2014-05-10 java/linux-sun-jre16: Unsupported and known for multiple security vulnerabilities
2014-05-10 java/linux-sun-jdk16: Unsupported and known for multiple security vulnerabilities
2014-04-30 x11-toolkits/gigi: Does not compile on 10 or higher
2014-04-30 net/asterisk-oh323: Depends on broken and unsupported asterisk14
2014-04-30 net/asterisk14: Broken and unsupported
2014-04-30 net/asterisk14-addons: Depends on broken and unsupported asterisk14
2014-04-30 ports-mgmt/pkg_install: Replaced by ports-mgmt/pkg
2014-05-01 x11-drivers/xf86-input-magictouch: Does not compile
2014-05-01 x11-drivers/xf86-video-cyrix: requires pciVideoPtr typedef
2014-05-01 x11-drivers/xf86-video-sis-intel: requires pciVideoPtr typedef
2014-05-01 net/py-spreadmodule: Depends on expired net/spread
2014-05-01 net/p5-Spread-Message: Depends on expired net/spread
2014-05-01 net/p5-POE-Component-Spread: Depends on expired net/spread
2014-05-01 net/p5-Spread-Session: Depends on expired net/spread
2014-05-01 sysutils/wmmemload: Broken
2014-05-01 lang/ml-pnet: Alpha-quality abandonware - Decommissioned Dec 2012 - Use mono
2014-05-01 lang/treecc: PNET dependency decommissioned Dec 2012
2014-05-01 lang/pnetlib: Alpha-quality abandonware - Decommissioned Dec 2012 - Use mono
2014-05-01 lang/pnet-base: Alpha-quality abandonware - Decommissioned Dec 2012 - Use mono
2014-05-01 benchmarks/pnetmark: PNET dependency decommissioned Dec 2012
2014-05-01 lang/pnet: Alpha-quality abandonware - Decommissioned Dec 2012 - Use mono
2014-05-01 x11-wm/stumpwm: Broken for more than 4 months
2014-05-01 sysutils/cpupowerd: Not maintained from upstream anymore and only supports ancient AMD K8.
2014-05-01 net/pchar: Obsolete, abandoned
2014-05-03 x11-fonts/texcm-ttf: Should be replaced by x11-fonts/stix-fonts
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-sdlinput: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-sdlaudio: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-tr64: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-gln64: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-sound: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-rsp: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-input: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-glide: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-softgfx: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-dummyaudio: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-23 emulators/mupen64-base: Use mupen64plus instead
2014-04-24 x11/emu: Broken, not staged
2014-04-24 lang/ruby-doc-stdlib: Upstream rerolls frequently, online docs work well
2014-04-16 ports-mgmt/pkgsearch: Upstream disappeared
2014-04-17 science/flounder: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/nbaudit: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/saint: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 graphics/gozer: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/pdfmap: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/showgrammar: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 biology/libgenome: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 deskutils/narval: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/fampp: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net-p2p/py-fngrab: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/wmfirew: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 x11-wm/e16utils: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 misc/salias: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 print/latex2slides: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 lang/sxm: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 textproc/pybook: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 mail/mailcrypt: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 japanese/elvis: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 devel/prototype: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 print/wprint: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 science/euler: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 multimedia/gopchop: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 science/gdis: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net/googolplex: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 lang/logo: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 textproc/roap: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 x11-wm/afterstep-i18n: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 games/yamsweeper: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 net-mgmt/echolot: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-17 security/pam_smb: Unmaintained since 2002
2014-04-18 devel/lua-redis-parser: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-18 biology/finchtv: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-18 net-im/ari-yahoo: Broken for more than 1 year (http://www.icculus.org/ari-yahoo/)
2014-04-12 net/pvm++: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/ixlib: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/althea: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/claraocr: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/qvplay: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/guitartex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/pnm2ppa: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/opendis: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/gnome-mud: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/maverik: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 biology/rasmol: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/mail2procmailrc: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 science/felt: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 textproc/pardiff: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 lang/klone: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/rmsg: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/sharity-light: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 biology/genpak: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/forg: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 misc/txt2regex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 textproc/ipdf: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/plotmtv: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/happydoc: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 print/cpp2latex: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/svg2swf: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 devel/flick: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 mail/smail: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 net/net-http: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 security/cfv: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 graphics/camediaplay: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-04-12 math/umatrix: Unmaintained since 2001
2014-03-10 www/p5-CGI-modules: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 www/p5-WWW-Link: Depends on expired www/p5-CGI-modules
2014-03-10 www/sbox-dtc: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 sysutils/dtc: Depends on expired www/sbox-dtc
2014-03-10 textproc/glimpse: No more public distfiles
2014-04-10 ftp/ftplocate: Depends on expired textproc/glimpse
2014-04-10 misc/tkman: Depends on expired textproc/glimpse
2014-04-09 devel/asl: Unmaintained since 1997
2014-04-09 net/pcnfsd: Unmaintained since 1997
2014-04-10 cad/chipmunk: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 graphics/comix: Insists on installing in /usr/local, and uses nautilus2 which is deprecated.
2014-04-10 www/mambo: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-10 devel/lua-rds-parser: Broken for more than 6 months
2014-04-10 editors/the: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 japanese/exmh2: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 net/freewais-sf: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 editors/elvis: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 japanese/sed: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 x11-fm/xfm: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 print/rtf2latex: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-10 graphics/fbm: Unmaintained since 1999
2014-04-11 devel/p5-Penguin-Easy: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 emulators/prodosemu: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 security/gtkportscan: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/xmfract: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 databases/xmbase-grok: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 emulators/svr4_base: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/freefem: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/tiff2png: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/wingz: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 lang/STk: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/kdc2tiff: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 math/xlispstat: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 databases/typhoon: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/dc20ctrl: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 www/fhttpd: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 graphics/xmorph: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 editors/axe: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-11 www/cgic: Unmaintained since 2000
2014-04-10 www/screem: gnome-menus 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-actions: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-sendto: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 deskutils/nautilus-open-terminal: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/eiciel: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 x11-fm/py-nautilus: nautilus will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 sysutils/sensors-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 net/link-monitor-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 net/netspeed_applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 net/remmina-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 misc/uf-view: gnome-desktop 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 textproc/uim-gnome: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 audio/istream: gnome-panel will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 mail/contact-lookup-applet: gnome-panel will be updated to the 3.x version which is not compatible with 2.x
2014-04-10 security/tuntun: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 misc/quick-lounge-applet: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import
2014-04-10 sysutils/bubblemon2: gnome-panel 2.x will be updated in the GNOME 3 import