pdf documents should be controlled by NOPORTDOCS
PR: ports/109222
Submitted by: rafan
Approved by: Marcin Wisnicki <mwisnicki+freebsd at gmail.com> (maintainer)
written in pure python.
Since version 0.6 it uses a new parser that increases parsing performance
a lot by caching the nodelists on the harddisk if wanted.
It includes multiple template inheritance and other features like simple
value escaping.
Author: Armin Ronacher
WWW: http://wsgiarea.pocoo.org/jinja/
elegant with minimal syntax. Unlike most Python template engines,
Breve is implemented as an `internal DSL`_ rather than a parser.
Author: Cliff Wells
WWW: http://breve.twisty-industries.com/
Subversion support. From a user point of view, Subversive provides
Subversion support similar to CVS support, which is already part of
the standard Eclipse platform.
The main use cases, which are familiar to CVS users, are:
* Connection to the repository using different connection types
* Repository browsing
* Check-out
* Synchronization
* Commiting
* Update
* Resolving conflicts
* Adding to the list of ignored resources
WWW: http://www.polarion.org/index.php?page=overview&project=subversive
no changelog is present on the mastersite, but changes include:
* a new pt_BR translation
* events/guards/actions selectable from toolbar when a model is loaded
* GEF 0.11.3M10 -> 0.12.3
* simplified Arrange menu
* more extensive View menu
PR: ports/109208
Submitted by: maintainer (Rene Ladan)
Subversion support. From a user point of view, Subversive provides
Subversion support similar to CVS support, which is already part of
the standard Eclipse platform.
The main use cases, which are familiar to CVS users, are:
* Connection to the repository using different connection types
* Repository browsing
* Check-out
* Synchronization
* Commiting
* Update
* Resolving conflicts
* Adding to the list of ignored resources
WWW: http://www.polarion.org/index.php?page=overview&project=subversive
allows you put C source code directly "inline" in a Python script or module,
then the C code is automatically compiled and then loaded for immediate access
from Python.
ezpyinline is forked from PyInline (http://pyinline.sourceforge.net/)
but aim to be as easy as possible and do all the magics for you.
WWW: http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/ezpyinline
PR: ports/109135
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at lwhsu.org>
Kwalitee is inexact quality:
* All dependencies in Makefile.PL or the Module::Build equivalent
* Well-tested
* Well-documented
* Documents match code match tests
* Covered well
* Pod passes Test::Pod
* All hyperlinks work
WWW: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-CPANTS-Analyse/
applications that can configure, and perform operations on, a server applica
-tion. In general, each manageable component of the server application is re
-presented by a Management Bean (or MBean, for short). JMX defines three types
of MBeans, of which Model MBeans are the most flexible. Model MBeans provide a
way to define MBeans for many different components, without having to write a
specific MBean implementation class for each one.
However, this power comes at a price. It is necessary to set up a substantial
amount of metadata about each MBean, including the attributes it should expose
(similar to JavaBeans properties), the operations it should make available (si
-milar to calling methods of a Java object via reflection), and other related
information. The Modeler component is designed to make this process fairly pain
-less -- the required metadata is configured from an XML description of each
Model MBean to be supported. In addition, Modeler provides a factory mechanism
to create the actual Model MBean instances themselves.
The Modeler component of the Jakarta Commons subproject offers convenient
support for configuring and instantiating Model MBeans (management beans),
as described in the JMX Specification.
Homepage: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/modeler/
Submitted by: Nemo LIU <nemoliu at gmail dot com>
PR: ports/109074
compiler front-end from a Labelled BNF grammar. It was originally
written to generate Haskell, but starting from Version 2.0, it can
also be used for generating Java, C++, and C.
Given a Labelled BNF grammar the tool produces:
* an abstract syntax as a Haskell/C++/C module or Java directory
* a case skeleton for the abstract syntax in the same language
* an Alex, JLex, or Flex lexer generator file
* a Happy, CUP, or Bison parser generator file
* a pretty-printer as a Haskell/Java/C++/C module
* a Latex file containing a readable specification of the language
WWW: http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~markus/BNFC/
PR: ports/109038
Submitted by: Kai Wang <kaiw27 at gmail.com>
Set the submitter as new maintainer. Because the original
maintainer's email address is bouncing.
PR: ports/103164
Submitted by: Marcin Wisnicki <mwisnicki+freebsd@gmail.com>
Approved by: itetcu (mentor) linimon (for maintainer reset)
comments, doc strings, blank lines and real code. It creates simple lines
counts for individual or multiple files, but can also be used to strip
comments from a source file, say. See a sample output of pycount running on
itself in verbose mode.
WWW: http://python.net/~gherman/pycount.html
PR: ports/108996
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at lwhsu.org>
your Python code. It's very easy to use and can point out possible problems
with your code execution.
WWW: http://pycallgraph.slowchop.com/
PR: ports/108977
Submitted by: Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at lwhsu.org>
wxPython, that helps you create wxWindows/wxPython user interfaces. At the
moment it can generate Python, C++ and XRC (wxWindows' XML resources) code.
WWW: http://wxglade.sourceforge.net/