/* * Copyright (c) 1994, Paul Richards. * * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and * sold, in both source and binary form provided that the above * copyright and these terms are retained, verbatim, as the first * lines of this file. Under no circumstances is the author * responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does * the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with * its use. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sysinstall.h" /* Don't like this */ #define DEFFSIZE 1024 #define DEFFRAG 8 #define DEFROOTSIZE 16 #define DEFSWAPSIZE 32 #define DEFUSRSIZE 120 extern void attr_clear(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype); extern unsigned short dkcksum(struct disklabel *); void abort_task(char *); void leave_sysinstall(void); void cleanup(void); void fatal(char *); void write_bootblocks(int, off_t, int); void build_bootblocks(struct disklabel *); int calc_sects(int, struct disklabel *); void build_disklabel(struct disklabel *, int, int); char *part_type(int); void query_disks(void); int disk_size(int); int select_disk(void); int select_partition(int); int read_sector(int, void *); int get_DOS_partitions(void); #ifdef DEBUG void print_disklabel(int); #endif char xxboot[] = "/usr/mdec/sdboot"; char bootxx[] = "/usr/mdec/bootsd"; struct disklabel *avail_disklabels; int *avail_fds; unsigned char **options; unsigned char **avail_disknames; unsigned char *scratch; struct mboot mboot; int no_disks = 0; int inst_disk = 0; int inst_part = 0; int custom_install; /* To make the binary as small as possible these should be malloc'd */ char selection[30]; char bootblocks[BBSIZE]; void abort_task(char *prompt) { strcat(prompt,"\n\n Do you wish to abort the installation ?"); if (!dialog_yesno("ABORT",prompt,15,40)) leave_sysinstall(); attr_clear(stdscr, LINES, COLS, A_NORMAL); refresh(); } void leave_sysinstall() { sprintf(scratch,"Are you sure you want to exit sysinstall?"); if (!dialog_yesno("Exit sysinstall",scratch,15,40)) { cleanup(); exit(0); } attr_clear(stdscr, LINES, COLS, A_NORMAL); refresh(); } void alloc_memory() { int i; scratch = (char *) calloc(SCRATCHSIZE, sizeof(char)); avail_disklabels = (struct disklabel *) calloc(MAX_NO_DISKS, sizeof(struct disklabel)); if (!(avail_disklabels)) fatal("Couldn't malloc memory for disklabels"); avail_fds = (int *) calloc(MAX_NO_DISKS, sizeof(int)); if (!(avail_fds)) fatal("Couldn't malloc memory for file descriptors"); avail_disknames = (unsigned char **) calloc(MAX_NO_DISKS, sizeof(char *)); for (i=0;id_secsize) < 0) fatal("Couldn't read boot 1 code"); (void) close(fd); fd = open(bootxx, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) fatal("Couldn't open boot2 files"); if (read(fd, &bootblocks[label->d_secsize], (int)(label->d_bbsize - label->d_secsize)) < 0) fatal("Couldn't read boot 2 code"); (void) close(fd); /* Write the disklabel into the bootblocks */ label->d_checksum = dkcksum(label); bcopy(label, &bootblocks[(LABELSECTOR * label->d_secsize) + LABELOFFSET], sizeof *label); } int calc_sects(int size, struct disklabel *label) { int nsects, ncyls; nsects = (size * 1024 * 1024) / label->d_secsize; ncyls = nsects / label->d_secpercyl; nsects = ++ncyls * label->d_secpercyl; return(nsects); } void build_disklabel(struct disklabel *label, int avail_sects, int offset) { int nsects; /* Fill in default label entries */ label->d_magic = DISKMAGIC; bcopy("INSTALLATION",label->d_typename, strlen("INSTALLATION")); label->d_rpm = 3600; label->d_interleave = 1; label->d_trackskew = 0; label->d_cylskew = 0; label->d_magic2 = DISKMAGIC; label->d_checksum = 0; label->d_bbsize = BBSIZE; label->d_sbsize = SBSIZE; label->d_npartitions = 5; /* Set up c and d as raw partitions for now */ label->d_partitions[2].p_size = avail_sects; label->d_partitions[2].p_offset = offset; label->d_partitions[2].p_fsize = DEFFSIZE; label->d_partitions[2].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; label->d_partitions[2].p_frag = DEFFRAG; label->d_partitions[3].p_size = label->d_secperunit; label->d_partitions[3].p_offset = 0; label->d_partitions[3].p_fsize = DEFFSIZE; label->d_partitions[3].p_fstype = FS_UNUSED; label->d_partitions[3].p_frag = DEFFRAG; /* Default root */ nsects = calc_sects(DEFROOTSIZE, label); label->d_partitions[0].p_size = nsects; label->d_partitions[0].p_offset = offset; label->d_partitions[0].p_fsize = DEFFSIZE; label->d_partitions[0].p_fstype = FS_BSDFFS; label->d_partitions[0].p_frag = DEFFRAG; avail_sects -= nsects; offset += nsects; nsects = calc_sects(DEFSWAPSIZE, label); label->d_partitions[1].p_size = nsects; label->d_partitions[1].p_offset = offset; label->d_partitions[1].p_fsize = DEFFSIZE; label->d_partitions[1].p_fstype = FS_SWAP; label->d_partitions[1].p_frag = DEFFRAG; avail_sects -= nsects; offset += nsects; nsects = calc_sects(DEFUSRSIZE, label); if (avail_sects > nsects) nsects = avail_sects; label->d_partitions[4].p_size = nsects; label->d_partitions[4].p_offset = offset; label->d_partitions[4].p_fsize = DEFFSIZE; label->d_partitions[4].p_fstype = FS_BSDFFS; label->d_partitions[4].p_frag = DEFFRAG; #ifdef notyet if (custom_install) customise_label() #endif } char * part_type(int type) { int num_types = (sizeof(part_types)/sizeof(struct part_type)); int next_type = 0; struct part_type *ptr = part_types; while (next_type < num_types) { if(ptr->type == type) return(ptr->name); ptr++; next_type++; } return("Uknown"); } void query_disks() { int i; char disk[15]; char diskname[5]; struct stat st; int fd; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { sprintf(diskname,"wd%d",i); sprintf(disk,"/dev/r%sd",diskname); if ((stat(disk, &st) == 0) && (st.st_mode & S_IFCHR)) if ((fd = open(disk, O_RDWR)) != -1) { avail_fds[no_disks] = fd; bcopy(diskname, avail_disknames[no_disks], strlen(diskname)); if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, &avail_disklabels[no_disks++]) == -1) no_disks--; } } for (i=0;i<10;i++) { sprintf(diskname,"sd%d",i); sprintf(disk,"/dev/r%sd",diskname); if ((stat(disk, &st) == 0) && (st.st_mode & S_IFCHR)) if ((fd = open(disk, O_RDWR)) != -1) { avail_fds[no_disks] = fd; bcopy(diskname, avail_disknames[no_disks], strlen(diskname)); if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, &avail_disklabels[no_disks++]) == -1) no_disks--; } } } #ifdef DEBUG void print_disklabel(int disk) { int i; printf("Dumping label for disk %d, %s\n", disk, avail_disklabels[disk].d_typename); printf("magic = %lu, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_magic); printf("type = %x, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_type); printf("subtype = %x\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_subtype); printf("typename = %s, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_typename); printf("packname = %s, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_packname); printf("boot0 = %s, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_boot0); printf("boot1 = %s\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_boot1); printf("secsize = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_secsize); printf("nsectors = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_nsectors); printf("ntracks = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_ntracks); printf("ncylinders = %ld\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_ncylinders); printf("secpercyl = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_secpercyl); printf("secperunit = %ld\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_secperunit); printf("sparespertrack = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_sparespertrack); printf("sparespercyl = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_sparespercyl); printf("acylinders = %ld\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_acylinders); printf("rpm = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_rpm); printf("interleave = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_interleave); printf("trackskew = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_trackskew); printf("cylskew = %d\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_cylskew); printf("headswitch = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_headswitch); printf("trkseek = %ld, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_trkseek); printf("flags = %ld\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_flags); printf("drivedata"); for (i=0; i< NDDATA; i++) { printf(" : %d = %ld",i,avail_disklabels[disk].d_drivedata[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("spare"); for (i=0; i< NSPARE; i++) { printf(" : %d = %ld",i,avail_disklabels[disk].d_spare[i]); } printf("\n"); printf("magic2 = %lu, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_magic2); printf("checksum = %d\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_checksum); printf("npartitions = %d, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_npartitions); printf("bbsize = %lu, ",avail_disklabels[disk].d_bbsize); printf("sbsize = %lu\n",avail_disklabels[disk].d_sbsize); for (i=0; i< MAXPARTITIONS; i++) { printf("%d: size = %ld",i,avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_size); printf(", offset = %ld",avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_offset); printf(", fsize = %ld",avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_fsize); printf(", fstype = %d",avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_fstype); printf(", frag = %d",avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_frag); printf(", cpg = %d",avail_disklabels[disk].d_partitions[i].p_cpg); printf("\n"); } } #endif int disk_size(int disk) { struct disklabel *label = avail_disklabels + disk; int size; size = label->d_secsize * label->d_nsectors * label->d_ntracks * label->d_ncylinders; return(size/1024/1024); } int select_disk() { int i; int valid; do { valid = 1; sprintf(scratch,"There are %d disks available for installation: ",no_disks); for (i=0;i %s",avail_disklabels[i].d_typename,disk_size(i),avail_disknames[i]); } if (dialog_menu("FreeBSD Installation", scratch, 10, 80, 5, no_disks, options, selection)) { sprintf(scratch,"You did not select a valid disk"); abort_task(scratch); valid = 0; } } while (!valid); return(atoi(selection) - 1); } int select_partition(int disk) { struct dos_partition *partp; int valid; int i; do { valid = 1; sprintf(scratch,"The following partitions were found on this disk"); for (i=0;i<4;i++) { partp = ((struct dos_partition *) &mboot.parts) + i; sprintf(options[(i*2)], "%d",i+1); sprintf(options[(i*2)+1], "%s, (%ldMb)", part_type(partp->dp_typ), partp->dp_size * 512 / (1024 * 1024)); } if (dialog_menu("FreeBSD Installation", scratch, 10, 80, 5, 4, options, selection)) { sprintf(scratch,"You did not select a valid partition"); abort_task(scratch); valid = 0; } } while (!valid); return(atoi(selection) - 1); } int read_sector(int sector, void *buf) { lseek(*(avail_fds + inst_disk),(sector * 512), 0); return read(*(avail_fds + inst_disk), buf, 512); } int get_DOS_partitions() { /* Read DOS partition area */ if (read_sector(0, (char *) mboot.bootinst) == -1) fatal("Couldn't read DOS partition area"); if (mboot.signature != BOOT_MAGIC) /* Not a DOS partitioned disk */ return(-1); return(0); } void write_DOS_partitions(int fd) { lseek(fd, 0, 0); if (write(fd, mboot.bootinst, 512) == -1) fatal("Failed to write DOS partition area"); } int exec(char *cmd, char *args, ...) { int pid, w, status; char **argv = NULL; int arg = 0; int no_args = 0; va_list ap; struct stat dummy; if (stat(cmd, &dummy) == -1) return(-1); va_start(ap, args); do { if (arg == no_args) { no_args += 10; if (!(argv = realloc(argv, no_args * sizeof(char *)))) return(-1); if (arg == 0) argv[arg++] = (char *)args; } } while ((argv[arg++] = va_arg(ap, char *))); va_end(ap); if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { execv(cmd, argv); exit(1); } while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1) ; free(argv); if (w == -1) return(-1); return(0); } /* Copy a file */ int copy(char *src, char *dst) { int src_fd, dst_fd; struct stat src_stat; int rcount, wcount; if ((src_fd = open(src, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) return(-1); if (fstat(src_fd, &src_stat) == -1) return(-1); dst_fd = open(dst, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, src_stat.st_mode); if (dst_fd == -1) return(-1); while ((rcount = read(src_fd, scratch, SCRATCHSIZE)) > 0) { if (rcount != -1) { wcount = write(dst_fd, scratch, rcount); if (rcount != wcount ) { rcount = -1; break; } } else { break; } } /* Clean up if the copy failed */ if (rcount == -1) { (void) unlink(dst); return(-1); } /* Fixup the ownership */ if (fchown(dst_fd, src_stat.st_uid, src_stat.st_gid) == -1) return(-1); if (close(src_fd) == -1) { return(-1); } if (close(dst_fd) == -1) { return(-1); } return(0); } void set_termcap() { char *term; term = getenv("TERM"); if (term == NULL) { putenv("TERM=cons25"); putenv("TERMCAP=\ cons25|ansis|ansi80x25:\ :ac=l\\332m\\300k\\277j\\331u\\264t\\303v\\301w\\302q\\304x\\263n\\305`^Da\\260f\\370g\\361~\\371.^Y-^Xh\\261I^U0\\333y\\363z\\362:\ :al=\\E[L:am:bs:cd=\\E[J:ce=\\E[K:cl=\\E[H\\E[J:cm=\\E[%i%d;%dH:co#80:\ :dc=\\E[P:dl=\\E[M:do=\\E[B:bt=\\E[Z:ho=\\E[H:ic=\\E[@:li#25:\ :ms:nd=\\E[C:pt:rs=\\E[x\\E[m\\Ec:so=\\E[7m:se=\\E[m:up=\\E[A:\ :pa#64:Co#8:Sf=\\E[3%dm:Sb=\\E[4%dm:op=\\E[37;40m:\ :k1=\\E[M:k2=\\E[N:k3=\\E[O:k4=\\E[P:k5=\\E[Q:k6=\\E[R:k7=\\E[S:k8=\\E[T:\ :k9=\\E[U:k;=\\E[V:F1=\\E[W:F2=\\E[X:\ :kb=^H:kh=\\E[H:ku=\\E[A:kd=\\E[B:kl=\\E[D:kr=\\E[C:\ :le=^H:eo:sf=\\E[S:sr=\\E[T:\ :kN=\\E[G:kP=\\E[I:@7=\\E[F:kI=\\E[L:kD=\\177:kB=\\E[Z:\ :IC=\\E[%d@:DC=\\E[%dP:SF=\\E[%dS:SR=\\E[%dT:AL=\\E[%dL:DL=\\E[%dM:\ :DO=\\E[%dB:LE=\\E[%dD:RI=\\E[%dC:UP=\\E[%dA:bw:\ :mb=\\E[5m:md=\\E[1m:mh=\\E[30;1m:mr=\\E[7m:me=\\E[m:bl=^G:ut:it#8:"); } } void main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ufs_args ufsargs; int i; /* Are we running as init? */ if (getpid() == 1) { close(0); open("/dev/console",O_RDWR); close(1); dup(0); close(2); dup(0); i = 1; ioctl(0,TIOCSPGRP,&i); setlogin("root"); } set_termcap(); alloc_memory(); init_dialog(); query_disks(); inst_disk = select_disk(); enable_label(avail_fds[inst_disk]); if (get_DOS_partitions() == -1) { build_disklabel(&avail_disklabels[inst_disk], avail_disklabels[inst_disk].d_secperunit, 0); build_bootblocks(&avail_disklabels[inst_disk]); write_bootblocks(avail_fds[inst_disk], 0, avail_disklabels[inst_disk].d_bbsize); } else { inst_part = select_partition(inst_disk); /* Set partition to be FreeBSD and active */ for (i=0; i < NDOSPART; i++) mboot.parts[i].dp_flag &= ~ACTIVE; mboot.parts[inst_part].dp_typ = DOSPTYP_386BSD; mboot.parts[inst_part].dp_flag = ACTIVE; write_DOS_partitions(avail_fds[inst_disk]); build_disklabel(&avail_disklabels[inst_disk], mboot.parts[inst_part].dp_size, mboot.parts[inst_part].dp_start); build_bootblocks(&avail_disklabels[inst_disk]); write_bootblocks(avail_fds[inst_disk], mboot.parts[inst_part].dp_start, avail_disklabels[inst_disk].d_bbsize); } disable_label(avail_fds[inst_disk]); /* close all the open disks */ for (i=0; i < no_disks; i++) if (close(avail_fds[i]) == -1) printf("Error on closing file descriptors: %s\n",strerror(errno)); /* newfs the root partition */ strcpy(scratch, avail_disknames[inst_disk]); strcat(scratch, "a"); exec("/sbin/newfs","/sbin/newfs", scratch, 0); /* newfs the /usr partition */ strcpy(scratch, avail_disknames[inst_disk]); strcat(scratch, "e"); exec("/sbin/newfs", "/sbin/newfs", scratch, 0); strcpy(scratch, "/dev/"); strcat(scratch, avail_disknames[inst_disk]); strcat(scratch, "a"); ufsargs.fspec = scratch; if (mount(MOUNT_UFS,"/mnt", 0, (caddr_t) &ufsargs) == -1) printf("Error mounting %s: %s\n",scratch, strerror(errno)); if (mkdir("/mnt/usr",S_IRWXU) == -1) printf("Couldn't create directory /mnt/usr: %s\n",strerror(errno)); strcpy(scratch, "/dev/"); strcat(scratch, avail_disknames[inst_disk]); strcat(scratch, "e"); ufsargs.fspec = scratch; if (mount(MOUNT_UFS,"/mnt/usr", 0, (caddr_t) &ufsargs) == -1) printf("Error mounting %s: %s\n",scratch, strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","/kernel","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /kernel to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","/sysinstall","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /sysinstall to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","-R","/sbin","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /sbin to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","-R","/bin","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /bin to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","-R","/dev","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /dev to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (exec("/bin/cp","/bin/cp","-R","/usr","/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Couldn't copy /usr to /mnt: %s\n",strerror(errno)); if (unmount("/mnt/usr", 0) == -1) printf("Error unmounting /mnt/usr: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (unmount("/mnt", 0) == -1) printf("Error unmounting /mnt: %s\n", strerror(errno)); dialog_msgbox("Phase 1 complete", "Remove any floppies from the drives and hit return to reboot from the hard disk", 10, 75, 1); if (reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT) == -1) fatal("Reboot failed"); }