use nom::bytes::complete::tag; use nom::character::complete::line_ending; use nom::character::complete::one_of; use nom::combinator::recognize; use nom::multi::many0; use super::org_source::OrgSource; use crate::context::RefContext; use crate::error::CustomError; use crate::error::Res; use crate::parser::util::get_consumed; use crate::types::LineBreak; #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(context)) )] pub(crate) fn line_break<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, LineBreak<'s>> { let (remaining, _) = pre(context, input)?; let (remaining, _) = tag(r"\\")(remaining)?; let (remaining, _) = recognize(many0(one_of(" \t")))(remaining)?; let (remaining, _) = line_ending(remaining)?; let source = get_consumed(input, remaining); Ok(( remaining, LineBreak { source: source.into(), }, )) } #[cfg_attr( feature = "tracing", tracing::instrument(ret, level = "debug", skip(_context)) )] fn pre<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>( _context: RefContext<'b, 'g, 'r, 's>, input: OrgSource<'s>, ) -> Res, ()> { let preceding_character = input.get_preceding_character(); match preceding_character { // If None, we are at the start of the file None | Some('\\') => { return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Not a valid pre character for line break.", )))); } _ => {} }; let current_line = input.text_since_line_break(); let is_non_empty_line = current_line.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()); if !is_non_empty_line { return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Not a valid pre line for line break.", )))); } Ok((input, ())) }