ext_if = "{ igb0 igb1 ix0 ix1 wlan0 }" not_ext_if = "{ !igb0 !igb1 !ix0 !ix1 !wlan0 }" jail_nat_v4 = "{ }" not_jail_nat_v4 = "{ any, ! }" restricted_nat_v4 = "{ }" not_restricted_nat_v4 = "{ any, ! }" dhcp = "{ bootpc, bootps }" allow = "{ wgh wgf }" tcp_pass_in = "{ 22 }" udp_pass_in = "{ 53 51820 }" unifi_ports = "{ 8443 3478 10001 8080 1900 8843 8880 6789 5514 }" # Rules must be in order: options, normalization, queueing, translation, filtering # options set skip on lo # redirections nat pass on $ext_if inet from $jail_nat_v4 to $not_jail_nat_v4 -> (wlan0) rdr pass on $not_ext_if proto {tcp, udp} from any to port 53 -> port 53 # cloak nat pass on $ext_if inet from to ! -> (wlan0) rdr pass on $not_ext_if proto {tcp, udp} from any to port 53 -> port 53 rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $not_restricted_nat_v4 to any port 8081 -> port 8081 nat pass on restricted_nat proto {tcp, udp} from any to port 8081 -> # Forward ports for unifi controller # rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to any port 65022 -> port 22 rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto {udp, tcp} from any to any port $unifi_ports -> # filtering block log all pass out on $ext_if pass in on jail_nat # Allow traffic from my machine to the jails/virtual machines pass out on jail_nat from $jail_nat_v4 pass out on jail_nat proto {udp, tcp} from any to port $unifi_ports pass out on restricted_nat proto {udp, tcp} from any to port 8081 pass in on restricted_nat proto {udp, tcp} from any to any port { 53 51820 } # We pass on the interfaces listed in allow rather than skipping on # them because changes to pass rules will update when running a # `service pf reload` but interfaces that we `skip` will not update (I # forget if its from adding, removing, or both. TODO: test to figure # it out) pass quick on $allow pass on $ext_if proto icmp all pass on $ext_if proto icmp6 all pass in on $ext_if proto tcp to any port $tcp_pass_in pass in on $ext_if proto udp to any port $udp_pass_in