The distfile was available in an uncompressed form on Sourceforge.
While here, mark as GPLv3 (copying file would have to be downloaded
separately so it is not set) and simplify. I made several corrections
and removals to the patch as submitted.
PR: 200308
Submitted by: Ports Fury
The Tibetan & Himalayan Digital Library releases the Unicode character
based Tibetan Machine Uni OpenType font for writing Tibetan, Dzongkha
and Ladakhi in dbu-can script with full support for the Sanskrit
combinations found in chos skad texts.
This font is based on the Tibetan Machine font originally designed and
developed by Tony Duff of the Tibetan Computer Company over many
years, the rights of which were purchased from him by the Trace
Foundation in order to make it freely available under the terms of the
Gnu General Public License.
OpenType tables and more than 2,000 additional glyphs were added to
the original font by Nathaniel Garson and Christopher Fynn under the
auspices of THDL. This new OpenType version of the font contains
almost 4,000 glyphs and can generate over 20,000 different
Author: Tony Duff