diff --git a/elisp_snippets/dump_org_entities.el b/elisp_snippets/dump_org_entities.el index f1e68064..45676e5f 100644 --- a/elisp_snippets/dump_org_entities.el +++ b/elisp_snippets/dump_org_entities.el @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ -(dolist (var org-entities) - (when (listp var) - (message "EntityDefinition {name: %s, latex_math_mode: %s, latex: %s, html: %s, ascii: %s, utf8: %s}," - (prin1-to-string (nth 0 var)) - (if (nth 2 var) "true" "false") - (prin1-to-string (nth 1 var)) - (prin1-to-string (nth 3 var)) - (prin1-to-string (nth 4 var)) - (prin1-to-string (nth 6 var)) - ) - ) +(dolist (var (sort (seq-filter 'listp org-entities) + (lambda (x y) (> (length (nth 0 x)) (length (nth 0 y)))))) + (message "EntityDefinition {name: %s, latex_math_mode: %s, latex: %s, html: %s, ascii: %s, utf8: %s}," + (prin1-to-string (nth 0 var)) + (if (nth 2 var) "true" "false") + (prin1-to-string (nth 1 var)) + (prin1-to-string (nth 3 var)) + (prin1-to-string (nth 4 var)) + (prin1-to-string (nth 6 var)) + ) ) diff --git a/src/context/constants.rs b/src/context/constants.rs index 218b630d..3b200845 100644 --- a/src/context/constants.rs +++ b/src/context/constants.rs @@ -27,159 +27,195 @@ pub(crate) const DEFAULT_ORG_LINK_PARAMETERS: [&'static str; 23] = [ ]; pub(crate) const DEFAULT_ORG_ENTITIES: [EntityDefinition<'static>; 414] = [ +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{10.0em}", html: "                    ", ascii: " ", utf8: "                    "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{9.5em}", html: "                   ", ascii: " ", utf8: "                   "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{9.0em}", html: "                  ", ascii: " ", utf8: "                  "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{8.5em}", html: "                 ", ascii: " ", utf8: "                 "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{8.0em}", html: "                ", ascii: " ", utf8: "                "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{7.5em}", html: "               ", ascii: " ", utf8: "               "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{7.0em}", html: "              ", ascii: " ", utf8: "              "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "leftrightarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\leftrightarrow", html: "↔", ascii: "<->", utf8: "↔"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Leftrightarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Leftrightarrow", html: "⇔", ascii: "<=>", utf8: "⇔"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{6.5em}", html: "             ", ascii: " ", utf8: "             "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "hookleftarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\hookleftarrow", html: "↵", ascii: "<-'", utf8: "↵"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{6.0em}", html: "            ", ascii: " ", utf8: "            "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{5.5em}", html: "           ", ascii: " ", utf8: "           "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "preccurlyeq", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\preccurlyeq", html: "≼", ascii: "[precedes or equal]", utf8: "≼"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "succcurlyeq", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\succcurlyeq", html: "≽", ascii: "[succeeds or equal]", utf8: "≽"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "diamondsuit", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\diamondsuit", html: "♦", ascii: "[diamonds]", utf8: "◆"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{5.0em}", html: "          ", ascii: " ", utf8: "          "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "varepsilon", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\varepsilon", html: "ε", ascii: "varepsilon", utf8: "ε"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "rightarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\rightarrow", html: "→", ascii: "->", utf8: "→"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Rightarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Rightarrow", html: "⇒", ascii: "=>", utf8: "⇒"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "blacksmile", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ddot\\smile", html: "☻", ascii: ":-)", utf8: "☻"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{4.5em}", html: "         ", ascii: " ", utf8: "         "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "asciicirc", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textasciicircum{}", html: "^", ascii: "^", utf8: "^"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "therefore", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\therefore", html: "∴", ascii: "[therefore]", utf8: "∴"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "triangleq", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\triangleq", html: "≜", ascii: "[defined to]", utf8: "≜"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "lesseqgtr", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\lesseqgtr", html: "⋚", ascii: "[less than or equal or greater than or equal]", utf8: "⋚"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "leftarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\leftarrow", html: "←", ascii: "<-", utf8: "←"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Leftarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Leftarrow", html: "⇐", ascii: "<=", utf8: "⇐"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "downarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\downarrow", html: "↓", ascii: "[downarrow]", utf8: "↓"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Downarrow", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Downarrow", html: "⇓", ascii: "[dbldownarrow]", utf8: "⇓"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "checkmark", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\checkmark", html: "✓", ascii: "[checkmark]", utf8: "✓"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "spadesuit", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\spadesuit", html: "♠", ascii: "[spades]", utf8: "♠"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "heartsuit", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\heartsuit", html: "♥", ascii: "[hearts]", utf8: "♥"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{4.0em}", html: "        ", ascii: " ", utf8: "        "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "thetasym", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\vartheta", html: "ϑ", ascii: "theta", utf8: "ϑ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "vartheta", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\vartheta", html: "ϑ", ascii: "theta", utf8: "ϑ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "varsigma", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\varsigma", html: "ς", ascii: "varsigma", utf8: "ς"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "setminus", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\setminus", html: "∖", ascii: "\" ", utf8: "⧵"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "emptyset", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\emptyset", html: "∅", ascii: "[empty set]", utf8: "∅"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "parallel", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\parallel", html: "∥", ascii: "||", utf8: "∥"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "clubsuit", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\clubsuit", html: "♣", ascii: "[clubs]", utf8: "♣"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{3.5em}", html: "       ", ascii: " ", utf8: "       "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Epsilon", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "E", html: "Ε", ascii: "Epsilon", utf8: "Ε"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "epsilon", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\epsilon", html: "ε", ascii: "epsilon", utf8: "ε"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Omicron", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "O", html: "Ο", ascii: "Omicron", utf8: "Ο"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "omicron", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textit{o}", html: "ο", ascii: "omicron", utf8: "ο"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Upsilon", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Upsilon", html: "Υ", ascii: "Upsilon", utf8: "Υ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "upsilon", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\upsilon", html: "υ", ascii: "upsilon", utf8: "υ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "partial", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\partial", html: "∂", ascii: "[partial differential]", utf8: "∂"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "alefsym", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\aleph", html: "ℵ", ascii: "aleph", utf8: "ℵ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "because", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\because", html: "∵", ascii: "[because]", utf8: "∵"}, 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utf8: "À"}, EntityDefinition {name: "agrave", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\`{a}", html: "à", ascii: "a", utf8: "à"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Aacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{A}", html: "Á", ascii: "A", utf8: "Á"}, EntityDefinition {name: "aacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{a}", html: "á", ascii: "a", utf8: "á"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Acirc", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\^{A}", html: "Â", ascii: "A", utf8: "Â"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "acirc", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\^{a}", html: "â", ascii: "a", utf8: "â"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Amacr", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\={A}", html: "Ā", ascii: "A", utf8: "Ã"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "amacr", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\={a}", html: "ā", ascii: "a", utf8: "ã"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Atilde", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\~{A}", html: "Ã", ascii: "A", utf8: "Ã"}, EntityDefinition {name: "atilde", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\~{a}", html: "ã", ascii: "a", utf8: "ã"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Auml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{A}", html: "Ä", ascii: "Ae", utf8: "Ä"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "auml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{a}", html: "ä", ascii: "ae", utf8: "ä"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Aring", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\AA{}", html: "Å", ascii: "A", utf8: "Å"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "AA", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\AA{}", html: "Å", ascii: "A", utf8: "Å"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "aring", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\aa{}", html: "å", ascii: "a", utf8: "å"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "AElig", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\AE{}", html: "Æ", ascii: "AE", utf8: "Æ"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "aelig", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\ae{}", html: "æ", ascii: "ae", utf8: "æ"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Ccedil", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\c{C}", html: "Ç", ascii: "C", utf8: "Ç"}, EntityDefinition {name: "ccedil", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\c{c}", html: "ç", ascii: "c", utf8: "ç"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Egrave", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\`{E}", html: "È", ascii: "E", utf8: "È"}, EntityDefinition {name: "egrave", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\`{e}", html: "è", ascii: "e", utf8: "è"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Eacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{E}", html: "É", ascii: "E", utf8: "É"}, EntityDefinition {name: "eacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{e}", html: "é", ascii: "e", utf8: "é"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Ecirc", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\^{E}", html: "Ê", ascii: "E", utf8: "Ê"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "ecirc", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\^{e}", html: "ê", ascii: "e", utf8: "ê"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Euml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{E}", html: "Ë", ascii: "E", utf8: "Ë"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "euml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{e}", html: "ë", ascii: "e", utf8: "ë"}, EntityDefinition {name: "Igrave", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\`{I}", html: "Ì", ascii: "I", utf8: "Ì"}, 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EntityDefinition {name: "Yacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{Y}", html: "Ý", ascii: "Y", utf8: "Ý"}, EntityDefinition {name: "yacute", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\'{y}", html: "ý", ascii: "y", utf8: "ý"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "Yuml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{Y}", html: "Ÿ", ascii: "Y", utf8: "Ÿ"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "yuml", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\\"{y}", html: "ÿ", ascii: "y", utf8: "ÿ"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "fnof", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textit{f}", html: "ƒ", ascii: "f", utf8: "ƒ"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "real", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Re", html: "ℜ", ascii: "R", utf8: "ℜ"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "image", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Im", html: "ℑ", ascii: "I", utf8: "ℑ"}, EntityDefinition {name: "weierp", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\wp", html: "℘", ascii: "P", utf8: "℘"}, -EntityDefinition {name: "ell", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ell", html: "ℓ", ascii: "ell", utf8: "ℓ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Lambda", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Lambda", html: "Λ", ascii: "Lambda", utf8: "Λ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "lambda", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\lambda", html: "λ", ascii: "lambda", utf8: "λ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "sigmaf", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\varsigma", html: "ς", ascii: "sigmaf", utf8: "ς"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "varphi", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\varphi", html: "ϕ", ascii: "varphi", utf8: "φ"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "acutex", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\acute x", html: "´x", ascii: "'x", utf8: "𝑥́"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "hellip", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\dots{}", html: "…", ascii: "...", utf8: "…"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "middot", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textperiodcentered{}", html: "·", ascii: ".", utf8: "·"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "iquest", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "?`", html: "¿", ascii: "?", utf8: "¿"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "lsaquo", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\guilsinglleft{}", html: "‹", ascii: "<", utf8: "‹"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "rsaquo", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\guilsinglright{}", html: "›", ascii: ">", utf8: "›"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "brvbar", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textbrokenbar{}", html: "¦", ascii: "|", utf8: "¦"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "dagger", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textdagger{}", html: "†", ascii: "[dagger]", utf8: "†"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Dagger", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textdaggerdbl{}", html: "‡", ascii: "[doubledagger]", utf8: "‡"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "thinsp", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{.2em}", html: " ", ascii: " ", utf8: " "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "curren", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textcurrency{}", html: "¤", ascii: "curr.", utf8: "¤"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "dollar", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\$", html: "$", ascii: "$", utf8: "$"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "plusmn", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textpm{}", html: 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utf8: "π"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "lt", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textless{}", html: "<", ascii: "<", utf8: "<"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "gt", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textgreater{}", html: ">", ascii: ">", utf8: ">"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "pm", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\textpm{}", html: "±", ascii: "+-", utf8: "±"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "ne", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ne", html: "≠", ascii: "[not equal to]", utf8: "≠"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "le", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\le", html: "≤", ascii: "<=", utf8: "≤"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "ge", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ge", html: "≥", ascii: ">=", utf8: "≥"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "ll", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ll", html: "≪", ascii: "<<", utf8: "≪"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Ll", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\lll", html: "⋘", ascii: "<<<", utf8: "⋘"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "gg", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\gg", html: "≫", ascii: ">>", utf8: "≫"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Gg", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ggg", html: "⋙", ascii: ">>>", utf8: "⋙"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "in", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\in", html: "∈", ascii: "[element of]", utf8: "∈"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "ni", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ni", html: "∋", ascii: "[contains as member]", utf8: "∋"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "to", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\to", html: "→", ascii: "->", utf8: "→"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "lg", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\lg", html: "lg", ascii: "lg", utf8: "lg"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "ln", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\ln", html: "ln", ascii: "ln", utf8: "ln"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "Pr", latex_math_mode: true, latex: "\\Pr", html: "Pr", ascii: "Pr", utf8: "Pr"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "_ ", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\hspace*{0.5em}", html: " ", ascii: " ", utf8: " "}, +EntityDefinition {name: "S", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\S", html: "§", ascii: "section", utf8: "§"}, +EntityDefinition {name: "P", latex_math_mode: false, latex: "\\P{}", html: "¶", ascii: "paragraph", utf8: "¶"}, +]; diff --git a/src/context/global_settings.rs b/src/context/global_settings.rs index 0ee7b4d9..e8ba3d89 100644 --- a/src/context/global_settings.rs +++ b/src/context/global_settings.rs @@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ pub struct GlobalSettings<'g, 's> { /// The special characters that can be written in org-mode like \infin for the infinity symbol. /// + /// MUST be sorted with the largest names first. Otherwise the parser may match a shorter substring of a longer entity. + /// /// Corresponds to org-entities elisp variable. pub entities: &'g [EntityDefinition<'s>], }