* fixes for hpdj printers, special treatment for driver hpdj_u970
* BITSPERPIXEL can't be changed for hpdj
* due to popular demand: ASCII_PPS and ASCII_LANDSCAPE change the
printout just for ASCII files, independent of PS_NUP and LANDSCAPE
(but these provide default values if needed)
* BINDING now uses "short" and "long" instead of psset-switches
* fixed printing on PS-printers and during debugging
Sa 2 Sep 2000 18:53:41 CEST Andreas Klemm <andreas@apsfilter.org>
* replace list of apsfilter contributors with this link:
Sa 2 Sep 2000 12:57:15 CEST Andreas Klemm <andreas@apsfilter.org>
* added working watermark template
from Andreas Reuter <ar205@bonzo.geowiss.nat.tu-bs.de>
this file is the basis to _dynamically_ create backgrounds
for every printed page, i.e.: "internal use only", "Top Secret"
etc. Probably we'll use it this way in the future:
lpr -C wmark="Top Secret" file
Sa 2 Sep 2000 10:40:32 CEST Andreas Klemm <andreas@apsfilter.org>
* be more verbose about what A2PS_OPTS gives you
(overwrites the complete a2ps commandline)
Fr 1 Sep 2000 17:25:12 CEST Andreas Klemm <andreas@apsfilter.org>
* yes, we can remove the two entries from KNOWN_BUGS
These entries are no apsfilter bugs.
Have been added to FAQ
* FAQ has been updated on webserver.
Fr 1 Sep 2000 16:19:35 CEST Michael Lossin <losse@germanymail.com>
* custom printer queue names, as suggested by Jef Moskot
* cloning spool dir permissions with chmod (I think this needs
the GNU version)
* call checkpc after printcap fiddling (will be ignored by
BSD spoolers)
* faster code insertion for paper tray selection with awk, as
suggested by Beat Rubischon
* color mode fixed for hpdj
* small changes in class option code
* INSTALL, README and apsfilterrc updates
* remove unneeded docu .... doc/methods, doc/features,
and by me:
* still keep KNOWN_BUGS have to test this ...
* update Makefile (remove nuked stuff)
* check for checkpc before using it.
* add /usr/local/sbin for checkpc
independent packages that, despite the identical names, have
different contents.
This "feature" is currently implemented in a way that works
around a limitation in bsd.port.mk and can be considered a
versions are not the same as the i386 version, even though they
have the same name.
This fix does not have effect until the architecture specific md5
files are used.
the i386. They seem to be wrong for alpha. Whether that's caused
by a bad mirror or is caused by a structural bogosity has to be
determined at this time.