mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-10-24 21:01:20 +00:00
1996-11-19 03:36:29 +00:00

262 lines
11 KiB

--- gimprc.in~ Mon Nov 18 09:56:00 1996
+++ gimprc.in Mon Nov 18 09:55:52 1996
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# Lines that start with a '#' are comments.
+# Blank lines are ignored.
+# Set the temporary storage directory...files will appear here
+# during the course of running the gimp. Most files will disappear
+# when the gimp exits, but some files are likely to remain,
+# such as working palette files, so it is best if this directory
+# not be one that is shared by other users or is cleared on machine
+# reboot such as /tmp.
+temp-path "~/.gimp/tmp"
+# Set the brush search path...this path will be searched for valid
+# brushes at startup.
+brush-path "~/.gimp/brushes:@prefix@/share/gimp/brushes"
+# Specify a default brush. If none is specified it defaults to the
+# "1circle.gbr" brush which is just a single pixel sized brush.
+# The brush is searched for in the brush path.
+default-brush "19fcircle.gbr"
+# Set the pattern search path...this path will be searched for valid
+# patterns at startup.
+pattern-path "~/.gimp/patterns:@prefix@/share/gimp/patterns"
+# Specify a default pattern.
+# The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern paths.
+default-pattern "wood2.pat"
+# Set the palette search path...this path will be searched for valid
+# palettes at startup.
+palette-path "~/.gimp/palettes:@prefix@/share/gimp/palettes"
+# Specify a default palette.
+# The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern paths.
+default-palette "Default"
+# Set the gradient search path...this path will be searched for valid
+# gradients at startup.
+gradient-path "~/.gimp/gradients:@prefix@/share/gimp/gradients"
+# Specify a default gradient.
+# The gradient is searched for in the specified gradient paths.
+default-gradient "German_flag_smooth"
+# Set the plug-in search path...this path will be searched for
+# plug-ins when the plug-in is run.
+plug-in-path "~/.gimp/plug-ins:@prefix@/libexec/gimp/plug-ins"
+# Speed of marching ants in the selection outline
+# this value is in milliseconds
+# (less time indicates faster marching)
+marching-ants-speed 300
+# Set the number of operations kept on the undo stack
+undo-levels 5
+# Set the color-cube resource for dithering on 8-bit displays
+# The 3 values stand for Shades of red, green, and blue
+# Multiplying the # of shades of each primary color yields
+# the total number of colors that will be allocated from the
+# gimp colormap. This number should not exceed 256. Most of the
+# colors remaining after the allocation of the colorcube
+# will be left to the system palette in an effort to reduce
+# colormap "flashing".
+color-cube 6, 6, 4
+# Install a GIMP colormap by default -- only for 8-bit displays
+# install-colormap
+# Specify that marching ants for selected regions will be drawn
+# with colormap cycling as oposed to redrawing with different stipple masks
+# this color cycling option works only with 8-bit displays
+# colormap-cycling
+# Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a
+# seed-fill algorithm. The seed fill starts at the intially selected
+# pixel and progresses in all directions until the difference of pixel
+# intensity from the original is greater than a specified threshold
+# ==> This value represents the default threshold
+default-threshold 15
+# There is always a tradeoff between memory usage and speed. In most
+# cases, the GIMP opts for speed over memory. However, if memory is
+# a big issue, set stingy-memory-use
+# stingy-memory-use
+# When zooming into and out of images, this option enables the
+# automatic resizing of windows
+# allow-resize-windows
+# Context-dependent cursors are cool. They are enabled by default.
+# However, they require overhead that you may want to do without.
+# Uncomment this line to disable them.
+# no-cursor-updating
+# Layer preview sizes:
+# None: no previews in layers dialog/layer selector
+# Small: 32x32
+# Medium: 64x64
+# Large: 128x128
+# #: #x#
+preview-size Medium
+# Controlling ruler visibility
+# The default behavior is for rulers to be ON
+# This can also be toggled with the View->Show Rulers command or shift+control+r
+# dont-show-rulers
+# Disable auto saving
+# Just uncomment the line below...
+# dont-auto-save
+# Set the gamma correction values for the display
+# 1.0 corresponds to no gamma correction. For most displays,
+# gamma correction should be set to between 2.0 and 2.6
+# Run the utility "gamma_correct" to determine appropriate values
+# for your display.
+# One important item to keep in mind: Many images that you might
+# get from outside sources will in all likelihood already be
+# gamma-corrected. In these cases, the image will look washed-out
+# if the gimp has gamma-correction turned on. If you are going
+# to work with images of this sort, turn gamma correction off
+# by removing this line, or setting the values to 1.0.
+# gamma-correction 1.0
+# gamma-correction 2.0
+# ___
+gamma-correction 1.6
+# Set the manner in which transparency is displayed in images
+# Transparency type can be one of:
+# 0: Light Checks
+# 1: Mid-Tone Checks
+# 2: Dark Checks
+# 3: White Only
+# 4: Gray Only
+# 5: Black Only
+# Check size can be one of:
+# 0: Small
+# 1: Medium
+# 2: Large
+transparency-type 1
+transparency-size 2
+# Notify the GIMP of the available file plug-ins.
+# The format of the line is as follows:
+# file-plug-in <image types> <plug-in name> <plug-in title> <extensions>
+# The `image types' argument specifies what types of images the
+# plug-in can save. It is a 3 digit number where each digit is 0 or
+# 1. The digits correspond to `indexed images', `grayscale images'
+# and `rgb images' respectively. For example, the "jpeg" file plug-in
+# can save rgb and grayscale images but not indexed color, so the
+# image types argument is 011.
+# The `plug-in name' is the name of the plug-in program.
+# The `plug-in title' is the title of the program is it will appear
+# from the GIMP. This will most likely be the name of the plug-in.
+# The `extensions' are a comma separated string of extensions. These
+# are used by the GIMP to map file names to images.
+# Note: case does not matter for extensions.
+file-plug-in jpeg 011 "jpeg" "jpg,jpeg"
+file-plug-in png 111 "png" "png"
+file-plug-in gif 110 "gif" "gif"
+file-plug-in tiff 111 "tiff" "tiff,tif"
+file-plug-in tga 111 "tga" "tga,targa"
+file-plug-in gbrush 010 "brush" "gbr"
+file-plug-in gpattern 010 "pattern" "pat,gpat"
+file-plug-in gicon 010 "gicon" "gic,gico"
+file-plug-in xpm 110 "xpm" "xpm"
+file-plug-in pnm 111 "pnm" "pgm,ppm,pbm"
+file-plug-in matlab 010 "matlab" "m"
+file-plug-in yuv411 001 "yuv" "yuv"
+# Notify the GIMP of plug-ins that will exist in the `plug-ins' menu.
+# The format of the line is as follows:
+# plug-in <plug-in name> <menu location> <accelerator>
+# The `plug-in name' is the name of the plug-in program.
+# The `menu location' is the item name and location in the plug-in
+# menu. A slash indicates a submenu. Therefore, the menu location
+# "Blur/Blur" specifies an item name of "Blur" in a submenu entitled
+# "Blur". Multiple submenus are possible. If a menu already exists
+# the item is simply placed in that menu. Menu items are placed in
+# alphabetically sorted order in menus.
+# The `accelerator' is a string which designates a key combination
+# which will invoke the plug-in. The format should be clear by
+# inspection. This string is optional.
+# It is convention to only use the `alt' and `shift' key modifiers for
+# plug-ins. The `control' key is used as a modifier for menu items by
+# the main application. The main application will not use the `alt'
+# or `shift' key modifiers.
+plug-in blur "Blur/Blur"
+plug-in blur2 "Blur/Blur (variable)" "Alt<Key>B"
+plug-in gauss_recurse "Blur/Gaussian Blur (IIR)" "Shift Alt<Key>B"
+plug-in gauss "Blur/Gaussian Blur (RLE)"
+plug-in mblur "Blur/Motion Blur"
+plug-in charcoal "Effects/Artistic/Charcoal" "Shift Alt<Key>H"
+plug-in cubism "Effects/Artistic/Cubism" "Shift Alt<Key>U"
+plug-in mosaic "Effects/Artistic/Mosaic" "Alt<Key>M"
+plug-in oilify "Effects/Artistic/Oilify"
+plug-in sparkle "Effects/Artistic/Sparkle"
+plug-in lic "Effects/Artistic/Van-Goghify"
+plug-in bleed "Effects/Image/Bleed"
+plug-in c_astretch "Effects/Image/Contrast Auto-Stretch"
+plug-in enhance "Effects/Image/Enhance" "Shift Alt<Key>E"
+plug-in gamma "Effects/Image/Gamma" "Alt<Key>G"
+plug-in grayify "Effects/Image/Grayify"
+plug-in invert "Effects/Image/Invert" "Alt<Key>I"
+plug-in solarize "Effects/Image/Solarize" "Alt<Key>1"
+plug-in bumpmap "Effects/Lighting/Bump Map" "Alt<Key>2"
+plug-in displace "Effects/Lighting/Displace" "Alt<Key>3"
+plug-in lighting "Effects/Lighting/Lighting" "Alt<Key>4"
+plug-in edge "Effects/Misc Ops/Edge Detect" "Alt<Key>E"
+plug-in engrave "Effects/Misc Ops/Engrave"
+plug-in extrude "Effects/Misc Ops/Extrude"
+plug-in pixelize "Effects/Misc Ops/Pixelize"
+plug-in relief "Effects/Misc Ops/Relief" "Alt<Key>R"
+plug-in checkerboard "Effects/Textures/Checkerboard"
+plug-in plasma "Effects/Textures/Plasma"
+plug-in texture2 "Effects/Textures/Texture II"
+plug-in despeckle "Distorts/Despeckle"
+plug-in map_sphere "Distorts/Map Sphere"
+plug-in noisify "Distorts/Noise"
+plug-in pagecurl "Distorts/Page Curl" "Alt<Key>U"
+plug-in pinch "Distorts/Pinch" "Alt<Key>P"
+plug-in ripple "Distorts/Ripple"
+plug-in shift "Distorts/Shift"
+plug-in spread "Distorts/Spread"
+plug-in whirl "Distorts/Whirl" "Alt<Key>W"
+plug-in waves "Distorts/Waves"
+plug-in compose "Conversions/Compose"
+plug-in decompose "Conversions/Decompose"
+plug-in to-color "Conversions/To Color" "Shift Alt<Key>C"
+plug-in to-gray "Conversions/To Grayscale" "Shift Alt<Key>G"
+plug-in to-indexed "Conversions/To Indexed" "Shift Alt<Key>I"
+plug-in autocrop "Transforms/Autocrop"
+plug-in flip_horz "Transforms/Flip Horizontal" "Alt<Key>H"
+plug-in flip_vert "Transforms/Flip Vertical" "Alt<Key>V"
+plug-in polar "Transforms/Polar"
+plug-in rotate "Transforms/Rotate"
+plug-in scale "Transforms/Scale" "Shift Alt<Key>S"
+plug-in tile "Transforms/Tile" "Alt<Key>T"
+plug-in tiler "Transforms/Tiler" "Alt<Key>T"
+plug-in blend "Channel Ops/Blend"
+plug-in calculations "Channel Ops/Calculations" "Alt<Key>C"
+plug-in duplicate "Channel Ops/Duplicate" "Alt<Key>D"
+plug-in offset "Channel Ops/Offset" "Alt<Key>O"
+plug-in netpbm "Miscellaneous/Netpbm Filter" "Shift Alt<Key>N"
+plug-in rms_error "Miscellaneous/RMS Error"
+plug-in photocd "Miscellaneous/Photo CD"
+plug-in octave_srv "Miscellaneous/Octave Server"