2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
#-*- tab-width: 4; -*-
# ex:ts=4
# $FreeBSD$
# $NetBSD$
# $MCom: ports-experimental/Mk/bsd.mate.mk,v 1.13 2012/09/03 17:02:31 mezz Exp $
# Please view me with 4 column tabs!
# *** WARNING: Disable MARCUSCOM before merge in FreeBSD!
# Please also remove this section before merging into FreeBSD.
# ======================= USERS =================================
# There are no significant user-definable settings in here.
# This file is a framework to make it easier to create MATE ports.
# ======================= /USERS ================================
. i f ! d e f i n e d ( _ P O S T M K I N C L U D E D ) & & ! d e f i n e d ( M a t e _ P r e _ I n c l u d e )
# Please make sure all changes to this file are passed through the maintainer.
# Do not commit them yourself (unless of course you're the Port's Wraith ;).
Mate_Include_MAINTAINER = gnome@FreeBSD.org
Mate_Pre_Include = bsd.mate.mk
# This section defines possible names of MATE components and all information
# necessary for ports to use those components.
# Ports can use this as follows:
# USE_MATE= caja common desktop
# .include <bsd.port.mk>
# As a result proper LIB_DEPENDS/RUN_DEPENDS will be added and CONFIGURE_ENV
# and MAKE_ENV defined.
# non-version specific components. Do not use :build/:run on those.
2014-09-10 13:53:26 +00:00
_USE_MATE_ALL = autogen intlhack intltool
2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
# MATE components, you can use the :build or :run if need. Without the :build
# and :run, it will be added in both build and run dependency. It will check
# for the library dependency first. If not exists then do the build/run on
# the *.pc file instead.
_USE_MATE_ALL += caja common controlcenter desktop dialogs docutils icontheme \
2014-09-10 13:53:26 +00:00
libmatekbd libmateweather \
2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
marco menus mucharmap notificationdaemon panel polkit pluma \
SCROLLKEEPER_DIR = /var/db/rarian
caja_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/libcaja-extension.pc
2014-09-10 13:53:26 +00:00
caja_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ caja_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-fm/caja
caja_LIB_DEPENDS = libcaja-extension.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11-fm/caja
caja_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ caja_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-fm/caja
2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
mucharmap_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mucharmap-2.pc
mucharmap_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ mucharmap_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /deskutils/mate-character-map
mucharmap_LIB_DEPENDS = libmucharmap.so:${ PORTSDIR } /deskutils/mate-character-map
mucharmap_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ mucharmap_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /deskutils/mate-character-map
common_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /bin/mate-autogen
common_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ common_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /devel/mate-common
common_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ common_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /devel/mate-common
controlcenter_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mate-window-settings-2.0.pc
controlcenter_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ controlcenter_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-control-center
controlcenter_LIB_DEPENDS = libmate-window-settings.so:${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-control-center
controlcenter_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ controlcenter_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-control-center
desktop_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mate-desktop-2.0.pc
desktop_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ desktop_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-desktop
desktop_LIB_DEPENDS = libmate-desktop-2.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-desktop
desktop_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ desktop_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-desktop
dialogs_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /bin/matedialog
dialogs_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ dialogs_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-dialogs
dialogs_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ dialogs_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-dialogs
docutils_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mate-doc-utils.pc
docutils_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ docutils_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /textproc/mate-doc-utils
docutils_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ docutils_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /textproc/mate-doc-utils
icontheme_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mate-icon-theme.pc
icontheme_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ icontheme_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-themes/mate-icon-theme
icontheme_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ icontheme_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-themes/mate-icon-theme
intltool_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /bin/intltool-extract
intltool_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ intltool_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /textproc/intltool
intlhack_PRE_PATCH = ${ FIND } ${ WRKSRC } -name "intltool-merge.in" | ${ XARGS } ${ REINPLACE_CMD } -e \
' s| mkdir $$ lang or| mkdir $$ lang, 0777 or| ; \
s| ^push @INC, "/.*|push @INC, " ${ LOCALBASE } /share/intltool" ;| ; \
s| /usr/bin/iconv| ${ LOCALBASE } /bin/iconv| g ; \
s| unpack *[ ( ] '"' "'U\*'" '"' | unpack ( '"' "'C*'" '"' | '
.if ${USE_MATE : Mintlhack }!=""
USE_MATE += intltool
. e n d i f
libmatekbd_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/libmatekbd.pc
libmatekbd_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ libmatekbd_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/libmatekbd
libmatekbd_LIB_DEPENDS = libmatekbd.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11/libmatekbd
libmatekbd_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ libmatekbd_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/libmatekbd
libmateweather_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mateweather.pc
libmateweather_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ libmateweather_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /net/libmateweather
libmateweather_LIB_DEPENDS = libmateweather.so:${ PORTSDIR } /net/libmateweather
libmateweather_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ libmateweather_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /net/libmateweather
marco_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/libmarco-private.pc
2014-09-10 13:53:26 +00:00
marco_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ marco_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-wm/marco
marco_LIB_DEPENDS = libmarco-private.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11-wm/marco
marco_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ marco_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11-wm/marco
2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
menus_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/libmate-menu.pc
menus_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ menus_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-menus
menus_LIB_DEPENDS = libmate-menu.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-menus
menus_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ menus_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-menus
notificationdaemon_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libexec/mate-notification-daemon
notificationdaemon_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ notificationdaemon_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /deskutils/mate-notification-daemon
notificationdaemon_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ notificationdaemon_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /deskutils/mate-notification-daemon
panel_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/libmatepanelapplet-4.0.pc
panel_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ panel_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-panel
panel_LIB_DEPENDS = libmate-panel-applet-4.so:${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-panel
panel_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ panel_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /x11/mate-panel
polkit_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/polkit-gtk-mate-1.pc
polkit_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ polkit_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-polkit
polkit_LIB_DEPENDS = libpolkit-gtk-mate-1.so:${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-polkit
polkit_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ polkit_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-polkit
pluma_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/pluma.pc
2014-09-10 13:53:26 +00:00
pluma_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ pluma_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /editors/pluma
pluma_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ pluma_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /editors/pluma
2013-11-23 11:39:07 +00:00
settingsdaemon_DETECT = ${ LOCALBASE } /libdata/pkgconfig/mate-settings-daemon.pc
settingsdaemon_BUILD_DEPENDS = ${ settingsdaemon_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-settings-daemon
settingsdaemon_RUN_DEPENDS = ${ settingsdaemon_DETECT } :${ PORTSDIR } /sysutils/mate-settings-daemon
# End component definition section
. e n d i f
# End of optional part.
. i f d e f i n e d ( _ P O S T M K I N C L U D E D ) & & ! d e f i n e d ( M a t e _ P o s t _ I n c l u d e )
Mate_Post_Include = bsd.mate.mk
. i f d e f i n e d ( U S E _ M A T E )
# Comparing between USE_MATE and _USE_MATE_ALL to make sure the component
# exists in _USE_MATE_ALL. If it does not exist then give an error about it.
#. for component in ${USE_MATE:O:u:C/^([^:]+).*/\1/}
. for component in ${USE_MATE : C /^([^:]+).*/\1/}
#. for component in ${USE_GNOME:C/^([^:]+).*/\1/}
. if ${_USE_MATE_ALL : M ${component }}==""
.error cannot install : Unknown component USE_MATE =${component }
. e n d i f
. e n d f o r
. for component in ${USE_MATE : O :u :C /^([^:]+).*/\1/}
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ P A T C H _ D E P E N D S )
PATCH_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _PATCH_DEPENDS }
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ D E T E C T )
. if ${USE_MATE : M ${component }\:build }!=""
BUILD_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _BUILD_DEPENDS }
. elif ${USE_MATE : M ${component }\:run }!=""
RUN_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _RUN_DEPENDS }
. e l s e
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ L I B _ D E P E N D S )
LIB_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _LIB_DEPENDS }
. e l s e
BUILD_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _BUILD_DEPENDS }
RUN_DEPENDS += ${ ${ component } _RUN_DEPENDS }
. e n d i f
. e n d i f
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ C O N F I G U R E _ T A R G E T )
CONFIGURE_ARGS += ${ ${ component } _CONFIGURE_ARGS }
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ C O N F I G U R E _ E N V )
CONFIGURE_ENV += ${ ${ component } _CONFIGURE_ENV }
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ M A K E _ E N V )
MAKE_ENV += ${ ${ component } _MAKE_ENV }
. e n d i f
. i f ! d e f i n e d ( C O N F I G U R E _ T A R G E T ) & & d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ C O N F I G U R E _ T A R G E T )
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( $ { c o m p o n e n t } _ P R E _ P A T C H )
MATE_PRE_PATCH += ; ${ ${ component } _PRE_PATCH }
. e n d i f
. e n d f o r
. e n d i f # USE_MATE check
.if ${USE_MATE : Mautogen }!=""
pre-configure : mate -pre -configure
mate-pre-configure :
@( cd ${ CONFIGURE_WRKSRC } ; ${ SETENV } ${ CONFIGURE_ENV } ./autogen.sh)
. e n d i f
. i f d e f i n e d ( M A T E _ P R E _ P A T C H )
pre-configure-script : mate -pre -configure -script
mate-pre-configure-script :
@${ MATE_PRE_PATCH : C /^;//1 }
. e n d i f
. i f ${MAINTAINER} = = "gnome@FreeBSD.org"
CONFIGURE_FAIL_MESSAGE = " Please run the gnomelogalyzer, available from \"http://www.freebsd.org/gnome/gnomelogalyzer.sh\", which will diagnose the problem and suggest a solution. If - and only if - the gnomelogalyzer cannot solve the problem, report the build failure to the FreeBSD MATE team at ${ MAINTAINER } , and attach (a) \" ${ CONFIGURE_WRKSRC } / ${ CONFIGURE_LOG } \", (b) the output of the failed make command, and (c) the gnomelogalyzer output. Also, it might be a good idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system (i.e. an \`ls ${ PKG_DBDIR } \`). Put your attachment up on any website, copy-and-paste into http://freebsd-gnome.pastebin.com, or use send-pr(1) with the attachment. Try to avoid sending any attachments to the mailing list ( ${ MAINTAINER } ), because attachments sent to FreeBSD mailing lists are usually discarded by the mailing list software. "
. e n d i f
. e n d i f
# End of use part.