.\" -*- nroff -*- .ds g \" empty .ds G \" empty .\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half .\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent. .de Tp .ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP .el .TP "\\$1" .. .TH LKBIB @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@" .SH NAME lkbib \- search bibliographic databases .SH SYNOPSIS .B lkbib [ .B \-v ] [ .BI \-i fields ] [ .BI \-p filename ] [ .BI \-t n ] .IR key \|.\|.\|. .SH DESCRIPTION .B lkbib searches bibliographic databases for references that contain the keys .IR key \|.\|.\|. and prints any references found on the standard output. .B lkbib will search any databases given by .B \-p options, and then a default database. The default database is taken from the .SB REFER environment variable if it is set, otherwise it is .BR @DEFAULT_INDEX@ . For each database .I filename to be searched, if an index .IB filename @INDEX_SUFFIX@ created by .BR @g@indxbib (@MAN1EXT@) exists, then it will be searched instead; each index can cover multiple databases. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v Print the version number. .TP .BI \-p filename Search .IR filename . Multiple .B \-p options can be used. .TP .BI \-i string When searching files for which no index exists, ignore the contents of fields whose names are in .IR string . .TP .BI \-t n Only require the first .I n characters of keys to be given. Initially .I n is 6. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \w'\fBREFER'u+2n .SB REFER Default database. .SH FILES .Tp \w'\fB@DEFAULT_INDEX@'u+2n .B @DEFAULT_INDEX@ Default database to be used if the .SB REFER environment variable is not set. .IB filename @INDEX_SUFFIX@ Index files. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR @g@refer (@MAN1EXT@), .BR @g@lookbib (@MAN1EXT@), .BR @g@indxbib (@MAN1EXT@)