use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::tag_no_case; use nom::character::complete::anychar; use nom::character::complete::space0; use nom::multi::many_till; use nom::sequence::tuple; use super::paragraph::paragraph; use super::util::maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting; use super::util::org_line_ending; use super::util::start_of_line; use super::OrgSource; use crate::context::bind_context; use crate::context::RefContext; use crate::error::CustomError; use crate::error::Res; use crate::parser::macros::element; use crate::types::AffiliatedKeywords; use crate::types::Object; use crate::types::Paragraph; use crate::types::PlainText; #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn bullshitium<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Paragraph<'s>> { alt(( bind_context!(broken_end, context), bind_context!(broken_dynamic_block, context), ))(input) } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn detect_bullshitium<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, ()> { element!(detect_broken_end, context, input); element!(detect_broken_dynamic_block, context, input); Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::Static("No bullshitium."))) } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn broken_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Paragraph<'s>> { start_of_line(input)?; let (remaining, _) = space0(input)?; let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case(":end:")(remaining)?; let (lead_in_remaining, _) = tuple((space0, org_line_ending))(remaining)?; if let Ok((remaining, mut paragraph)) = paragraph(std::iter::empty(), lead_in_remaining, context, input) { match paragraph.children.first_mut() { Some(Object::PlainText(plain_text)) => { plain_text.source = input.get_until_end_of_str(plain_text.source).into(); } Some(obj) => { panic!("Unhandled first object type inside bullshitium {:?}", obj); } None => { unreachable!("Paragraph must have children."); } }; Ok((remaining, paragraph)) } else { let (remaining, _trailing_ws) = maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting(context, lead_in_remaining)?; Ok(( remaining, Paragraph { source: input.get_until(remaining).into(), affiliated_keywords: AffiliatedKeywords::default(), children: vec![Object::PlainText(PlainText { source: input.get_until(lead_in_remaining).into(), })], }, )) } } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn detect_broken_end<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( _context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, ()> { start_of_line(input)?; let (remaining, _) = space0(input)?; let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case(":end:")(remaining)?; let (_remaining, _) = tuple((space0, org_line_ending))(remaining)?; Ok((input, ())) } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn broken_dynamic_block<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Paragraph<'s>> { start_of_line(input)?; let (remaining, _) = space0(input)?; let (remaining, _) = tag_no_case("#+BEGIN:")(remaining)?; let (lead_in_remaining, _) = many_till(anychar, org_line_ending)(remaining)?; if let Ok((remaining, mut paragraph)) = paragraph(std::iter::empty(), lead_in_remaining, context, input) { match paragraph.children.first_mut() { Some(Object::PlainText(plain_text)) => { plain_text.source = input.get_until_end_of_str(plain_text.source).into(); } Some(obj) => { panic!("Unhandled first object type inside bullshitium {:?}", obj); } None => { unreachable!("Paragraph must have children."); } }; Ok((remaining, paragraph)) } else { let (remaining, _trailing_ws) = maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting(context, lead_in_remaining)?; Ok(( remaining, Paragraph { source: input.get_until(remaining).into(), affiliated_keywords: AffiliatedKeywords::default(), children: vec![Object::PlainText(PlainText { source: input.get_until(lead_in_remaining).into(), })], }, )) } } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn detect_broken_dynamic_block<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( _context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, ()> { start_of_line(input)?; let (remaining, _) = space0(input)?; let (_remaining, _) = tag_no_case("#+BEGIN:")(remaining)?; Ok((input, ())) }