- The new function `TeX-doc' provides easy access to documentation about
commands and packages or information related to TeX and friends in
general. It is accessible with the key binding `C-c ?' or the `Find
Documentation...' entry in the mode menus.
- You can now get rid of generated intermediate and output files by
means of the new `Clean' and `Clean All' entries in `TeX-command-list'
accessible with `C-c C-c' or the Command menu.
- Support for forward search with PDF files was added. That means you
can jump to a place in the output file corresponding to the position
in the source file. Currently this only works if you use the pdfsync
LaTeX package and xpdf as your PDF viewer. The accuracy is in the
range of +/-1 page.
- Adding support for this feature required the default value of the
variable `TeX-output-view-style' to be changed. Please make sure you
either remove any customizations overriding the new default or
incorporate the changes into your customizations if you want to use
this feature.
- The error parsing of AUCTeX as well as preview-latex now deals with
-file-line-error type messages from newer web2c versions (earlier
versions would omit the traditional error context, which will not
- The LaTeX tool bar is now enabled by default.
- A problem in preview-latex in connection with XyMTeX has been fixed.
IMPORTANT: Many of the new features in the 11.x series rely on special
properties in the variable `TeX-command-list' and will not work if you
customized this variable for a pre-11.5x release of AUCTeX. If this
is the case for you, please re-initialize the variable by erasing the
customization, thereby setting the variable to the new default, and
re-adding your changes afterwards.