#![feature(exit_status_error)] #![feature(trait_alias)] #![feature(path_file_prefix)] #![feature(test)] #![feature(iter_intersperse)] #![feature(exact_size_is_empty)] // TODO: #![warn(missing_docs)] #![allow(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)] // Sometimes you want the long form because its easier to see at a glance. extern crate test; #[cfg(feature = "compare")] pub mod compare; pub mod parse_cli; #[cfg(any(feature = "compare", feature = "wasm", feature = "wasm_test"))] mod util; #[cfg(any(feature = "wasm", feature = "wasm_test"))] mod wasm; #[cfg(any(feature = "wasm", feature = "wasm_test"))] pub mod wasm_cli; #[cfg(feature = "wasm_test")] pub mod wasm_test; mod context; mod error; #[cfg(feature = "event_count")] mod event_count; mod iter; pub mod parser; pub mod types; pub mod settings { pub use crate::context::FileAccessInterface; pub use crate::context::GlobalSettings; pub use crate::context::HeadlineLevelFilter; pub use crate::context::LocalFileAccessInterface; pub use crate::context::DEFAULT_TAB_WIDTH; }