mirror of https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports.git synced 2024-10-31 21:57:12 +00:00
Will Andrews fc010c8c8b Overhaul addport again. Should be quite functional now.
1) Re-add functionality removed in revision 1.11, but only as an option.
   This time, it checks out its own copy of ports/Mk and points PORTSDIR
   at the correct location.  To use this, use the -a option.  It will not
   work if it can't find portlint in your path.
2) Add option -f to disable fetching the distfile.
3) Add option -m to disable checking out a copy of Mk for 1).  For those
   that have a current Mk in PORTSDIR and don't want to check out a fresh
   copy for whatever reason.
4) Support CVSROOT environment variable.
5) Note environment variables recognized by addport.
6) Fix breakage trying to use -d with multiple directories (not tested).
7) Actually use $interactive variable.
8) Update usage().
9) Note original RCSID for my shell script; take over as MAINTAINER.

Tested by:	gshapiro (this revision was used in adding sendmail)
2000-10-14 05:06:09 +00:00

353 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File

# addport - perl script that adds new ports to the
# FreeBSD Ports Collection. Replaces easy-import.
# Original shell script & idea: Will Andrews <will@FreeBSD.org>
# Original conversion to Perl : Michael Haro <mharo@FreeBSD.org>
# $Id: addport,v 1.2 2000/04/02 06:21:13 will Exp $ (original shell script)
# $Id: addport,v 1.5 2000/04/22 22:19:43 mharo Exp $ (perl conversion)
# $FreeBSD$
# MAINTAINER= will@FreeBSD.org
use Cwd "abs_path";
use Getopt::Std;
use Sys::Hostname;
use strict;
my %opts;
getopts('ad:fh:imns:tu:', \%opts);
my $distdir = $opts{'s'} if ($opts{'s'} ne "");
my $dir = $opts{'d'};
my $h = "freefall.FreeBSD.org";
$h = $opts{'h'} if ($opts{'h'} ne "");
my $n = ""; $n = "-n " if $opts{'n'};
my $u = $ENV{USER};
$u = $opts{'u'} if ($opts{'u'} ne "");
my $more_testing = $opts{'t'};
my $interactive = $opts{'i'};
my $nomkdir = $opts{'m'};
my $addlchk = $opts{'a'};
my $nofetch = $opts{'f'};
my $currentdir = abs_path(".");
my $tmpdir;
my $repo;
my $ssh;
if( !defined $ENV{"CVS_RSH"} ) {
$ENV{CVS_RSH} = "ssh";
my $make = "make";
my $portlint = `which portlint`; chomp $portlint;
my $plint_args = "-N -a -c -t";
my $perl = "perl";
my $cp = "cp";
my $mv = "mv";
my $rm = "rm";
chomp(my $myhost = lc(hostname()));
if ($myhost ne lc($h)) {
$ssh = "$ENV{CVS_RSH} $u\@$h";
$repo = "$u\@$h:/home/ncvs" if !$ENV{CVSROOT};
} else {
$ssh = "";
$repo = "/home/ncvs" if !$ENV{CVSROOT};
$repo = "$ENV{CVSROOT}" if $ENV{CVSROOT};
my $cvs = "cvs $n-d $repo";
# stuff that always happens when we start
$tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t ap`;
chomp $tmpdir;
if ($tmpdir eq "") {
errx(1,"making random tmpdir didn't work, aborting.");
# stuff that always happens when we exit
# only remove $tmpdir if it points to something in /tmp
# this is a silly little security thing
if (defined($rm) && defined($tmpdir)) {
system("$rm -rf $tmpdir") if ($tmpdir =~ m,/tmp/,);
# setup the list of commands to run on the new port(s).
my @commands;
my $passenv = "";
if ($addlchk && -f $portlint) {
$passenv = "DISTDIR=\"$distdir\"" if -d $distdir && $myhost ne "freefall.freebsd.org";
$passenv = "DISTDIR=\"$tmpdir\"" if $myhost eq "freefall.freebsd.org";
$passenv = $passenv . " PORTSDIR=\"$tmpdir\"" if !$nomkdir;
push(@commands, "$make clean check-categories");
push(@commands, "$portlint $plint_args");
push(@commands, "$make $passenv FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS='-btA' checksum") if !$nofetch;
if ($more_testing) {
push(@commands, "$make distclean");
push(@commands, "$make build");
if (!$nomkdir) {
chdir $tmpdir;
print "Checking out Mk directory to ensure portlint correctness.\n";
system("$cvs co ports/Mk") && errx(1, "Could not checkout Mk directory");
system("mv ports/Mk Mk") && errx(1, "Could not set up Mk directory");
chdir $currentdir;
if ($dir eq "") {
warnx("Need to specify a directory with -d argument!");
exit 1;
# make sure we're in the right place.
chdir $currentdir;
my @dirs = split(/\,/, $dir);
foreach my $i (@dirs) { $i = abs_path($i); }
my $portname; my $module;
foreach my $thisdir (@dirs) {
# make double sure where we are..
chdir $thisdir;
# do some dir sanity checking first
errx(1, "Please specify valid directories to import new ports from.") if $thisdir eq "";
errx(1, "$thisdir is either not a directory or does not exist.") if (! -d $thisdir);
print "Working with port directory $thisdir.\n";
$portname = `basename $thisdir`; # avoid problems with dirs containing `/' in cvs
chomp $portname;
if ($interactive) {
if (prompt("Port directory name will be $portname in CVS Repo. OK? ")) {
do {
$portname = query("Preferred name for port directory? ");
} while (prompt("Is the new name $portname OK? "));
chdir $thisdir or err(1, "$thisdir");
# now run the tests on this baby.
for (@commands) {
system("$_") && errx(1, "'$_' had problems. aborting.");
# Get the category name and make it suitable for use with cvs
my $category;
$_ = `grep CATEGORIES Makefile`;
$category = $1;
chomp $category;
if ($interactive) {
if (prompt("Port $portname will be put in category $category. OK? " )) {
do {
$category = query("Preferred category for $portname? ");
} while (prompt("Is the new category $category OK? "));
chomp(my $cvs_category = $category);
$cvs_category =~ s/-/_/g;
$module = $portname;
if ($interactive) {
if (prompt("Port will be added as module $portname. OK? ")) {
do {
$module = query("Preferred module name for $module? ");
} while (prompt("Is the new module name $module OK? "));
print "We're ready to commit.\n";
print "Source directory: $thisdir\n";
print "Target CVS Repo directory: ports/$category/$portname\n";
print "Modules entry: $module --> ports/$category/$portname\n";
prompt("Adding port $portname to $category OK? ") && errx(1, "user abort requested");
chdir $tmpdir or err(1, "$tmpdir");
# let's get our hands dirty.
if (! -d $category) {
system("$cvs co -l ports_$cvs_category") && errx(1, "can't get temporary category directory, aborting.");
system("$mv ports_$cvs_category $category");
chdir $category or err(1,"$category");
system("$cp -PRp $thisdir .");
system("$cvs add `find $portname -type d | grep -v CVS`") && errx(1, "cvs add for dirs failed, aborting.");
system("$cvs add `find $portname -type f | grep -v CVS`") && errx(1, "cvs add for files failed, aborting.");
# figure out where the port name belongs in category Makefile
my @ports = &lsports;
errx(1, "Error: $portname already exists in $category\'s Makefile") if (&contains($portname, @ports));
my $port = "";
foreach my $tmp (sort(@ports)) {
if ($tmp gt $portname) {
$port = $tmp;
# now let's insert it
my $cmd;
if ($port eq "") {
# there were no previous SUBDIR += lines, so we're going to
# put ourselves after the last comment (we can't be after a
# .include <bsd.port.subdir.mk> for example).
my $lastcommentnum = &lastcomment;
$cmd = "$lastcommentnum\n+\ni\n";
} else {
# OK, append ourselves in the right place, so things *stay* sorted.
$cmd = "/^ SUBDIR += $port/\ni\n";
print "Inserting new port into $category/Makefile...\n";
open(ED, "|ed Makefile") || die "Cannot start ed to actually insert module\n";
print ED "$cmd SUBDIR += $portname\n.\nw\nq\n";
# commit the actual port.
chdir "$tmpdir/$category" or err(1, "$tmpdir/$category");
system("$cvs ci Makefile $portname") && errx(1, "cvs commit failed, aborting.");
system("$ssh $perl /usr/local/bin/modulesupdate $module ports/$category/$portname") && errx(1, "adding port to modules failed, aborting.");
print <<EOF;
You're done! The new port $portname has been completely imported in
the tree. Don't forget to add the creator's name and email address to
the Contributors' List if they are not already there.
sub warnx {
my ($msg) = @_;
print STDERR $0 . ": " . $msg . "\n";
sub err {
my ($ex, $msg) = @_;
warnx("WARNING: err called incorrectly") if (($ex !~ m/^\d+/) || ($msg eq ""));
print STDERR $0 . ": " . $msg . ": $!\n";
exit $ex;
sub errx {
my ($ex,$msg) = @_;
warnx("WARNING: errx called incorrectly") if (($ex !~ m/^\d+/) || ($msg eq ""));
print STDERR $0 . ": " . $msg . "\n";
exit $ex;
sub prompt {
my ($msg) = @_;
my $reply = query($msg);
return 0 if ($reply =~ m/^[Yy]/);
return 1 if ($reply =~ m/^[Nn]/);
sub query {
my ($msg) = @_;
print "$msg";
my $reply = <>;
chomp $reply;
return $reply;
sub usage {
#addport,v \$Revision: 1.5 $
print <<EOF;
authors: <will\@FreeBSD.org>, <mharo\@FreeBSD.org>
$0 [-h host] [-u user] [-s distdir] [-afimnt] -d directory
Where "directory" contains the comma-delimited list
of root directories of new ports that you wish to
add to the Ports Collection. The name of this directory
*WILL* matter in regards to the repository!
-a Perform checks on the port to make sure
there are no problems. Recommended.
-f Do not fetch the distfile.
-h host Use a cvshost besides freefall.FreeBSD.org.
-i Interactive mode; allow more control over
where things are placed. This is required in
order to change things like module names etc.
-m Do not checkout ports/Mk (needed for support
of portlinting etc).
-n Do not actually commit anything.
-s distdir Use a different directory besides the default,
for downloading distfiles. This defaults to the
temporary directory set up on freefall.
-t Do more port testing. Requires -a.
-u user Use a different username (default: $u).
$0 supports the following environment variables:
CVS_RSH - Command to use when connecting to CVS host.
CVSROOT - Location of CVS repository.
USER - Username of user invoking $0.
% addport -n -d greatgame,helpfuldev,shoot
Will show what happens but not actually commit ports
named "greatgame", "helpfuldev", and "shoot".
% addport
Displays this message. :-)
sub contains {
# look if the first parameter is contained in the list following it
my ($item, @list) = @_;
foreach my $i (@list) {
return 1 if $i eq $item;
return 0;
sub lsports {
my @rv = ();
open(F, "Makefile") || die "can't open Makefile: $!";
while(<F>) {
next if $_ !~ m/SUBDIR/;
s/^[ \t]+SUBDIR[ \t]+\+?=[\ \t]+//;
push(@rv, $_);
return @rv;
# this finds the last comment in the Makefile
sub lastcomment {
my $num = 0;
my $diff = 0;
open(F, "Makefile");
while(<F>) {
if ($_ =~ m/^#/) {
$num += $diff;
$diff = 0;
} else {
$diff += 1;
return $num;