to sanity check port and adjust Makefile / pkg-plist accordingly.
Changes since 20140112:
* allow scamper to be built in debug mode on FreeBSD after version 10.
* in scamper-ping, support a probe frequency smaller than once every
second. minimum is now once a millisecond.
* handle fragmented responses in linux and sunos correctly.
this is important for IPv6 IP-ID based alias resolution techniques
(e.g. speedtrap, ally, radargun) on those platforms.
* numerous bugfixes and improvements to sc_ally pair-wise alias
resolution utility, the most important being that it will reliably
complete now.
* FreeBSD 10 onwards no longer byte swaps some fields in the quotation of
a received ICMP error message. chase this in scamper.
* Minor modifications to make scamper compile on Windows 7 using
Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.
* print ping flags in sc_wartsdump and scamper's json output.
PR: 190440
Submitted by: maintainer