set terminal svg background '#FFFFFF' set title 'Docker Memory Usage' set xdata time set timefmt '%s' set format x '%tH:%tM:%tS' # Please note this is in SI units (base 10), not IEC (base 2). So, for example, this would show a Gigabyte, not a Gibibyte. set format y '%.0s%cB' set datafile separator "|" plot "-" using 1:2 title 'exciting\_bohr' with lines, "-" using 1:2 title 'jovial\_chandrasekhar' with lines 0|512000 4|512000 9|512000 13|4866441 18|3166699 23|3128950 27|3128950 32|3128950 35|32547799 40|4329570 e 0|528384 5|516096 9|561152 14|561152 18|561152 23|561152 28|8568963 32|8528068 37|8528068 40|8528068 45|8528068 e