/// Create iterators for ast nodes where it only has to iterate over children macro_rules! children_iter { ($astnodetype:ty, $itertype:ident, $innertype:ty) => { pub struct $itertype<'r, 's> { next: $innertype, } impl<'r, 's> Iterator for $itertype<'r, 's> { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.next.next().map(Into::::into) } } impl<'r, 's> IntoIterator for &'r $astnodetype { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; type IntoIter = $itertype<'r, 's>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { $itertype { next: self.children.iter(), } } } }; } pub(crate) use children_iter; /// Create iterators for ast nodes that do not contain any ast node children. macro_rules! empty_iter { ($astnodetype:ty, $itertype:ident) => { pub struct $itertype<'r, 's> { phantom: PhantomData<&'r $astnodetype>, } impl<'r, 's> Iterator for $itertype<'r, 's> { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { None } } impl<'r, 's> IntoIterator for &'r $astnodetype { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; type IntoIter = $itertype<'r, 's>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { $itertype { phantom: PhantomData, } } } }; } pub(crate) use empty_iter; /// Create iterators for ast nodes where it has to iterate over multiple child lists. macro_rules! multi_field_iter { ($astnodetype:ty, $itertype:ident, $firstfieldname: ident, $firstinnertype:ty, $($fieldname: ident, $innertype:ty),*) => { pub struct $itertype<'r, 's> { $firstfieldname: $firstinnertype, $( $fieldname: $innertype, ),* } impl<'r, 's> Iterator for $itertype<'r, 's> { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.$firstfieldname.next().map(Into::::into) $( .or_else(|| self.$fieldname.next().map(Into::::into)) ),* } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let size = self.$firstfieldname.len()$( + self.$fieldname.len() ),*; (size, Some(size)) } } impl<'r, 's> ExactSizeIterator for $itertype<'r, 's> {} impl<'r, 's> IntoIterator for &'r $astnodetype { type Item = AstNode<'r, 's>; type IntoIter = $itertype<'r, 's>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { $itertype { $firstfieldname: self.$firstfieldname.iter(), $( $fieldname: self.$fieldname.iter(), ),* } } } }; } pub(crate) use multi_field_iter;