcs2_termio *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETAW, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); case 4: /* TCSETAF */ ibcs2_termio_to_bsd_termios( (struct ibcs2_termio *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETAF, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); case 5: /* TCSBRK */ args->cmd = TIOCDRAIN; if (error = ioctl(p, args, retval)) return error; args->cmd = TIOCSBRK; ioctl(p, args, retval); args->cmd = TIOCCBRK; error = ioctl(p, args, retval); return error; case 6: /* TCONC */ if (args->arg == 0) args->cmd = TIOCSTOP; else args->cmd = TIOCSTART; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 7: /* TCFLSH */ args->cmd = TIOCFLUSH; if ((int)args->arg == 0) (int)args->arg = FREAD; if ((int)args->arg == 1) (int)args->arg = FWRITE; if ((int)args->arg == 2) (int)args->arg = FREAD|FWRITE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 103: /* TIOCSWINSZ */ bsd_winsize.ws_row = ((struct ibcs2_winsize *)(args->arg))->bytex; bsd_winsize.ws_col = ((struct ibcs2_winsize *)(args->arg))->bytey; bsd_winsize.ws_xpixel = ((struct ibcs2_winsize *)(args->arg))->bitx; bsd_winsize.ws_ypixel = ((struct ibcs2_winsize *)(args->arg))->bity; return (*func)(fp, TIOCSWINSZ, (caddr_t)&bsd_winsize, p); case 104: /* TIOCGWINSZ */ if ((error = (*func)(fp, TIOCGWINSZ, (caddr_t)&bsd_winsize, p)) != 0) return error; ibcs2_winsize.bytex = bsd_winsize.ws_col; ibcs2_winsize.bytey = bsd_winsize.ws_row; ibcs2_winsize.bitx = bsd_winsize.ws_xpixel; ibcs2_winsize.bity = bsd_winsize.ws_ypixel; return copyout((caddr_t)&ibcs2_winsize, (caddr_t)args->arg, sizeof(ibcs2_winsize)); case 20: /* TCSETPGRP */ case 118: /* TIOCSPGRP */ args->cmd = TIOCSPGRP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 21: /* TCGETPGRP */ case 119: /* TIOCGPGRP */ args->cmd = TIOCGPGRP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; case ('x'): switch (num) { case 1: if ((error = (*func)(fp, TIOCGETA, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p)) != 0) return error; bsd_to_ibcs2_termios(&bsd_termios, &ibcs2_termios); return copyout((caddr_t)&ibcs2_termios, (caddr_t)args->arg, sizeof(ibcs2_termios)); case 2: ibcs2_to_bsd_termios((struct ibcs2_termios *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETA, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); case 3: ibcs2_to_bsd_termios((struct ibcs2_termios *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETAW, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); case 4: ibcs2_to_bsd_termios((struct ibcs2_termios *)args->arg, &bsd_termios); return (*func)(fp, TIOCSETAF, (caddr_t)&bsd_termios, p); } break; /* below is console ioctl's, we have syscons so no problem here */ case 'a': switch (num) { case 0: args->cmd = GIO_ATTR; error = ioctl(p, args, retval); *retval = (int)args->arg; return error; } break; case 'c': switch (num) { case 0: args->cmd = GIO_COLOR; ioctl(p, args, retval); *retval = (int)args->arg; return error; case 1: args->cmd = CONS_CURRENT; ioctl(p, args, retval); *retval = (int)args->arg; return error; case 2: args->cmd = CONS_GET; ioctl(p, args, retval); *retval = (int)args->arg; return error; case 4: args->cmd = CONS_BLANKTIME; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 64: args->cmd = PIO_FONT8x8; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 65: args->cmd = GIO_FONT8x8; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 66: args->cmd = PIO_FONT8x14; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 67: args->cmd = GIO_FONT8x14; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 68: args->cmd = PIO_FONT8x16; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 69: args->cmd = GIO_FONT8x16; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 73: args->cmd = CONS_GETINFO; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; case 'k': switch (num) { case 0: args->cmd = GETFKEY; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 1: args->cmd = SETFKEY; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 2: args->cmd = GIO_SCRNMAP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 3: args->cmd = PIO_SCRNMAP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 6: args->cmd = GIO_KEYMAP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 7: args->cmd = PIO_KEYMAP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; case 'K': switch (num) { case 6: args->cmd = KDGKBMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 7: args->cmd = KDSKBMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 8: args->cmd = KDMKTONE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 9: args->cmd = KDGETMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 10: args->cmd = KDSETMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 13: args->cmd = KDSBORDER; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 19: args->cmd = KDGKBSTATE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 20: args->cmd = KDSETRAD; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 60: args->cmd = KDENABIO; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 61: args->cmd = KDDISABIO; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 63: args->cmd = KIOCSOUND; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 64: args->cmd = KDGKBTYPE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 65: args->cmd = KDGETLED; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 66: args->cmd = KDSETLED; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; case 'S': args->cmd = _IO('S', num); return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 'v': switch (num) { case 1: args->cmd = VT_OPENQRY; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 2: args->cmd = VT_SETMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 3: args->cmd = VT_GETMODE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 4: args->cmd = VT_RELDISP; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 5: args->cmd = VT_ACTIVATE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 6: args->cmd = VT_WAITACTIVE; return ioctl(p, args, retval); } break; } switch (type & 0xff) { case 'I': /* socksys 'I' type calls */ return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 'R': /* socksys 'R' type calls */ return ioctl(p, args, retval); case 'S': /* socksys 'S' type calls */ return ioctl(p, args, retval); } uprintf("IBCS2: 'ioctl' fd=%d, typ=%d(%c), num=%d not implemented\n", args->fd, type, type, num); return EINVAL; } struct ibcs2_sgtty_args { int fd; struct sgttyb *buf; }; struct ioctl_args { int fd; int cmd; caddr_t arg; }; int ibcs2_gtty(struct proc *p, struct ibcs2_sgtty_args *args, int *retval) { struct ioctl_args ioctl_arg; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTL) printf("IBCS2: 'gtty' fd=%d\n", args->fd); ioctl_arg.fd = args->fd; ioctl_arg.cmd = TIOCGETC; ioctl_arg.arg = (caddr_t)args->buf; return ioctl(p, &ioctl_arg, retval); } int ibcs2_stty(struct proc *p, struct ibcs2_sgtty_args *args, int *retval) { struct ioctl_args ioctl_arg; if (ibcs2_trace & IBCS2_TRACE_IOCTL) printf("IBCS2: 'stty' fd=%d\n", args->fd); ioctl_arg.fd = args->fd; ioctl_arg.cmd = TIOCSETC; ioctl_arg.arg = (caddr_t)args->buf; return ioctl(p, &ioctl_arg, retval); }