mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 00:13:33 +00:00
- Submitter becomes maintainer This is an open source Python 3 library to control an Elgato Stream Deck directly, without the official software. This can allow you to create your own custom front-ends, such as a custom control front-end for home automation software. WWW: https://github.com/abcminiuser/python-elgato-streamdeck PR: 278266
223 lines
5.2 KiB
223 lines
5.2 KiB
COMMENT = Communication utilities
SUBDIR += acfax
SUBDIR += airspy
SUBDIR += airspyhf
SUBDIR += aldo
SUBDIR += amtterm
SUBDIR += anyremote
SUBDIR += apitran
SUBDIR += aprsd
SUBDIR += atslog
SUBDIR += bfhist
SUBDIR += bforce-kst
SUBDIR += birda
SUBDIR += bladerf
SUBDIR += bluegps
SUBDIR += bluez-firmware
SUBDIR += bpl+
SUBDIR += chirp
SUBDIR += chu
SUBDIR += concordance
SUBDIR += conserver-com
SUBDIR += cqrlog
SUBDIR += cubicsdr
SUBDIR += cutecom
SUBDIR += cwdaemon
SUBDIR += cwstudio
SUBDIR += cyclonedds
SUBDIR += dcf77pi
SUBDIR += deforaos-phone
SUBDIR += dfu-programmer
SUBDIR += dfu-util
SUBDIR += digiham
SUBDIR += direwolf
SUBDIR += dsd
SUBDIR += dump1090
SUBDIR += ebook2cw
SUBDIR += ebusd
SUBDIR += echolinux
SUBDIR += ems-flasher
SUBDIR += fl_moxgen
SUBDIR += flamp
SUBDIR += flcluster
SUBDIR += fldigi
SUBDIR += fllog
SUBDIR += flmsg
SUBDIR += flrig
SUBDIR += flwrap
SUBDIR += freedv
SUBDIR += gammu
SUBDIR += gkermit
SUBDIR += gnocky
SUBDIR += gnokii
SUBDIR += gnuradio
SUBDIR += gpredict
SUBDIR += gqrx
SUBDIR += gr-osmosdr
SUBDIR += grig
SUBDIR += gstreamer1-plugins-spandsp
SUBDIR += gtkmmorse
SUBDIR += hackrf
SUBDIR += hackrf-devel
SUBDIR += hamlib
SUBDIR += hcidump
SUBDIR += hidapi
SUBDIR += ibp
SUBDIR += iceoryx
SUBDIR += inspectrum
SUBDIR += iwmbt-firmware
SUBDIR += java-simple-serial-connector
SUBDIR += kermit
SUBDIR += klog
SUBDIR += libconcord
SUBDIR += libdc
SUBDIR += libfap
SUBDIR += libfec
SUBDIR += libimobiledevice
SUBDIR += libirman
SUBDIR += libmodbus
SUBDIR += librs232
SUBDIR += libsdr
SUBDIR += libsdr-gui
SUBDIR += libticables2
SUBDIR += libticalcs2
SUBDIR += libusbmuxd
SUBDIR += limesuite
SUBDIR += linrad
SUBDIR += liquid-dsp
SUBDIR += lirc
SUBDIR += locator
SUBDIR += lrzsz
SUBDIR += lysdr
SUBDIR += mbelib
SUBDIR += mgetty+sendfax
SUBDIR += minicom
SUBDIR += morse
SUBDIR += multimon-ng
SUBDIR += nanovna-saver
SUBDIR += nasawash
SUBDIR += nec2c
SUBDIR += nmealib
SUBDIR += obexapp
SUBDIR += opencbm
SUBDIR += opencbm-kmod
SUBDIR += opencbm-plugin-xa1541
SUBDIR += openobex
SUBDIR += openzwave
SUBDIR += owfs
SUBDIR += p5-Cisco-UCS
SUBDIR += p5-Device-Gsm
SUBDIR += p5-Device-Modem
SUBDIR += p5-Device-SerialPort
SUBDIR += p5-Fax-Hylafax-Client
SUBDIR += p5-Nexmo-SMS
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-DeviceGsm
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-NexmoUnicode
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-HiAir
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-PChome
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-Socket2Air
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-chtsns
SUBDIR += p5-SMS-Send-TW-emome
SUBDIR += pear-Horde_ActiveSync
SUBDIR += pear-Horde_SyncMl
SUBDIR += picocom
SUBDIR += pr
SUBDIR += predict
SUBDIR += py-adafruit-ampy
SUBDIR += py-elelabs-zigbee-ezsp-utility
SUBDIR += py-esptool
SUBDIR += py-fritzconnection
SUBDIR += py-hid
SUBDIR += py-hidapi
SUBDIR += py-libimobiledevice
SUBDIR += py-libscrc
SUBDIR += py-pymodbus
SUBDIR += py-pyserial
SUBDIR += py-pyserial-asyncio
SUBDIR += py-streamdeck
SUBDIR += py-xmodem
SUBDIR += pyla
SUBDIR += qico
SUBDIR += qpage
SUBDIR += qrq
SUBDIR += qsstv
SUBDIR += qt5-connectivity
SUBDIR += qt5-sensors
SUBDIR += qt5-serialbus
SUBDIR += qt5-serialport
SUBDIR += qt6-connectivity
SUBDIR += qt6-sensors
SUBDIR += qt6-serialbus
SUBDIR += qt6-serialport
SUBDIR += qtel
SUBDIR += quisk
SUBDIR += redsea
SUBDIR += remserial
SUBDIR += rtl-433
SUBDIR += rtl-sdr
SUBDIR += rubygem-callsign
SUBDIR += rubygem-ruby-termios
SUBDIR += rubygem-serialport
SUBDIR += rxtx
SUBDIR += scmxx
SUBDIR += scrcpy
SUBDIR += sdr++
SUBDIR += ser2net
SUBDIR += serialoverip
SUBDIR += sigdigger
SUBDIR += sigutils
SUBDIR += smstools3
SUBDIR += snap7
SUBDIR += soapyairspy
SUBDIR += soapybladerf
SUBDIR += soapyplutosdr
SUBDIR += soapyredpitaya
SUBDIR += soapyremote
SUBDIR += soapysdr-rtlsdr
SUBDIR += soapysdrhackrf
SUBDIR += soapyuhd
SUBDIR += spandsp
SUBDIR += splat
SUBDIR += sredird
SUBDIR += sunxi-tools
SUBDIR += suscan
SUBDIR += suwidgets
SUBDIR += svxlink
SUBDIR += syncterm
SUBDIR += tcpser
SUBDIR += thebridge
SUBDIR += tilp2
SUBDIR += tio
SUBDIR += tits
SUBDIR += tkscanfax
SUBDIR += tlf
SUBDIR += trustedqsl
SUBDIR += twpsk
SUBDIR += uarduno
SUBDIR += uhd
SUBDIR += uird
SUBDIR += ujprog
SUBDIR += unixcw
SUBDIR += usbmuxd
SUBDIR += viewfax
SUBDIR += vrflash
SUBDIR += wsjtx
SUBDIR += wsjtz
SUBDIR += wwl
SUBDIR += wy60
SUBDIR += xastir
SUBDIR += xcwcp
SUBDIR += xdemorse
SUBDIR += xdx
SUBDIR += xlog
SUBDIR += xmorse
SUBDIR += xnec2c
SUBDIR += xnecview
SUBDIR += yagiuda
SUBDIR += yfklog
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>