mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-10-18 19:49:40 +00:00
Po-Chuan Hsieh 89a1d5adfd
math/py-ndindex: Add 1.5.2
ndindex is a library that allows representing and manipulating objects that can
be valid indices to numpy arrays, i.e., slices, integers, ellipses, None,
integer and boolean arrays, and tuples thereof. The goals of the library are:
- Provide a uniform API to manipulate these objects. Unlike the standard index
  objects themselves like slice, int, and tuple, which do not share any methods
  in common related to being indices, ndindex classes can all be manipulated
  uniformly. For example, idx.args always gives the arguments used to construct
- Give 100% correct semantics as defined by numpy's ndarray. This means that
  ndindex will not make a transformation on an index object unless it is correct
  for all possible input array shapes. The only exception to this rule is that
  ndindex assumes that any given index will not raise IndexError (for instance,
  from an out of bounds integer index or from too few dimensions). For those
  operations where the array shape is known, there is a reduce() method to
  reduce an index to a simpler index that is equivalent for the given shape.
- Enable useful transformation and manipulation functions on index objects.

WWW: https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/ndindex
2021-11-01 21:41:21 +08:00

1086 lines
28 KiB

COMMENT = Mathematics
SUBDIR += 4ti2
SUBDIR += Imath
SUBDIR += R-cran-ADGofTest
SUBDIR += R-cran-Amelia
SUBDIR += R-cran-BsMD
SUBDIR += R-cran-ChangeAnomalyDetection
SUBDIR += R-cran-DEoptimR
SUBDIR += R-cran-DRR
SUBDIR += R-cran-DoE.base
SUBDIR += R-cran-Formula
SUBDIR += R-cran-FrF2
SUBDIR += R-cran-LearnBayes
SUBDIR += R-cran-MCMCpack
SUBDIR += R-cran-MSwM
SUBDIR += R-cran-MatchIt
SUBDIR += R-cran-Matching
SUBDIR += R-cran-MatrixModels
SUBDIR += R-cran-NMF
SUBDIR += R-cran-RHmm
SUBDIR += R-cran-RSvgDevice
SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppArmadillo
SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppEigen
SUBDIR += R-cran-RcppRoll
SUBDIR += R-cran-Rmpfr
SUBDIR += R-cran-Rsolnp
SUBDIR += R-cran-SparseM
SUBDIR += R-cran-Zelig
SUBDIR += R-cran-acepack
SUBDIR += R-cran-alabama
SUBDIR += R-cran-assertthat
SUBDIR += R-cran-backports
SUBDIR += R-cran-bdsmatrix
SUBDIR += R-cran-car
SUBDIR += R-cran-carData
SUBDIR += R-cran-coda
SUBDIR += R-cran-combinat
SUBDIR += R-cran-conf.design
SUBDIR += R-cran-conquer
SUBDIR += R-cran-ddalpha
SUBDIR += R-cran-deldir
SUBDIR += R-cran-dimRed
SUBDIR += R-cran-dlmodeler
SUBDIR += R-cran-dplyr
SUBDIR += R-cran-energy
SUBDIR += R-cran-expm
SUBDIR += R-cran-forcats
SUBDIR += R-cran-forecast
SUBDIR += R-cran-fracdiff
SUBDIR += R-cran-geepack
SUBDIR += R-cran-geometry
SUBDIR += R-cran-gmp
SUBDIR += R-cran-gower
SUBDIR += R-cran-gpclib
SUBDIR += R-cran-gsl
SUBDIR += R-cran-gss
SUBDIR += R-cran-gtable
SUBDIR += R-cran-haven
SUBDIR += R-cran-igraph
SUBDIR += R-cran-influenceR
SUBDIR += R-cran-inline
SUBDIR += R-cran-ipred
SUBDIR += R-cran-irlba
SUBDIR += R-cran-isoband
SUBDIR += R-cran-labeling
SUBDIR += R-cran-lava
SUBDIR += R-cran-lazyeval
SUBDIR += R-cran-linprog
SUBDIR += R-cran-lme4
SUBDIR += R-cran-lpSolve
SUBDIR += R-cran-magic
SUBDIR += R-cran-maps
SUBDIR += R-cran-matrixStats
SUBDIR += R-cran-maxLik
SUBDIR += R-cran-mcmc
SUBDIR += R-cran-memisc
SUBDIR += R-cran-minqa
SUBDIR += R-cran-miscTools
SUBDIR += R-cran-mitools
SUBDIR += R-cran-mvtnorm
SUBDIR += R-cran-nloptr
SUBDIR += R-cran-nnls
SUBDIR += R-cran-nortest
SUBDIR += R-cran-numDeriv
SUBDIR += R-cran-numbers
SUBDIR += R-cran-outliers
SUBDIR += R-cran-partitions
SUBDIR += R-cran-pbkrtest
SUBDIR += R-cran-pls
SUBDIR += R-cran-polynom
SUBDIR += R-cran-prodlim
SUBDIR += R-cran-proxy
SUBDIR += R-cran-psych
SUBDIR += R-cran-quadprog
SUBDIR += R-cran-qualityTools
SUBDIR += R-cran-quantreg
SUBDIR += R-cran-raster
SUBDIR += R-cran-recipes
SUBDIR += R-cran-rgenoud
SUBDIR += R-cran-robustbase
SUBDIR += R-cran-sandwich
SUBDIR += R-cran-scatterplot3d
SUBDIR += R-cran-sets
SUBDIR += R-cran-sf
SUBDIR += R-cran-sm
SUBDIR += R-cran-sp
SUBDIR += R-cran-spData
SUBDIR += R-cran-spdep
SUBDIR += R-cran-sspir
SUBDIR += R-cran-stabledist
SUBDIR += R-cran-statmod
SUBDIR += R-cran-survey
SUBDIR += R-cran-tensor
SUBDIR += R-cran-terra
SUBDIR += R-cran-truncnorm
SUBDIR += R-cran-units
SUBDIR += R-cran-uroot
SUBDIR += R-cran-wk
SUBDIR += R-cran-xts
SUBDIR += R-cran-zoo
SUBDIR += SoPlex
SUBDIR += aamath
SUBDIR += abella
SUBDIR += abs
SUBDIR += acalc
SUBDIR += add
SUBDIR += adept
SUBDIR += adol-c
SUBDIR += alberta
SUBDIR += algae
SUBDIR += alglib
SUBDIR += alps
SUBDIR += alt-ergo
SUBDIR += amath
SUBDIR += ambit
SUBDIR += amgcl
SUBDIR += analitza
SUBDIR += ann
SUBDIR += antic
SUBDIR += apache-commons-math
SUBDIR += apc
SUBDIR += apron
SUBDIR += arb
SUBDIR += aribas
SUBDIR += armadillo
SUBDIR += arpack++
SUBDIR += arpack-ng
SUBDIR += ascent
SUBDIR += asl
SUBDIR += asymptote
SUBDIR += atlas
SUBDIR += barvinok
SUBDIR += bcal
SUBDIR += bcps
SUBDIR += bitwise
SUBDIR += blacs
SUBDIR += blahtexml
SUBDIR += blas
SUBDIR += blasfeo
SUBDIR += blaze
SUBDIR += blazeiterative
SUBDIR += blis
SUBDIR += bliss
SUBDIR += blocksolve95
SUBDIR += bonmin
SUBDIR += boolector
SUBDIR += brial
SUBDIR += bsdnt
SUBDIR += btor2tools
SUBDIR += cadabra2
SUBDIR += cadical
SUBDIR += cado-nfs
SUBDIR += calc
SUBDIR += calcoo
SUBDIR += cantor
SUBDIR += casadi
SUBDIR += cbc
SUBDIR += cblas
SUBDIR += ccmath
SUBDIR += cddlib
SUBDIR += ceres-solver
SUBDIR += cgal
SUBDIR += cgl
SUBDIR += cgl-conic
SUBDIR += cglm
SUBDIR += chaco
SUBDIR += chryzodus
SUBDIR += chuffed
SUBDIR += clasp
SUBDIR += clblas
SUBDIR += clblast
SUBDIR += clfft
SUBDIR += clingo
SUBDIR += cliquer
SUBDIR += cln
SUBDIR += cloog
SUBDIR += clp
SUBDIR += clrng
SUBDIR += cm
SUBDIR += cmh
SUBDIR += cminpack
SUBDIR += cmlib
SUBDIR += cocoalib
SUBDIR += coin-or-data-netlib
SUBDIR += coin-or-data-sample
SUBDIR += coin-or-data-stochastic
SUBDIR += coinmp
SUBDIR += coinmumps
SUBDIR += coinutils
SUBDIR += colpack
SUBDIR += combblas
SUBDIR += conauto
SUBDIR += concorde
SUBDIR += convertall
SUBDIR += coq
SUBDIR += couenne
SUBDIR += coxeter3
SUBDIR += cppad
SUBDIR += creme
SUBDIR += crlibm
SUBDIR += cryptominisat
SUBDIR += csdp
SUBDIR += ctl-sat
SUBDIR += cudd
SUBDIR += curv
SUBDIR += cvc3
SUBDIR += cvc4
SUBDIR += dbcsr
SUBDIR += deal.ii
SUBDIR += dieharder
SUBDIR += disco
SUBDIR += djbfft
SUBDIR += drgeo
SUBDIR += dsdp
SUBDIR += dune-alugrid
SUBDIR += dune-common
SUBDIR += dune-curvedgeometry
SUBDIR += dune-fem
SUBDIR += dune-foamgrid
SUBDIR += dune-functions
SUBDIR += dune-geometry
SUBDIR += dune-grid
SUBDIR += dune-grid-glue
SUBDIR += dune-istl
SUBDIR += dune-localfunctions
SUBDIR += dune-metagrid
SUBDIR += dune-multidomaingrid
SUBDIR += dune-pdelab
SUBDIR += dune-polygongrid
SUBDIR += dune-spgrid
SUBDIR += dune-typetree
SUBDIR += dune-uggrid
SUBDIR += dune-vtk
SUBDIR += e-antic
SUBDIR += eclib
SUBDIR += ecos
SUBDIR += edenmath
SUBDIR += eigen2
SUBDIR += eigen3
SUBDIR += eispack
SUBDIR += elemental
SUBDIR += elpa
SUBDIR += emc2
SUBDIR += ensmallen
SUBDIR += ent
SUBDIR += eprover
SUBDIR += ess
SUBDIR += eukleides
SUBDIR += eval
SUBDIR += exprtk
SUBDIR += facile
SUBDIR += faiss
SUBDIR += fann
SUBDIR += fastops
SUBDIR += fcl
SUBDIR += fcl05
SUBDIR += fflas-ffpack
SUBDIR += fftw
SUBDIR += fftw-float
SUBDIR += fftw3
SUBDIR += fftw3-float
SUBDIR += fftw3-long
SUBDIR += fftw3-quad
SUBDIR += flann
SUBDIR += flexfloat
SUBDIR += flint2
SUBDIR += flintqs
SUBDIR += flopc++
SUBDIR += form
SUBDIR += fparser
SUBDIR += fpc-fftw
SUBDIR += fpc-gmp
SUBDIR += fpc-numlib
SUBDIR += fplll
SUBDIR += freefem++
SUBDIR += fricas
SUBDIR += frobby
SUBDIR += fxt
SUBDIR += g2o
SUBDIR += galculator
SUBDIR += gambit
SUBDIR += gap
SUBDIR += gau2grid
SUBDIR += gecode
SUBDIR += gemmlowp
SUBDIR += geogebra
SUBDIR += geogram
SUBDIR += geonext
SUBDIR += gexpr
SUBDIR += gf2x
SUBDIR += gfan
SUBDIR += gfanlib
SUBDIR += ggobi
SUBDIR += gh-bc
SUBDIR += giacxcas
SUBDIR += gismo
SUBDIR += givaro
SUBDIR += gkmap
SUBDIR += glgraph
SUBDIR += glm
SUBDIR += glpk
SUBDIR += glucose
SUBDIR += gmm++
SUBDIR += gmp
SUBDIR += gmp-ecm
SUBDIR += gnome-calculator
SUBDIR += gnubc
SUBDIR += gnumeric
SUBDIR += gnuplot
SUBDIR += gnuplot-lite
SUBDIR += gnuplot-tex-extras
SUBDIR += gotoblas
SUBDIR += gp2c
SUBDIR += grace
SUBDIR += graphthing
SUBDIR += gravity
SUBDIR += gretl
SUBDIR += gri
SUBDIR += grpn
SUBDIR += gsl
SUBDIR += half
SUBDIR += hexcalc
SUBDIR += heyoka
SUBDIR += highs
SUBDIR += hipmcl
SUBDIR += hmat-oss
SUBDIR += hpcombi
SUBDIR += hpipm
SUBDIR += hs-Agda
SUBDIR += hs-penrose
SUBDIR += ideep
SUBDIR += ignition-math
SUBDIR += igraph
SUBDIR += iml
SUBDIR += intervaltree
SUBDIR += ipopt
SUBDIR += ised
SUBDIR += jacal
SUBDIR += jacop
SUBDIR += jags
SUBDIR += jama
SUBDIR += jeuclid
SUBDIR += jlatexmath
SUBDIR += jsmath-fonts
SUBDIR += jtransforms
SUBDIR += jts
SUBDIR += kalgebra
SUBDIR += kalker
SUBDIR += kbruch
SUBDIR += kcalc
SUBDIR += kfr
SUBDIR += kig
SUBDIR += kktdirect
SUBDIR += kmplot
SUBDIR += labplot
SUBDIR += lambda
SUBDIR += lapack
SUBDIR += lapack++
SUBDIR += lapack95
SUBDIR += lapacke
SUBDIR += laspack
SUBDIR += latte-integrale
SUBDIR += lcalc
SUBDIR += ldouble
SUBDIR += lean
SUBDIR += lemon
SUBDIR += levmar
SUBDIR += lib2geom
SUBDIR += libRmath
SUBDIR += libbraiding
SUBDIR += libccd
SUBDIR += libflame
SUBDIR += libhomfly
SUBDIR += libmesh
SUBDIR += libmissing
SUBDIR += libnormaliz
SUBDIR += libocas
SUBDIR += liborigin
SUBDIR += libpgmath
SUBDIR += libpoly
SUBDIR += libqalculate
SUBDIR += libranlip
SUBDIR += librdata
SUBDIR += librsb
SUBDIR += libsemigroups
SUBDIR += libsharp2
SUBDIR += libtommath
SUBDIR += libxls
SUBDIR += libxlsxwriter
SUBDIR += libxsmm
SUBDIR += lidia
SUBDIR += linbox
SUBDIR += linpack
SUBDIR += lis
SUBDIR += lll_spect
SUBDIR += lp_solve
SUBDIR += lrcalc
SUBDIR += lrng
SUBDIR += lrslib
SUBDIR += ltl2ba
SUBDIR += m4ri
SUBDIR += m4rie
SUBDIR += mate-calc
SUBDIR += math77
SUBDIR += mathgl
SUBDIR += mathics-django
SUBDIR += mathicsscript
SUBDIR += mathmod
SUBDIR += mathomatic
SUBDIR += matio
SUBDIR += matlab-installer
SUBDIR += maxima
SUBDIR += mbasecalc
SUBDIR += mcsim
SUBDIR += mdal
SUBDIR += metis
SUBDIR += mfem
SUBDIR += mingw32-libgmp
SUBDIR += minisat
SUBDIR += minizinc
SUBDIR += minizinc-ide
SUBDIR += minizinc-solvers
SUBDIR += miracl
SUBDIR += mlpack
SUBDIR += moab
SUBDIR += moo
SUBDIR += mpc
SUBDIR += mpdecimal
SUBDIR += mpexpr
SUBDIR += mpfi
SUBDIR += mpfr
SUBDIR += mpfrc++
SUBDIR += mpfrcx
SUBDIR += mpir
SUBDIR += mppp
SUBDIR += mprime
SUBDIR += mpsolve
SUBDIR += mtrxmath
SUBDIR += multichoose
SUBDIR += mumps
SUBDIR += mumps4
SUBDIR += munkres-cpp
SUBDIR += muparser
SUBDIR += muparserx
SUBDIR += nanoflann
SUBDIR += nauty
SUBDIR += ndiff
SUBDIR += newmat
SUBDIR += nfft
SUBDIR += ngraph
SUBDIR += nlopt
SUBDIR += ntl
SUBDIR += numdiff
SUBDIR += obake
SUBDIR += ocaml-ocamlgraph
SUBDIR += ocaml-zarith
SUBDIR += ocamlgsl
SUBDIR += octave
SUBDIR += octave-forge
SUBDIR += octave-forge-actuarial
SUBDIR += octave-forge-audio
SUBDIR += octave-forge-base
SUBDIR += octave-forge-bim
SUBDIR += octave-forge-bioinfo
SUBDIR += octave-forge-bsltl
SUBDIR += octave-forge-cgi
SUBDIR += octave-forge-civil-engineering
SUBDIR += octave-forge-communications
SUBDIR += octave-forge-control
SUBDIR += octave-forge-data-smoothing
SUBDIR += octave-forge-database
SUBDIR += octave-forge-dataframe
SUBDIR += octave-forge-dicom
SUBDIR += octave-forge-divand
SUBDIR += octave-forge-doctest
SUBDIR += octave-forge-econometrics
SUBDIR += octave-forge-fenv
SUBDIR += octave-forge-financial
SUBDIR += octave-forge-fits
SUBDIR += octave-forge-fpl
SUBDIR += octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
SUBDIR += octave-forge-ga
SUBDIR += octave-forge-general
SUBDIR += octave-forge-generate_html
SUBDIR += octave-forge-geometry
SUBDIR += octave-forge-gnuplot
SUBDIR += octave-forge-gsl
SUBDIR += octave-forge-ident
SUBDIR += octave-forge-image
SUBDIR += octave-forge-informationtheory
SUBDIR += octave-forge-integration
SUBDIR += octave-forge-interval
SUBDIR += octave-forge-io
SUBDIR += octave-forge-irsa
SUBDIR += octave-forge-level-set
SUBDIR += octave-forge-linear-algebra
SUBDIR += octave-forge-lssa
SUBDIR += octave-forge-ltfat
SUBDIR += octave-forge-mapping
SUBDIR += octave-forge-matgeom
SUBDIR += octave-forge-mechanics
SUBDIR += octave-forge-miscellaneous
SUBDIR += octave-forge-missing-functions
SUBDIR += octave-forge-msh
SUBDIR += octave-forge-multicore
SUBDIR += octave-forge-mvn
SUBDIR += octave-forge-nan
SUBDIR += octave-forge-ncarray
SUBDIR += octave-forge-netcdf
SUBDIR += octave-forge-nlwing2
SUBDIR += octave-forge-nnet
SUBDIR += octave-forge-nurbs
SUBDIR += octave-forge-oct2mat
SUBDIR += octave-forge-octclip
SUBDIR += octave-forge-octproj
SUBDIR += octave-forge-odebvp
SUBDIR += octave-forge-optics
SUBDIR += octave-forge-optim
SUBDIR += octave-forge-optiminterp
SUBDIR += octave-forge-outliers
SUBDIR += octave-forge-parallel
SUBDIR += octave-forge-plot
SUBDIR += octave-forge-quaternion
SUBDIR += octave-forge-queueing
SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs1d
SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs2d
SUBDIR += octave-forge-secs3d
SUBDIR += octave-forge-signal
SUBDIR += octave-forge-simp
SUBDIR += octave-forge-sockets
SUBDIR += octave-forge-sparsersb
SUBDIR += octave-forge-specfun
SUBDIR += octave-forge-special-matrix
SUBDIR += octave-forge-splines
SUBDIR += octave-forge-statistics
SUBDIR += octave-forge-stk
SUBDIR += octave-forge-strings
SUBDIR += octave-forge-struct
SUBDIR += octave-forge-symband
SUBDIR += octave-forge-symbolic
SUBDIR += octave-forge-tcl-octave
SUBDIR += octave-forge-tsa
SUBDIR += octave-forge-video
SUBDIR += octave-forge-zenity
SUBDIR += octave-forge-zeromq
SUBDIR += octomap
SUBDIR += ogdf
SUBDIR += oink
SUBDIR += oleo
SUBDIR += onednn
SUBDIR += openblas
SUBDIR += openfst
SUBDIR += openlibm
SUBDIR += openmesh
SUBDIR += opensolaris-libm
SUBDIR += openturns
SUBDIR += optpp
SUBDIR += or-tools
SUBDIR += orpie
SUBDIR += osi
SUBDIR += osi-conic
SUBDIR += osiipopt
SUBDIR += osqp
SUBDIR += p5-AI-DecisionTree
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Genetic
SUBDIR += p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp
SUBDIR += p5-AI-Perceptron
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-CurveFit
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-Munkres
SUBDIR += p5-Bit-ShiftReg
SUBDIR += p5-Bit-Vector
SUBDIR += p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal
SUBDIR += p5-CAD-Calc
SUBDIR += p5-Chart-Math-Axis
SUBDIR += p5-Data-Float
SUBDIR += p5-Date-Handler
SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance
SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-GIS-Distance-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Distance
SUBDIR += p5-Geo-Distance-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Graph
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Algebra-Symbols
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Base36
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Base85
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BaseCalc
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BaseCnv
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Bezier
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Bezier-Convert
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-FastCalc
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-GMP
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigInt-Pari
SUBDIR += p5-Math-BigRat
SUBDIR += p5-Math-CDF
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Calc-Units
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Cephes
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Combinatorics
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Complex
SUBDIR += p5-Math-ConvexHull
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Currency
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Derivative
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Evol
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Expr
SUBDIR += p5-Math-FFT
SUBDIR += p5-Math-FixedPrecision
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Fleximal
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMP
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPf
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPq
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GMPz
SUBDIR += p5-Math-GSL
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-PolygonXS
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Geometry-Voronoi
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Gradient
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Int128
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Int64
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Interpolate
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Intersection-StraightLine
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Logic
SUBDIR += p5-Math-MPC
SUBDIR += p5-Math-MPFR
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Matrix
SUBDIR += p5-Math-MatrixReal
SUBDIR += p5-Math-NumberCruncher
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Pari
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polygon
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polygon-Tree
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Polynomial-Solve
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-Util
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Prime-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Math-ProvablePrime
SUBDIR += p5-Math-RPN
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-ISAAC
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-MT
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-OO
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Random-Secure
SUBDIR += p5-Math-RandomOrg
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Round
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Round-Var
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Sequence
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Series
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SigFigs
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SimpleVariable
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Spline
SUBDIR += p5-Math-String
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-CCompiler
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Contains
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-ErrorPropagation
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-LaTeXDumper
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Pattern
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Transformation
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-BigNum
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Complex
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Error
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Inline
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-NoSimplification
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory
SUBDIR += p5-Math-SymbolicX-Statistics-Distributions
SUBDIR += p5-Math-TrulyRandom
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Units
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Utils
SUBDIR += p5-Math-Vec
SUBDIR += p5-Math-VecStat
SUBDIR += p5-Math-VectorReal
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Compare
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Fraction
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Misc
SUBDIR += p5-Number-Uncertainty
SUBDIR += p5-Number-WithError
SUBDIR += p5-Number-WithError-LaTeX
SUBDIR += p5-Parse-Range
SUBDIR += p5-Roman
SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan
SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast
SUBDIR += p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Partition
SUBDIR += p5-Set-Window
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Basic
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Benford
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-CaseResampling
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-ChiSquare
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Contingency
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Descriptive
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Descriptive-Discrete
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Distributions
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Forecast
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Frequency
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-LTU
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-LineFit
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Lite
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-OLS
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-R
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-Regression
SUBDIR += p5-Statistics-TTest
SUBDIR += p5-Task-Math-Symbolic
SUBDIR += p5-Text-AsciiTeX
SUBDIR += p5-bignum
SUBDIR += palp
SUBDIR += pantheon-calculator
SUBDIR += pari
SUBDIR += pari_elldata
SUBDIR += pari_galdata
SUBDIR += pari_galpol
SUBDIR += pari_nftables
SUBDIR += pari_seadata
SUBDIR += paritwine
SUBDIR += parmetis
SUBDIR += parmgridgen
SUBDIR += pdal
SUBDIR += pear-Math_BigInteger
SUBDIR += pear-Math_Combinatorics
SUBDIR += pecl-bitset
SUBDIR += pecl-stats2
SUBDIR += permlib
SUBDIR += petanque
SUBDIR += petiga
SUBDIR += php73-bcmath
SUBDIR += php73-gmp
SUBDIR += php74-bcmath
SUBDIR += php74-gmp
SUBDIR += php80-bcmath
SUBDIR += php80-gmp
SUBDIR += physcalc
SUBDIR += picosat
SUBDIR += piranha
SUBDIR += planarity
SUBDIR += plantri
SUBDIR += plman
SUBDIR += ploticus
SUBDIR += ploticus-nox11
SUBDIR += plplot
SUBDIR += plplot-ada
SUBDIR += poly2tri
SUBDIR += polylib
SUBDIR += polymake
SUBDIR += primegen
SUBDIR += primesieve
SUBDIR += primme
SUBDIR += prng
SUBDIR += pspp
SUBDIR += psurface
SUBDIR += py-Diofant
SUBDIR += py-GridDataFormats
SUBDIR += py-MutatorMath
SUBDIR += py-PyMetis
SUBDIR += py-PyWavelets
SUBDIR += py-Pyomo
SUBDIR += py-affine
SUBDIR += py-algopy
SUBDIR += py-altgraph
SUBDIR += py-amply
SUBDIR += py-apgl
SUBDIR += py-arviz
SUBDIR += py-arybo
SUBDIR += py-autograd
SUBDIR += py-baycomp
SUBDIR += py-bayesian-optimization
SUBDIR += py-benford_py
SUBDIR += py-bitmath
SUBDIR += py-bitvector
SUBDIR += py-bottleneck
SUBDIR += py-brial
SUBDIR += py-cdecimal
SUBDIR += py-chaospy
SUBDIR += py-claripy
SUBDIR += py-cma
SUBDIR += py-cmaes
SUBDIR += py-colormath
SUBDIR += py-cryptominisat
SUBDIR += py-cvxopt
SUBDIR += py-cvxpy
SUBDIR += py-cyipopt
SUBDIR += py-cypari2
SUBDIR += py-deap
SUBDIR += py-ducc0
SUBDIR += py-ecos
SUBDIR += py-fastcluster
SUBDIR += py-fastdtw
SUBDIR += py-flax
SUBDIR += py-fpylll
SUBDIR += py-fvcore
SUBDIR += py-gau2grid
SUBDIR += py-gimmik
SUBDIR += py-gmpy
SUBDIR += py-gmpy2
SUBDIR += py-gmpy2-devel
SUBDIR += py-grandalf
SUBDIR += py-graphillion
SUBDIR += py-gym
SUBDIR += py-hdbscan
SUBDIR += py-hdmedians
SUBDIR += py-heyoka
SUBDIR += py-iminuit
SUBDIR += py-intspan
SUBDIR += py-iohexperimenter
SUBDIR += py-jax
SUBDIR += py-keras
SUBDIR += py-keras-applications
SUBDIR += py-keras-preprocessing
SUBDIR += py-kiwisolver
SUBDIR += py-levmar
SUBDIR += py-libpoly
SUBDIR += py-luminol
SUBDIR += py-mathics
SUBDIR += py-mathics-scanner
SUBDIR += py-matplotlib
SUBDIR += py-matplotlib-inline
SUBDIR += py-matplotlib-scalebar
SUBDIR += py-matplotlib2
SUBDIR += py-mip
SUBDIR += py-mixsimulator
SUBDIR += py-mpmath
SUBDIR += py-munkres
SUBDIR += py-munkres10
SUBDIR += py-ndindex
SUBDIR += py-networkx
SUBDIR += py-nevergrad
SUBDIR += py-numexpr
SUBDIR += py-numpoly
SUBDIR += py-numpy
SUBDIR += py-numpy-stl
SUBDIR += py-openTSNE
SUBDIR += py-opt-einsum
SUBDIR += py-optuna
SUBDIR += py-or-tools
SUBDIR += py-osqp
SUBDIR += py-pandas
SUBDIR += py-pandas-datareader
SUBDIR += py-patsy
SUBDIR += py-pdal
SUBDIR += py-permutation
SUBDIR += py-petsc4py
SUBDIR += py-piranha
SUBDIR += py-plastex
SUBDIR += py-point-annotator
SUBDIR += py-pplpy
SUBDIR += py-primme
SUBDIR += py-pybloom
SUBDIR += py-pyclipper
SUBDIR += py-pycosat
SUBDIR += py-pygsl
SUBDIR += py-pygslodeiv2
SUBDIR += py-pyhull
SUBDIR += py-pyipopt
SUBDIR += py-pymc3
SUBDIR += py-pynauty
SUBDIR += py-pyneqsys
SUBDIR += py-pynleq2
SUBDIR += py-pynndescent
SUBDIR += py-pyodeint
SUBDIR += py-pyodesys
SUBDIR += py-pyreadr
SUBDIR += py-pysmt
SUBDIR += py-pystan
SUBDIR += py-pysym
SUBDIR += py-pytanque
SUBDIR += py-python-fcl
SUBDIR += py-python-igraph
SUBDIR += py-python-louvain
SUBDIR += py-python-picard
SUBDIR += py-pytorchvideo
SUBDIR += py-pyvtk
SUBDIR += py-qdldl
SUBDIR += py-quadprog
SUBDIR += py-random2
SUBDIR += py-roman
SUBDIR += py-rpy2
SUBDIR += py-rvlib
SUBDIR += py-scikit-umfpack
SUBDIR += py-scs
SUBDIR += py-seaborn
SUBDIR += py-secp256k1
SUBDIR += py-seriate
SUBDIR += py-simhash
SUBDIR += py-snuggs
SUBDIR += py-spectral
SUBDIR += py-spglm
SUBDIR += py-spint
SUBDIR += py-splot
SUBDIR += py-spopt
SUBDIR += py-spot
SUBDIR += py-spreg
SUBDIR += py-spvcm
SUBDIR += py-ssm
SUBDIR += py-statsmodels
SUBDIR += py-svgmath
SUBDIR += py-sym
SUBDIR += py-symcxx
SUBDIR += py-sympy
SUBDIR += py-theano
SUBDIR += py-triangle
SUBDIR += py-uncertainties
SUBDIR += py-unyt
SUBDIR += py-vincenty
SUBDIR += py-yt
SUBDIR += py-z3-solver
SUBDIR += pynac
SUBDIR += qalculate
SUBDIR += qd
SUBDIR += qhull
SUBDIR += qhull8
SUBDIR += qposases
SUBDIR += qrupdate
SUBDIR += qtiplot-doc
SUBDIR += qwtplot3d
SUBDIR += randlib
SUBDIR += rankwidth
SUBDIR += rapid
SUBDIR += reduce
SUBDIR += reduce-psl
SUBDIR += reed-solomon
SUBDIR += rehearse
SUBDIR += rexx-regmath
SUBDIR += rkward-kde
SUBDIR += rngstreams
SUBDIR += rocs
SUBDIR += rpcalc
SUBDIR += rubiks
SUBDIR += rubygem-algebra
SUBDIR += rubygem-bigdecimal
SUBDIR += rubygem-enumerable-statistics
SUBDIR += rubygem-expression_parser
SUBDIR += rubygem-fftw3
SUBDIR += rubygem-mathn
SUBDIR += rubygem-matrix
SUBDIR += rubygem-mtrc
SUBDIR += rubygem-narray
SUBDIR += rubygem-narray_miss
SUBDIR += rubygem-numru-misc
SUBDIR += rubygem-numru-units
SUBDIR += rubygem-prime
SUBDIR += rubygem-rb-gsl
SUBDIR += rumur
SUBDIR += saga
SUBDIR += sage
SUBDIR += sc
SUBDIR += sc-im
SUBDIR += scalapack
SUBDIR += scilab
SUBDIR += scilab-toolbox-swt
SUBDIR += scs
SUBDIR += sdpa
SUBDIR += secp256k1
SUBDIR += sfft
SUBDIR += simd-viterbi
SUBDIR += singular
SUBDIR += sisl
SUBDIR += slatec
SUBDIR += sleef
SUBDIR += slgrace
SUBDIR += snns
SUBDIR += solitaire
SUBDIR += sound-of-sorting
SUBDIR += spar
SUBDIR += spblas
SUBDIR += spectra
SUBDIR += speedcrunch
SUBDIR += spooles
SUBDIR += spooles-mpich
SUBDIR += spot
SUBDIR += sprng
SUBDIR += stan
SUBDIR += stanmath
SUBDIR += stp
SUBDIR += suitesparse
SUBDIR += suitesparse-amd
SUBDIR += suitesparse-btf
SUBDIR += suitesparse-camd
SUBDIR += suitesparse-ccolamd
SUBDIR += suitesparse-cholmod
SUBDIR += suitesparse-colamd
SUBDIR += suitesparse-config
SUBDIR += suitesparse-csparse
SUBDIR += suitesparse-cxsparse
SUBDIR += suitesparse-graphblas
SUBDIR += suitesparse-klu
SUBDIR += suitesparse-ldl
SUBDIR += suitesparse-mongoose
SUBDIR += suitesparse-rbio
SUBDIR += suitesparse-slip_lu
SUBDIR += suitesparse-spqr
SUBDIR += suitesparse-umfpack
SUBDIR += sundials
SUBDIR += superlu
SUBDIR += symengine
SUBDIR += symmetrica
SUBDIR += symphony
SUBDIR += sympol
SUBDIR += sympow
SUBDIR += tablix
SUBDIR += taucs
SUBDIR += tblis
SUBDIR += testu01
SUBDIR += tetgen
SUBDIR += teyjus
SUBDIR += timbl
SUBDIR += tiny-bignum-c
SUBDIR += tmv
SUBDIR += tomsfastmath
SUBDIR += topaz
SUBDIR += topcom
SUBDIR += triangle
SUBDIR += trlan
SUBDIR += tvmet
SUBDIR += ump
SUBDIR += units
SUBDIR += universal
SUBDIR += unuran
SUBDIR += vampire
SUBDIR += viennacl
SUBDIR += vinci
SUBDIR += visualpolylib
SUBDIR += vowpal_wabbit
SUBDIR += vtk6
SUBDIR += vtk8
SUBDIR += vtk9
SUBDIR += wavelib
SUBDIR += wcalc
SUBDIR += wfmath
SUBDIR += wxmaxima
SUBDIR += xblas
SUBDIR += xfce4-calculator-plugin
SUBDIR += xgraph
SUBDIR += xlapack
SUBDIR += xldlas
SUBDIR += xlife++
SUBDIR += xplot
SUBDIR += xspread
SUBDIR += xtensor
SUBDIR += yacas
SUBDIR += yices
SUBDIR += z3
SUBDIR += zegrapher
SUBDIR += zimpl
SUBDIR += zn_poly
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>