mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-11-28 01:06:17 +00:00
Thierry Thomas 8fecd8a363 Code_Saturne is EDF's general purpose computational fluid dynamics
software. Developed since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located
Finite Volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of
cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral, ...)
and any type of grid structure (unstructured, blockstructured, hybrid,
conforming or with hanging nodes, ...).
Its basic capabilities enable the handling of either incompressible or
expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence (mixing
length, 2-equation models, v2f, Reynolds stress models, Large Eddy
Simulations, ...).

2007-06-17 21:04:54 +00:00

116 lines
2.4 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
COMMENT = Scientific ports
SUBDIR += 2dhf
SUBDIR += InsightToolkit
SUBDIR += abinit
SUBDIR += afni
SUBDIR += at
SUBDIR += bblimage
SUBDIR += bft
SUBDIR += bodr
SUBDIR += buddy
SUBDIR += cdcl
SUBDIR += cdf
SUBDIR += cdo
SUBDIR += cgnslib
SUBDIR += chemical-mime-data
SUBDIR += chemtool
SUBDIR += chemtool-devel
SUBDIR += clhep
SUBDIR += crf++
SUBDIR += dcl
SUBDIR += devisor
SUBDIR += dft++
SUBDIR += ecs
SUBDIR += elmer-eio
SUBDIR += elmer-fem
SUBDIR += elmer-hutiter
SUBDIR += elmer-matc
SUBDIR += elmer-meshgen2d
SUBDIR += elmerfront
SUBDIR += elmergrid
SUBDIR += elmerpost
SUBDIR += euler
SUBDIR += fastcap
SUBDIR += fasthenry
SUBDIR += felt
SUBDIR += flounder
SUBDIR += fvm
SUBDIR += g3data
SUBDIR += gamess
SUBDIR += gave
SUBDIR += gchempaint
SUBDIR += gchemutils
SUBDIR += gdis
SUBDIR += gerris
SUBDIR += getdp
SUBDIR += ghemical
SUBDIR += ghmm
SUBDIR += gnudatalanguage
SUBDIR += gramps
SUBDIR += gromacs
SUBDIR += gsmc
SUBDIR += gsystem
SUBDIR += gtamsanalyzer
SUBDIR += gwyddion
SUBDIR += hdf
SUBDIR += hdf5
SUBDIR += ics
SUBDIR += isaac-cfd
SUBDIR += kmovisto
SUBDIR += kst
SUBDIR += lamprop
SUBDIR += libctl
SUBDIR += libghemical
SUBDIR += libint
SUBDIR += liblr
SUBDIR += libsvm
SUBDIR += libsvm-python
SUBDIR += linsmith
SUBDIR += mayavi
SUBDIR += mbdyn
SUBDIR += mcstas
SUBDIR += medit
SUBDIR += minc
SUBDIR += minc2
SUBDIR += mpb
SUBDIR += mpqc
SUBDIR += mpqc-mpich
SUBDIR += ncs
SUBDIR += netcdf
SUBDIR += nifticlib
SUBDIR += oases
SUBDIR += omnetpp
SUBDIR += oof
SUBDIR += openbabel
SUBDIR += openfoam
SUBDIR += ovt
SUBDIR += p5-Algorithm-SVMLight
SUBDIR += p5-Chemistry-Elements
SUBDIR += paje
SUBDIR += paraview
SUBDIR += pcp
SUBDIR += pnetcdf
SUBDIR += psi3
SUBDIR += py-paida
SUBDIR += py-scipy
SUBDIR += qcl
SUBDIR += ruby-dcl
SUBDIR += ruby-gphys
SUBDIR += simlib
SUBDIR += svmlight
SUBDIR += szip
SUBDIR += udunits
SUBDIR += v_sim
SUBDIR += vis5d+
SUBDIR += vmd
SUBDIR += x11iraf
SUBDIR += xloops-ginac
SUBDIR += xmakemol
SUBDIR += xmds
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>