use std::path::Path; use crate::compare::diff::compare_document; use crate::compare::parse::emacs_parse_anonymous_org_document; use crate::compare::parse::emacs_parse_file_org_document; use crate::compare::parse::get_emacs_version; use crate::compare::parse::get_org_mode_version; use crate::compare::sexp::sexp; use crate::parser::parse_with_settings; use crate::GlobalSettings; use crate::LocalFileAccessInterface; pub fn run_anonymous_compare>( org_contents: P, ) -> Result<(), Box> { run_anonymous_compare_with_settings(org_contents, &GlobalSettings::default()) } pub fn run_compare_on_file>(org_path: P) -> Result<(), Box> { let org_path = org_path.as_ref(); eprintln!("Using emacs version: {}", get_emacs_version()?.trim()); eprintln!("Using org-mode version: {}", get_org_mode_version()?.trim()); let parent_directory = org_path .parent() .ok_or("Should be contained inside a directory.")?; let org_contents = std::fs::read_to_string(org_path)?; // TODO: This is a work-around to pretend that dos line endings do not exist. It would be better to handle the difference in line endings. let org_contents = org_contents.replace("\r\n", "\n"); let org_contents = org_contents.as_str(); let file_access_interface = LocalFileAccessInterface { working_directory: Some(parent_directory.to_path_buf()), }; let global_settings = { let mut global_settings = GlobalSettings::default(); global_settings.file_access = &file_access_interface; global_settings }; let rust_parsed = parse_with_settings(org_contents, &global_settings)?; let org_sexp = emacs_parse_file_org_document(org_path)?; let (_remaining, parsed_sexp) = sexp(org_sexp.as_str()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; println!("{}\n\n\n", org_contents); println!("{}", org_sexp); println!("{:#?}", rust_parsed); // We do the diffing after printing out both parsed forms in case the diffing panics let diff_result = compare_document(&parsed_sexp, &rust_parsed)?; diff_result.print(org_contents)?; if diff_result.is_bad() { Err("Diff results do not match.")?; } Ok(()) } pub fn run_anonymous_compare_with_settings>( org_contents: P, global_settings: &GlobalSettings, ) -> Result<(), Box> { // TODO: This is a work-around to pretend that dos line endings do not exist. It would be better to handle the difference in line endings. let org_contents = org_contents.as_ref().replace("\r\n", "\n"); let org_contents = org_contents.as_str(); eprintln!("Using emacs version: {}", get_emacs_version()?.trim()); eprintln!("Using org-mode version: {}", get_org_mode_version()?.trim()); let rust_parsed = parse_with_settings(org_contents, global_settings)?; let org_sexp = emacs_parse_anonymous_org_document(org_contents, global_settings)?; let (_remaining, parsed_sexp) = sexp(org_sexp.as_str()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; println!("{}\n\n\n", org_contents); println!("{}", org_sexp); println!("{:#?}", rust_parsed); // We do the diffing after printing out both parsed forms in case the diffing panics let diff_result = compare_document(&parsed_sexp, &rust_parsed)?; diff_result.print(org_contents)?; if diff_result.is_bad() { Err("Diff results do not match.")?; } Ok(()) }