use super::combinator::context_many_till; use super::error::CustomError; use super::error::MyError; use super::error::Res; use super::parser_context::ChainBehavior; use super::parser_context::ContextElement; use super::parser_context::ExitMatcherNode; use super::text::symbol; use super::text::text_element; use super::token::Bold; use super::token::TextElement; use super::token::Token; use super::util::in_section; use super::Context; use crate::parser::parser_with_context::parser_with_context; use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::tag; use nom::combinator::map; use nom::combinator::peek; use nom::combinator::recognize; use nom::sequence::tuple; pub fn bold<'r, 's>(context: Context<'r, 's>, i: &'s str) -> Res<&'s str, Bold<'s>> { let bold_start = parser_with_context!(context_bold_start)(&context); let parser_context = context .with_additional_node(ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(ExitMatcherNode { exit_matcher: ChainBehavior::AndParent(Some(&context_bold_end)), })) .with_additional_node(ContextElement::Context("bold")); let (remaining, captured) = recognize(tuple((bold_start, |i| { context_many_till(&parser_context, text_element, context_bold_end)(i) })))(i)?; let ret = Bold { source: captured }; Ok((remaining, ret)) } fn can_start_bold<'r, 's>(context: Context<'r, 's>) -> bool { _preceded_by_whitespace(context) && !in_section(context, "bold") } fn context_bold_start<'r, 's>(context: Context<'r, 's>, input: &'s str) -> Res<&'s str, &'s str> { if can_start_bold(context) { recognize(bold_start)(input) } else { // TODO: Make this a specific error instead of just a generic MyError return Err(nom::Err::Error(CustomError::MyError(MyError( "Cannot start bold", )))); } } fn context_bold_end<'r, 's>(context: Context<'r, 's>, input: &'s str) -> Res<&'s str, &'s str> { let (remaining, actual_match) = recognize(bold_end)(input)?; peek(alt(( // Must have whitespace after the end asterisk or it must be the end of that section (as checked by the exit matcher) tag(" "), tag("\t"), tag("\n"), |i| context.check_exit_matcher(i), )))(remaining)?; Ok((remaining, actual_match)) } fn bold_start(input: &str) -> Res<&str, TextElement> { map(symbol("*"), TextElement::Symbol)(input) } fn bold_end(input: &str) -> Res<&str, TextElement> { map(symbol("*"), TextElement::Symbol)(input) } fn _preceded_by_whitespace<'r, 's>(context: Context<'r, 's>) -> bool { let mut context_iterator = context.iter().enumerate(); loop { if let Some((i, ctx)) = { match ctx.get_data() { ContextElement::ExitMatcherNode(_) => {} ContextElement::PreviousElementNode(previous_element_node) => { match &previous_element_node.element { Token::TextElement(text_element) => { match text_element { TextElement::Span(_) => return false, TextElement::Space(_) => return true, TextElement::LineBreak(_) => return true, TextElement::Symbol(_) => return false, TextElement::Bold(_) => return false, TextElement::Link(_) => return false, }; } Token::Paragraph(_) => unreachable!(), }; } ContextElement::StartOfParagraph => { return true; } ContextElement::Context(_) => {} ContextElement::ListItem(_) => {} ContextElement::DocumentRoot(_) => { return true; } } } else { break; } } false }