mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-11-18 00:10:04 +00:00
Po-Chuan Hsieh 739135b628
astro/py-fitsio: Add py-fitsio 1.2.4
fitsio is a python extension written in c and python. Data are read into
numerical python arrays.

Some Features:
- Read from and write to image, binary, and ascii table extensions.
- Read arbitrary subsets of table columns and rows without loading all the data
  to memory.
- Read image subsets without reading the whole image. Write subsets to existing
- Write and read variable length table columns.
- Read images and tables using slice notation similar to numpy arrays. This is
  like a more powerful memmap, since it is column-aware for tables.
- Append rows to an existing table. Delete row sets and row ranges. Resize
  tables, or insert rows.
- Query the columns and rows in a table.
- Read and write header keywords.
- Read and write images in tile-compressed format (RICE,GZIP,PLIO,HCOMPRESS).
- Read/write gzip files directly. Read unix compress (.Z,.zip) and bzip2 (.bz2)
- TDIM information is used to return array columns in the correct shape.
- Write and read string table columns, including array columns of arbitrary
- Read and write complex, bool (logical), unsigned integer, signed bytes types.
- Write checksums into the header and verify them.
- Insert new columns into tables in-place.
- Iterate over rows in a table. Data are buffered for efficiency.
- python 3 support, including python 3 strings
2024-09-09 02:36:53 +08:00

149 lines
3.6 KiB

COMMENT = Astronomical ports
SUBDIR += R-cran-maptools
SUBDIR += accrete
SUBDIR += astrometry
SUBDIR += calcmysky
SUBDIR += celestia
SUBDIR += celestia-gtk
SUBDIR += cfitsio
SUBDIR += erfa
SUBDIR += fowsr
SUBDIR += foxtrotgps
SUBDIR += geographiclib
SUBDIR += gkrellmoon2
SUBDIR += gnuastro
SUBDIR += google-earth-pro
SUBDIR += gpsbabel
SUBDIR += gpsbabel14
SUBDIR += gpscorrelate
SUBDIR += gpsd
SUBDIR += gpsman
SUBDIR += gpsprune
SUBDIR += gpstk
SUBDIR += gpxloggerd
SUBDIR += indiwebmanagerapp
SUBDIR += jday
SUBDIR += josm
SUBDIR += kosmindoormap
SUBDIR += kosmorro
SUBDIR += kstars
SUBDIR += libgal
SUBDIR += libnova
SUBDIR += libosmium
SUBDIR += libosmpbf
SUBDIR += luna
SUBDIR += marble
SUBDIR += match
SUBDIR += mepo
SUBDIR += merkaartor
SUBDIR += mkgmap
SUBDIR += mkgmap-splitter
SUBDIR += mymoon
SUBDIR += nightfall
SUBDIR += opencpn
SUBDIR += openuniverse
SUBDIR += oskar
SUBDIR += osmium-tool
SUBDIR += osmosis
SUBDIR += p5-Astro
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-ADS
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-App-Satpass2
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Catalog
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Constants
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Coords
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-DSS
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-FITS-Header
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Flux
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Hipparcos
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-MoonPhase
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-PAL
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-SpaceTrack
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-SunTime
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Sunrise
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-Telescope
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-WaveBand
SUBDIR += p5-Astro-satpass
SUBDIR += p5-GPS-Babel
SUBDIR += p5-GPS-Point
SUBDIR += p5-Misc-Quality
SUBDIR += p5-Net-GPSD3
SUBDIR += p5-Starlink-AST
SUBDIR += p5-Weather-Underground
SUBDIR += pal
SUBDIR += phd2
SUBDIR += phoon
SUBDIR += pngphoon
SUBDIR += pp3
SUBDIR += py-astlib
SUBDIR += py-astral
SUBDIR += py-astroML
SUBDIR += py-astropy
SUBDIR += py-astropy-helpers
SUBDIR += py-ephem
SUBDIR += py-extension-helpers
SUBDIR += py-fitsio
SUBDIR += py-horoscopegenerator
SUBDIR += py-indiweb
SUBDIR += py-jplephem
SUBDIR += py-kosmorrolib
SUBDIR += py-metar
SUBDIR += py-metpy
SUBDIR += py-pyerfa
SUBDIR += py-pykep
SUBDIR += py-pymeeus
SUBDIR += py-pymetar
SUBDIR += py-pysofa
SUBDIR += py-pywapi
SUBDIR += py-ro
SUBDIR += py-sgp4
SUBDIR += py-skyfield
SUBDIR += py-skyfield-data
SUBDIR += py-spacetrack
SUBDIR += py-spktype01
SUBDIR += py-spktype21
SUBDIR += py-sunpy
SUBDIR += pykep
SUBDIR += pyweather
SUBDIR += qmapshack
SUBDIR += readosm
SUBDIR += rmap
SUBDIR += routino
SUBDIR += sextractor
SUBDIR += siril
SUBDIR += sofa
SUBDIR += sscalc
SUBDIR += stardates
SUBDIR += starfetch
SUBDIR += starplot
SUBDIR += stars
SUBDIR += stellarium
SUBDIR += stellarsolver
SUBDIR += sunclock
SUBDIR += sunwait
SUBDIR += swe
SUBDIR += viking
SUBDIR += wcslib
SUBDIR += weather
SUBDIR += wmglobe
SUBDIR += wmjupiter
SUBDIR += wmmoonclock
SUBDIR += wmsolar
SUBDIR += wmspaceweather
SUBDIR += wmsun
SUBDIR += xearth
SUBDIR += xephem
SUBDIR += xmoontool
SUBDIR += xphoon
SUBDIR += xplanet
SUBDIR += xtide
SUBDIR += xworld
.include <bsd.port.subdir.mk>