CPUTYPE?=znver4 WITH_MALLOC_PRODUCTION=YES WITHOUT_LLVM_ASSERTIONS=YES WITH_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD=YES WITHOUT_DEBUG_FILES=YES WITHOUT_ASSERT_DEBUG=YES WITHOUT_LLVM_TARGET_ALL=YES WITHOUT_LIB32=YES WITHOUT_HTML=YES WITHOUT_OFED=YES # OpenFabrics Enterprise Distributio WITHOUT_FLOPPY=YES WITHOUT_IPFILTER=YES WITHOUT_GAMES=YES WITH_SORT_THREADS=YES WITHOUT_TESTS=YES WITHOUT_USB_GADGET_EXAMPLES=YES WITHOUT_HYPERV=YES WITHOUT_LEGACY_CONSOLE=YES # Would be fun to experiment with: # WITHOUT_SOURCELESS=YES # WITHOUT_LOADER_GELI=YES # WITHOUT_MLX5TOOL=YES # WITHOUT_NDIS=YES # WITHOUT_PPP=YES # WITHOUT_TALK=YES # WITHOUT_TCSH=YES # WITHOUT_KERNEL_SYMBOLS=YES # Commented out because maybe I want email alerts for failing disks # WITHOUT_MAIL=YES # Some ports like curl depend on kerberos by default. I figure I'd rather just have kerberos built into the base system than depend on a port. # WITHOUT_KERBEROS=YES # Need to enable IPFW for dummynet # WITHOUT_IPFW=YES