Floppy disk will melt in inventory or room, regardless
of whether or not Stallman statuette is around.
You can examine objects in the jar without taking them out.
You can take objects from the jar while you are on the bus.
Message from digging on the bus is the same as when you dig and don't
find anything.
No longer errors out of the game when argument to "climb" is invalid.
You can now put things in the jar, even if you are on the bus.
"In" or "Out" command tells you if you are already on or off the bus.
Changed "begin to sweat" to "are perspiring"
so that it makes sense whether you are heating up or cooling down.
Changed author e-mail address, added web page.
Added hint for batch mode.
Fixed spelling of Presely in global object list.
Added coconuts, tank, and lake as objects that are recognized.
Added `slip' as another way of describing the paper,
and `chip' as another way of describing the CPU.
Upcase abbreviations of directions in room descriptions.
Fixed erroneous login message to better-describe ftp limitations.
Added error message if user tries to rlogin back to pokey.
Fixed so that if restore file isn't found which in non-batch mode,
window will switch back to game.