You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
5.7 KiB

use crypto::hmac::Hmac;
use crypto::mac::{Mac, MacResult};
use crypto::sha2::Sha256;
use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Input, PasswordInput};
use docopt::Docopt;
use log::debug;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::error::Error;
pub mod crypt;
pub mod db;
pub mod generate;
static USAGE: &'static str = "
foil set [--db=<db>]
foil get [--db=<db>]
foil list [--db=<db>]
foil transfer [--db=<db>]
foil generate <spec>
foil (-h | --help)
--db=<db> The path to the sqlite database [default: db.sqlite3].
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Args {
cmd_set: bool,
cmd_get: bool,
cmd_list: bool,
cmd_generate: bool,
cmd_transfer: bool,
flag_db: Option<String>,
arg_spec: Option<String>,
fn get_master_key(db_conn: &mut db::DbHandle) -> [u8; 32] {
let known_string = db_conn
.expect("There was a problem reading from the db")
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
println!("No master password set yet, create new one:");
let mut random = OsRng::new().unwrap();
let new_known: String = {
let mut new_chars: Vec<char> = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
.choose_multiple(&mut random, 64);
new_chars.shuffle(&mut random);
db_conn.set_db_property("known_string", &new_known);
let master_key: [u8; 32] = {
let master_password = PasswordInput::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
.with_prompt("Master password")
"Repeat master password",
"Error: the passwords don't match.",
crypt::get_master_key(&db_conn, &master_password).unwrap()
let mut hmac = Hmac::new(Sha256::new(), &master_key);
let existing_hmac = db_conn
.expect("There was a problem reading from the db")
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut raw_result: Vec<u8> = std::iter::repeat(0).take(hmac.output_bytes()).collect();
hmac.raw_result(&mut raw_result);
db_conn.set_db_property_bytes("known_hmac", &raw_result);
if hmac.result() != MacResult::new(&existing_hmac[..]) {
panic!("Incorrect master password");
fn list(mut db_conn: db::DbHandle, master_key: [u8; 32]) {
for host in db_conn
.map(|account: db::Account|
println!("{}", host);
fn get(mut db_conn: db::DbHandle, master_key: [u8; 32]) {
println!("Reading a site from the database");
let host: String = Input::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
for account in db_conn.list_accounts(master_key) {
if == host {
println!("username: {}", account.user);
println!("password: {}", account.password);
fn set(mut db_conn: db::DbHandle, master_key: [u8; 32]) {
println!("Adding a site to the database");
let host: String = Input::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
let username: String = Input::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
let encrypted_host: crypt::EncryptedValue = crypt::encrypt_value(&host, master_key);
let encrypted_username: crypt::EncryptedValue = crypt::encrypt_value(&username, master_key);
let encrypted_password: crypt::EncryptedValue = {
let password: String = PasswordInput::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default())
.with_prompt("Site password")
.with_confirmation("Repeat site password", "Error: the passwords don't match.")
crypt::encrypt_value(&password, master_key)
db_conn.delete_account_with_host(master_key, &host);
let _account_id = db_conn.write_account(encrypted_host, encrypted_username, encrypted_password);
println!("Successfully added password");
fn transfer(mut db_conn: db::DbHandle, master_key: [u8; 32]) {
for account in db_conn.list_accounts(master_key).into_iter() {
let new_note = db::Note {
id: 0,
namespace: "main".to_owned(),
category: "account".to_owned(),
value: format!(
"username: {}\npassword:{}\n",
account.user, account.password
db_conn.write_note(master_key, new_note);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
.and_then(|dopt| dopt.deserialize())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
debug!("{:?}", args);
if args.cmd_generate {
return Ok(());
let mut db_conn: db::DbHandle = db::DbHandle::new(&args.flag_db);
let master_key: [u8; 32] = get_master_key(&mut db_conn);
if args.cmd_set {
set(db_conn, master_key);
} else if args.cmd_get {
get(db_conn, master_key);
} else if args.cmd_list {
list(db_conn, master_key);
} else if args.cmd_transfer {
transfer(db_conn, master_key);