mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 01:23:49 +00:00
to deal with ports that have flavors renaming the main port, for instance e2fsprogs-nobootfsck.
308 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
308 lines
8.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env -S perl -wT
# This script helps with bumping the PORTREVISION of all ports that depend on a
# set of ports, for instance, when in the latter set one of the ports bumped the
# .so library version.
# The shebang line above includes -T (taint) to be more distrustful
# about the environment, for security reasons, and is considered
# good Perl practice.
# You can use either the
# -l (shaLlow, avoid grandparent dependencies, slower) or
# -g option (include grandparent dependencies) option.
# MAINTAINER= mandree@FreeBSD.org
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Carp 'verbose';
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; # simple indent
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; # Perl syntax
my $debug = 0;
use vars qw/$opt_n $opt_f $opt_i $opt_u $opt_l $opt_g $opt_p $opt_h/;
# launder environment
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
sub usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [options] [<category>/]<portname>
-l - shaLlow, only bump ports with direct dependencies.
-g - Grandchildren, also bump for indirect dependencies (default).
-n - Check only (dry-run), do not change Makefiles.
-f - No tmpdir, just use the directory where INDEX resides.
-i <filename> - Use this for INDEX name. Defaults to \${PORTSDIR}/INDEX-n,
where n is the major version of the OS, or \${PORTSDIR}/INDEX if missing.
-p <dirname> - Set portsdir, if different from /usr/ports.
Improvements, suggestions, questions -> mandree\@FreeBSD.org
exit 1;
# flush STDOUT for each and every write even if writing to a pipe.
$| = 1;
sub bumpMakefile {
my ($p) = @_;
my $makefile = "$p/Makefile";
my $fin;
unless(open($fin, $makefile)) {
print "-- Cannot open Makefile of $p, ignored.\n";
my @lines = <$fin>;
if ($!) { die "Error while reading $makefile: $!. Aborting"; }
close($fin) or die "Can't close $makefile b/c $!";
my $revision = 1;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
last if ($line =~ /^MAINTAINER/);
$revision += $1 if ($line =~ /PORTREVISION\??=[ \t]*(\d+)$/);
my $printedrev = 0;
open(my $fout, '>', "$makefile.bumped");
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if (!$printedrev) {
if ($line =~ /^CATEGORIES??=/ || $line =~ /^PORTEPOCH??=/) {
print $fout "PORTREVISION= $revision\n";
$printedrev = 1;
# Fall through!
if ($line =~ /^PORTREVISION\?=/) {
print $fout "PORTREVISION?= $revision\n";
$printedrev = 1;
if ($line =~ /^PORTREVISION=/) {
print $fout "PORTREVISION= $revision\n";
$printedrev = 1;
print $fout "$line\n";
close($fout) or die "Can't close $makefile b/c $!";
rename "$makefile.bumped", $makefile or die "Can't rename $makefile.bumped to $makefile: $!";
my $osversion = `uname -r`;
chomp $osversion;
$osversion =~ s/\..*//;
my $shallow = 0;
my ($portsdir, $INDEX);
$opt_i = "";
$opt_u = "";
getopts("fghi:lnu:p:") or die "Aborting";
usage() if $opt_h;
if ($ENV{'DEBUG'}) { $debug = $ENV{'DEBUG'}; }
$shallow = $opt_l if $opt_l;
if ($opt_l and $opt_g) {
die "Options -g and -l given, which are mutually exclusive. Pick either.";
if (not $opt_l and not $opt_g) {
warn "Neither -g nor -l given. Defaulting to -g";
$opt_g = 1;
$portsdir = $opt_p ? $opt_p : '/usr/ports';
$INDEX = "$portsdir/INDEX-$osversion";
$INDEX = $opt_i if ($opt_i);
if (!-f $INDEX) { $INDEX = "$portsdir/INDEX"; }
die "$INDEX doesn't seem to exist. Please check the value supplied with -i,\n" .
"or use -i /path/to/INDEX, or check your -p PORTSDIR." unless(-f $INDEX);
usage() unless(@ARGV);
my $TMPDIR = File::Basename::dirname($INDEX);
# Sanity checking
if (-d "$TMPDIR/.git" and not $opt_f and not $opt_n) {
die "$TMPDIR/.git exists, cowardly refusing to proceed.\n";
# must launder $portsdir (from command line => tainted) first
if ($portsdir =~ /^([-\@\w.\/]+)$/) {
$portsdir = $1; }
else {
die "Portsdir \"$portsdir\" contains unsafe characters. Aborting";
chdir "$portsdir" or die "cannot cd to $portsdir: $!\nAborting";
# Read the index, save some interesting keys
my %index = ();
print "Reading $INDEX\n";
open(my $fin, '<', "$INDEX") or die "Cannot open $INDEX for reading.";
my @lines = <$fin>;
if ($!) { die "Error while reading $INDEX: $! Aborting"; }
my @a;
my @b;
my $origin;
my $cat_port;
map {
@a = split(/\|/, $_);
@b = split(/\//, $a[1]);
$cat_port = $b[-2]."/".$a[0];
$cat_port =~ s/-[^-]+$//;
$origin = $b[-2]."/".$b[-1];
@{ $index{$cat_port} }{'portname', 'portnameversion', 'origin', 'comment', 'deps'}
= ($b[-1], $a[0], $origin, $a[3], ());
if ($a[8]) {
@b = split(" ", $a[8]);
@{ $index{$cat_port}{deps} }{@b} = (1) x @b;
} @lines;
print "- Processed ", scalar keys(%index), " entries.\n";
if ($debug and $debug > 1) {
print STDERR Dumper(\%index);
my %DEPPORTS = ();
foreach my $PORT (@ARGV) {
# See if the port really exists.
# If specified as category/portname, that should be enough.
# If specified as portname, check all categories for existence or duplicates.
unless (defined $index{$PORT}) {
my @found = grep /\/$PORT$/, keys(%index);
my $count = @found;
if ($count == 0) {
die "Cannot find ${PORT} in ${INDEX}.";
} elsif ($count == 1) {
$PORT = $found[0];
} else {
my $n = join(" ", @found);
die "Found ${PORT} more than once in ${INDEX}: $n. Try category/$PORT.\nAborting";
my $PORTNAMEVERSION = $index{$PORT}{portnameversion};
print "Found $PORT as $PORTNAMEVERSION\n";
# Figure out all the ports depending on this one.
print "Searching for ports depending on $PORT\n";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $p (keys(%index)) {
if (defined $index{$p}{'deps'}{$PORTNAMEVERSION}) {
$DEPPORTS{$p} = 1;
print "- Found $count ports depending on $PORT.\n";
# In shallow mode, strip all those who don't have a direct dependency
sub direct_dependency($@) {
if ($debug) { print STDERR Dumper \@_; }
my ($port, @requisites) = @_;
open F, '-|', '/usr/bin/make', '-C', $port, qw/-V _RUN_DEPENDS -V _LIB_DEPENDS/ or die "cannot launch make: $!";
my @lines = <F>;
chomp @lines;
my $deps = join(" ", @lines);
my %deps = map { $_ =~ s[/usr/ports/][]; $_ =~ s[$portsdir/][]; ($_ => 1) } split " ", $deps;
if ($!) { die "cannot read depends from make: $!"; }
close F or die "cannot read depends from make: $!";
my $required = grep { $_ } map { defined $deps{$_} } @requisites;
return $required;
if ($shallow) {
my $n = keys %DEPPORTS;
my $idx = 1;
foreach my $p (keys %DEPPORTS) {
print "- Checking requisites of port $idx/$n...\r";
unless (direct_dependency($p, map { $index{$_}{origin} } @ARGV)) {
delete $DEPPORTS{$p};
print "- Found ", scalar keys(%DEPPORTS), " ports depending directly on either of @ARGV.\n";
my $ports = join(" ", keys %DEPPORTS);
# Create a temp directory and cvs checkout the ports
# (don't do error checking, too complicated right now)
unless ($opt_f or $opt_n) {
$TMPDIR = ".bump_revision_pl_tmpdir.$$";
die "This code fragment has not been updated for Git yet.";
print "svn checkout into $TMPDIR...\n";
mkdir($TMPDIR, 0755);
system "svn checkout --depth=immediates svn+ssh://repo.freebsd.org/ports/head/ ports" and die "SVN checkout failed (wait value $?), aborting";
system "svn update --set-depth=infinity $ports" and die "SVN checkout failed (wait value $?), aborting";
# Bump portrevisions
print "Updating Makefiles\n";
foreach my $p (sort keys(%DEPPORTS)) {
print "- Updating Makefile of $p\n";
next if $opt_n;
bumpMakefile "$p";
# Commit the changes. Not automated.
unless ($opt_n) {
print <<EOF;
All PORTREVISIONs have been updated. You are nearly done, only one
thing remains: Committing to the ports tree. This program is not
going to do that for you, you have to do it manually.
\$ cd $TMPDIR
\$ svn commit
Then, remove the temp directory ($TMPDIR).