use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::is_a; use nom::character::complete::anychar; use nom::character::complete::line_ending; use nom::character::complete::none_of; use nom::character::complete::one_of; use nom::character::complete::space0; use nom::combinator::eof; use nom::combinator::not; use nom::combinator::opt; use nom::combinator::peek; use nom::combinator::recognize; use nom::multi::many0; use nom::multi::many_till; use nom::sequence::tuple; use super::org_source::OrgSource; use crate::context::parser_with_context; use crate::context::ContextElement; use crate::context::RefContext; use crate::error::CustomError; use crate::error::MyError; use crate::error::Res; use crate::types::IndentationLevel; pub(crate) const WORD_CONSTITUENT_CHARACTERS: &str = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; /// Check if we are below a section of the given section type regardless of depth pub(crate) fn in_section<'b, 'g, 'r, 's, 'x>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str, ) -> bool { for thing in context.iter() { match thing { ContextElement::Context(name) if *name == section_name => return true, _ => {} } } false } /// Checks if we are currently an immediate child of the given section type pub(crate) fn immediate_in_section<'b, 'g, 'r, 's, 'x>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str, ) -> bool { for thing in context.iter() { match thing { ContextElement::Context(name) if *name == section_name => return true, ContextElement::Context(name) if *name != section_name => return false, _ => {} } } false } /// Check if we are below a section of the given section type regardless of depth pub(crate) fn in_object_section<'b, 'g, 'r, 's, 'x>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, section_name: &'x str, ) -> bool { for thing in context.iter() { match thing { ContextElement::ContextObject(name) if *name == section_name => return true, _ => {} } } false } /// Get a slice of the string that was consumed in a parser using the original input to the parser and the remaining input after the parser. pub(crate) fn get_consumed<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>, remaining: OrgSource<'s>) -> OrgSource<'s> { input.get_until(remaining) } /// A line containing only whitespace and then a line break /// /// It is up to the caller to ensure this is called at the start of a line. #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn blank_line(input: OrgSource<'_>) -> Res, OrgSource<'_>> { not(eof)(input)?; recognize(tuple((space0, alt((line_ending, eof)))))(input) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] fn element_trailing_whitespace<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { start_of_line(input)?; alt((eof, recognize(many0(blank_line))))(input) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn maybe_consume_object_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Option>> { // We have to check exit matcher after each character because description list tags need to end with a space unconsumed (" ::"). let (remaining, _) = many_till( one_of(" \t"), alt(( peek(recognize(none_of(" \t"))), parser_with_context!(exit_matcher_parser)(context), )), )(input)?; Ok((remaining, None)) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace_if_not_exiting<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Option>> { if context.should_consume_trailing_whitespace() && exit_matcher_parser(context, input).is_err() { Ok(opt(element_trailing_whitespace)(input)?) } else { Ok((input, None)) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn maybe_consume_trailing_whitespace<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, Option>> { if context.should_consume_trailing_whitespace() { Ok(opt(element_trailing_whitespace)(input)?) } else { Ok((input, None)) } } /// Check that we are at the start of a line #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn start_of_line<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, ()> { if input.is_at_start_of_line() { Ok((input, ())) } else { Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Not at start of line".into(), )))) } } pub(crate) fn preceded_by_whitespace( allow_start_of_file: bool, ) -> impl for<'s> Fn(OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, ()> { move |input| _preceded_by_whitespace(allow_start_of_file, input) } /// Check that we are at the start of a line #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] fn _preceded_by_whitespace<'s>( allow_start_of_file: bool, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, ()> { let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character(); if !preceding_character .map(|c| c.is_whitespace() || c == '\u{200B}') // 200B = Zero-width space .unwrap_or(allow_start_of_file) { return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Must be preceded by a whitespace character.".into(), )))); } Ok((input, ())) } /// Pull one non-whitespace character. /// /// This function only operates on spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds. It does not handle fancy unicode whitespace. #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn non_whitespace_character(input: OrgSource<'_>) -> Res, char> { none_of(" \t\r\n")(input) } /// Check that we are at the start of a line #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn exit_matcher_parser<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { peek(|i| context.check_exit_matcher(i))(input) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] pub(crate) fn text_until_exit<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { recognize(many_till( anychar, parser_with_context!(exit_matcher_parser)(context), ))(input) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn not_yet_implemented() -> Res, ()> { return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Not implemented yet.".into(), )))); } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug"))] /// Text from the current point until the next line break or end of file /// /// Useful for debugging. fn text_until_eol<'r, 's>( input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Result<&'s str, nom::Err>>> { let line = recognize(many_till(anychar, alt((line_ending, eof))))(input) .map(|(_remaining, line)| Into::<&str>::into(line))?; Ok(line.trim()) } /// Return a tuple of (input, output) from a nom parser. /// /// This is similar to recognize except it returns the input instead of the portion of the input that was consumed. pub(crate) fn include_input<'s, F, O>( mut inner: F, ) -> impl FnMut(OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, (OrgSource<'s>, O)> where F: FnMut(OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, O>, { move |input: OrgSource<'_>| { let (remaining, output) = inner(input)?; Ok((remaining, (input, output))) } } /// Match at least one space character. /// /// This is similar to nom's space1 parser except space1 matches both spaces and tabs whereas this only matches spaces. pub(crate) fn only_space1<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { is_a(" ")(input) } /// Match single space or tab. /// /// In org-mode syntax, spaces and tabs are often (but not always!) interchangeable. pub(crate) fn org_space<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, char> { one_of(" \t")(input) } /// Matches a single space, tab, line ending, or end of file. /// /// In org-mode syntax there are often delimiters that could be any whitespace at all or the end of file. pub(crate) fn org_space_or_line_ending<'s>( input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { alt((recognize(org_space), org_line_ending))(input) } /// Match a line break or the end of the file. /// /// In org-mode syntax, the end of the file can serve the same purpose as a line break syntactically. pub(crate) fn org_line_ending<'s>(input: OrgSource<'s>) -> Res, OrgSource<'s>> { alt((line_ending, eof))(input) } /// Match the whitespace at the beginning of a line and give it an indentation level. pub(crate) fn indentation_level<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, (IndentationLevel, OrgSource<'s>)> { let (remaining, leading_whitespace) = space0(input)?; let indentation_level = Into::<&str>::into(leading_whitespace) .chars() .map(|c| match c { ' ' => 1, '\t' => context.get_global_settings().tab_width, _ => unreachable!(), }) .sum(); Ok((remaining, (indentation_level, leading_whitespace))) }