#!/bin/sh . ${WORLDDIR}/release/tools/ec2.conf # Packages to install into the image we're creating. In addition to packages # present on all EC2 AMIs, we install cloud-init. export VM_EXTRA_PACKAGES="${VM_EXTRA_PACKAGES} net/cloud-init" # Services to enable in rc.conf(5). export VM_RC_LIST="${VM_RC_LIST} cloudinit sshd" vm_extra_pre_umount() { # Configuration common to all EC2 AMIs ec2_common # Configure cloud-init cat <<-'EOF' > ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/98_ec2.cfg disable_root: true system_info: distro: freebsd default_user: name: ec2-user lock_passwd: True groups: [wheel] shell: /bin/sh # Currently broken, cloud-init hard-codes to /usr/home/* homedir: /home/ec2-user EOF return 0 }